February 2020 Release - General Feedback

The new item added indicator is a nice idea but should be only visible in the inventory it self, and I also don’t like the simple red dot … a yellow or green star like icon would be much better.

EDIT1: yep and a general toggle for this is necessary as well
EDIT2: and remove the sound for it

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I just want an option to turn the damn thing off. And the ding sound.


dear ccp, please, fire whole ‘button moving department’ and employ at least one user interface ergonomics specialist.


Yeahhhh… about the moons. Did you see the dev blog someone linked a post or two down from yours? :slight_smile:

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Just remove the hypernet.

+500 to my ~150 strong blocklists in less than 2 months… and counting.


Cap and HP warnings are great… but don’t forget about warp in sounds and wormhole/gate activation noises and weapons timer (+bastion/triage/siege/command burst) noises… all important as well.


If these small UI overhauls are intended as a crossover between PC screen usage and smartphone feature design, it is flawed and totally misplaced. That’s what this feels like, a design for smartphones that sneaked into sophisticated computer use. Maybe they don’t teach PC screen use anymore in designer school. Lots of apprentice wizardry here, with the introduction of pure annoyance and distraction, not to mention waste of valuable screen space. Maybe it reduces development costs on paper, a shared design feature for Echoes and Eve Online. Those two platforms don’t mix if you prefer efficiency in the game itself.

I wonder how development time is evaluated after release. One would expect and hope that someone asks the question “how much did we invest, was it worth it, what did we try to achieve, how was the reception and would we do it again”. Not to mention “how can we improve the process”. Rushing features despite negative test server feedback is unwise. I daresay many of us would have preferred no release at all in February to the one we have to endure as of today. The customer will decide in the end. Change is not always good, negative feedback is not always wrong.


Sam’s making good sense here.

I’d prioritize this after make HyperNet offers visible when filters are set correctly, mind you. A HyperNet that works slowly would be much better than it not working at all, which is where many of us seem to be stuck.

Remove the red dot and beeps for new items - its ridiculous and so so annoying, at least it needs a way to turn it off


Please remove the red dot and notification sound, or if its someones pet project and is not allowed to die then add an option to disable it.


Not good in every case - CCPPls make Auto-Sort optional!

I often accept item trades on behalf of other characters - that I intend to move to a container. I can’t keep item trades separated, when new items auto-sort with what’s already there!

(And the much-malinged red dots on new items fade faster than I can use them to pick out the newly added bunch of items.)


ССP, you reduced amounts of ore. Ok, then why the hell size of the anomaly is a same?
Why it have slow respawn rate?
Oh, what about ammounts of ore needed to hold index level of a system? Have you calculated it? For what reason we need 3th, 4th and 5th level upgrades? Will you return it’s cost to the alliances?
You know, when you have decided to change something, you need use brains and make analisys.
Or, probably, you calculated everything and will introduce minerals pack for PLEX?

In 2009 i came to the game. And obviously it is not the same one.


CCP at its finest - instead of fixing something that works BAD. like CHATS they break something that worked fine for a decade, like mining anomalies, lol


If the offices at CCP had a doorbell, and I rang it every 15 seconds, how long before they would call the police.



No you guys got it all wrong, they are going to nerf the game to the point no one logs in anymore then they can fix the stuff. And hope people come back.


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Not loving the red dot when something new happens in my item hanger, but I’m mostly concerned about ore changes coming up


Please remove the red dot silliness. It’s bizarre, ugly and I don’t know why it was added.


wow. I’m not sure I like anything with this patch. the red dots and flashing numbers are extremely poor ui choices. notifications of this type should call attention to rare events, not be plastered for some of the most common actions.


Capitals are not fun???WTF… We have heaps of content every night with nice big fights, sometimes caps win and sometimes subs win, we loose alot of caps to subs, and every pilot enjoys coming to our space and take on caps, Huge content every night.