Yes. We actually talked about the mini-sov thing in the discord …
… but that’s not it.
Mining should be for PvPers. Not PvE.
It makes no sense that mining is being hogged by bears who hide in skiffs. Zero.
It makes no sense that the most important resources are being farmed passively …
… uncontested … uncontrolled … un … uh … un-fought over.
What highsec desperately needs is PvPers realizing that, if they all started creating mining corps and actually mined (roaming miners, can you imagine??), we’d see a significant uptick in activity everywhere. There’s not even a need for mini-sov, it would all work itself out all by itself!
The problem is that bears hog mining so much that there’s no value behind it, both ISKwise and emotionally! People think mining is boring not because it is boring, they think so because carebears are boring and everyone projects that onto the activity itself! The only reason why people think mining is boring, is because no one actually bothers to look at all the insane content creation possibilities that one can have when he’s an actually active miner who cares about being a better miner than the others!
“That’s my belt, ■■■■ OFF!”
And what would miners do about it if i told them to ■■■■ off?
They’d ■■■■ off!
They’re boring, insignificant losers!
They don’t deserve to be miners!
Why should boring, insignificant losers be allowed to mine the most important ingredients of our economy?
Think about that! Mining is the single most important aspect of the game, yet it is being hogged by losers, crybabies, whiners and princesses! We are talking about resources and resources should be what drives people into war!
Resources should be something people fight for! What we need are less passive wastes of energy calling themselves miners and more warlords who want it all for themselves. As a CSM, or not CSM, i wished that you did more to promote competition on the (asteroid) fields, especially because more PvP miners equals less PvE miners!
More PvP miners means less PvE miners!
And you could start TODAY!
The bears would leave in droves, arms flailing, because there is NOTHING they can do against us !
Many new players start as miners.
Instead of “growing up” in an environment where mining is perceived as a passive, boring activity …
… done by passive, boring losers …
… they’d be growing up learning that ore is the single most fought for resource in all of New Eden …
… and THAT makes a gigantic difference!
Years ago this would not have made much sense, because there was just too much ore. Nowadays we have npc miners reducing regular asteroid belts and moon ore, of which the influx is controllable by players. There is far less ore mine-able in highsec now compared to a few years ago, so there’s more room for actual competition that’s literally just waiting to happen.
Plus: CCP wants this to happen!
As Baron Vladimir Harkonnen said:
He who controls the spice ore …
… controls the Universe.
That’s all.
Ralph tax:
*picks nose*
oh … that’s a winner!