Faulty game mechanics in Triglavian systems, or CCP suceeded in creating safe Hisec for the first time

Nah, I’ll pass. K-space may burn for all I know

And I guess an option to ignore all of them from the route planner would be nice

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Players have been asking for years for standings to mean more and for npc’s to be more proactive in fighting people they don’t like. Maybe they’ll change docking rights based on standings next.


That sounds like exactly the sort of thing CCP would do - it would force people to have even more alts.

Go join a trig fleet and complete 1 site. Wait 15 mins for the standing then you are neutral to both sides.

Easy as that

There is a Trig Invasion View in the map…

Just doesn’t show you which side won there though.

Perhaps the Trigs are merely trying to help you get into a better ship?

npc towers on gates and stations dont have to worry about tracking oddly enough, years ago i had a guy trying to get a new guy to tackle in low sec but no matter the speed and direction the gate guns murdered it. that guy must of lost 50 or so frigs until they gave that up. that mechanic is why light tank ships dont sit on gate/station waiting to drop on someone, its always heavier tanked stuff.

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Yeah, definitely. Especially those poor lads that lost their JFs :smiley:

Yeah yeah, its fair because it suits you, got it.

Well, it can be fair, but it should have been weighted by something. Like dropping the system to lowsec at the moment invasion starts, not after first lim. Or turning off CONCORD killswitch for trig-allied capsuleers

Why should it be?

What basis or precedence are you using to measure these?

It would be logical for trigs to oust CONCORD from the system they invade outright.
It would also be logical to help loyal capsuleers deal with the opposition and we all know trigs are really good at hacking.

They live in the 5th dimension.

Logic is irrelevent.

CCP are trolling us so much these days, it must amuse them so much when people try to see sense in anything.

The rules are made known to us when we break them. That is the only logic of EvE.

Chaos is fun!

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There we go!

Exactly! More chaos and less “mmeh CONCORD should be nice to me because meehh reasons”

What does it have to do if it suits me? And how do you even know if it would suit me? i would not profit at all from this, my empire standings are all good, and even my triglavian standing is positiv.
And on the other side, the EDENCOM are loosing full stainding with all Triglavian right now (they just have one standing :wink:).

Currently, if you destroy Caldari ships in missions or in systems, you loose standing with Caldari. Somehow logical. Caldari does not like it, when i destroy their ships, and the standing reflects this. It goes slowly down, and it is easy to fix. But it is way more logical.
On the other hand, i do not know if you are now loosing Triglavian standing in the Abyssal Deadspace. Normally you should, but i cannot tell if this is now the case.

In the invasion, someone is destroying thousands of ships from one faction, and this faction does not care about it?

As i said, i understand the reason for this, but it is not logical or realistic (as far as you can talk from realistic in a game :smile:).
And i do not see where it would be a problem. Most trig supporters do not care about the empires spaces at all, or they would not help the triglavian. So where is the problem when they loose standing these?

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Still not seeing any justification for why it should be “fair” vOv

For people who want to help EDENCOM without shooting trigs, there is always option to repair the Empires resistance forces ships. Triglavians even pay for that. :smile: :partying_face: :ok_hand:

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I want to thank everyone for leading this meaningful discusion.
I believe CCP did release mainly unfinished and broken content.
The first thing I have noticed in Raravoss for example, even if the system did flip to luminality, that means it became lowsec or nullsec, I still got killrights on people who did shoot at me, and did not even kill me.
Regarding standings and general workout of them, I believe no one was even considering this toppic, while coding this whole thing on the CCP side.
I have noticed many other such shortcomings, I know people in fleets I was flying with were reporting them to CCP, that did fix them afterwards.

Thank you all for your comments to this toppic.

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Invasion everywhere!
