Final days for the ABC Moon pulls

Just a few minutes ago, I finished a personal assessment for the profitability of purchasing compressed ore in order to refine and resell (the minerals) in my local null sec trade hub.

Of the 16 non-moon asteroid ores types, only 3 of them appeared to be profitable when reprocessed into minerals. I have not done an assessment of moon ores, but I am assuming they are in a similar state.

When raw materials are worth more than processed and manufactured products, something is wrong with the economy. I am confident there is currently an over- saturation/supply problem somewhere in the in-game global industrial supply chain. Its going to take a while for a “scarcity phase” to affect the pricing of manufactured goods.

For the sake of “showing my work”

Ore Value Actual Refined Units
Compressed Price Compressed Volume Refined Value Gross Profit Margin Tritanium Pyerite Mexallon Isogen Nocxium Zydrine Megacyte Morphite
Mercoxit $2,501,000.00 0.1 $3,302,400.00 32% - - - - - - - 258.00
Arkonor $497,400.00 8.8 $476,173.40 -4% 18,920.00 - 2,150.00 - - - 275.20 -
Bistot $648,000.00 4.4 $525,021.40 -19% - 10,320.00 - - - 387.00 86.00 -
Crokite $618,900.00 7.81 $471,537.14 -24% 18,060.00 - - - 653.60 116.10 - -
Ochre $295,700.00 4.2 $133,502.96 -55% 8,600.00 - - 1,376.00 103.20 - - -
Spodumain $799,100.00 28 $603,257.75 -25% 48,160.00 10,363.00 1,806.00 387.00 - - - -
Gneiss $213,400.00 1.8 $195,946.70 -8% - 1,892.00 2,064.00 258.00 - - - -
Hedbergite $62,400.00 0.47 $55,950.74 -10% - 860.00 - 172.00 86.00 16.34 - -
Hemorphite $59,960.00 0.86 $63,755.24 6% 1,892.00 - - 86.00 103.20 12.90 - -
Jaspet $63,600.00 0.15 $53,927.59 -15% - - 301.00 - 64.50 6.88 - -
Kernite $23,870.00 0.19 $23,289.52 -2% 115.24 - 229.62 115.24 - - - -
Omber $10,100.00 0.3 $7,669.95 -24% 688.00 86.00 - 73.10 - - - -
Plagioclase $8,974.00 0.15 $9,872.89 10% 92.02 183.18 92.02 - - - - -
Pyroxeres $6,834.00 0.16 $7,503.96 10% 301.86 21.50 43.00 - 4.30 - - -
Scordite $3,176.00 0.19 $3,347.55 5% 297.56 148.78 - - - - - -
Veldsparr $2,199.00 0.15 $2,691.03 22% 356.90 - - - - - - -
Market Profitability
Mineral Pricing Misc. Values Ore Name Gross Revenue Market Expenses Shipping Expense Refining Expense Total Expense Net Profit Profit Margin
Tritanium $7.54 Sales Tax 2.50% Mercoxit $3,302,400.00 $2,633,096.00 $25,185.00 $33,024.00 $2,691,305.00 $611,095.00 19%
Pyerite $7.42 Brokers Fee 1.50% Arkonor $476,173.40 $516,446.94 $20,374.00 $4,761.73 $541,582.67 $(65,409.27) -14%
Mexallon $84.98 Reprosessing Fee 1.00% Bistot $525,021.40 $669,000.86 $14,180.00 $5,250.21 $688,431.07 $(163,409.67) -31%
Isogen $25.23 Shipping Fee (per m3) $1,750.00 Crokite $471,537.14 $637,761.49 $19,856.50 $4,715.37 $662,333.36 $(190,796.22) -40%
Nocxium $328.90 Shipping Collateral Fee % 1% Ochre $133,502.96 $301,040.12 $10,307.00 $1,335.03 $312,682.15 $(179,179.19) -134%
Zydrine $1,037.00 Refining Rate 86% Spodumain $603,257.75 $823,230.31 $56,991.00 $6,032.58 $886,253.89 $(282,996.14) -47%
Megacyte $548.00 Gneiss $195,946.70 $221,237.87 $5,284.00 $1,959.47 $228,481.34 $(32,534.64) -17%
Morphite $12,800.00 Hedbergite $55,950.74 $64,638.03 $1,446.50 $559.51 $66,644.04 $(10,693.30) -19%
Hemorphite $63,755.24 $62,510.21 $2,104.60 $637.55 $65,252.36 $(1,497.12) -2%
Jaspet $53,927.59 $65,757.10 $898.50 $539.28 $67,194.88 $(13,267.29) -25%
Kernite $23,289.52 $24,801.58 $571.20 $232.90 $25,605.68 $(2,316.15) -10%
Omber $7,669.95 $10,406.80 $626.00 $76.70 $11,109.50 $(3,439.54) -45%
Plagioclase $9,872.89 $9,368.92 $352.24 $98.73 $9,819.88 $53.00 1%
Pyroxeres $7,503.96 $7,134.16 $348.34 $75.04 $7,557.54 $(53.57) -1%
Scordite $3,347.55 $3,309.90 $364.26 $33.48 $3,707.64 $(360.09) -11%
Veldsparr $2,691.03 $2,306.64 $284.49 $26.91 $2,618.04 $72.98 3%
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Well, a temporary phase that has lasted half a year, and that for we know, may last another half a year, because we have literally 0 updates on the currents status or ETA for next phases.


CCP has forgotten about us in light of the new Invasion. Once this event is over, they will start trying to figure out what the end of scarcity is. So probably no change for at least 6 months after the Invasion completes.

We aren’t even in stage 3 of the scarcity phases yet for resource rebalancing. It could be a while.

I agree,

As I mentioned earlier, unprocessed ore is currently more valuable (in most cases) than the minerals they turn into. I am doubtful that we are going to be leaving the scarcity phase before that changes. I suspect CCP is going to wait until we start seeing a major spike in price inflation for completed items (ie ship hulls)

Due to the pre-existing stockpiles of ore, minerals and finished products, I am very doubtful that this phase will end before the end of this year.

why in the world don’t you shut up. at the end of the day not every person that does mining. or manufacturing etc are bots. hell i myself like to mine asteroids AT the screen may i add. in my orca or mackinaw. and i hate to tell you this. but eve has always always had mining and industry. just as much as it has had pve and pvp. clearly you have absolutely zero idea of what you are talking about. as many others in the comments have clearly stated. if you do not like industry then ignore it.

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Here is another idea:

This method is based on a per human being playing Eve basis. Those with multiple accounts will be equally affected.

By Player I mean all characters AND accounts that are run by a single human being. This can be found by cross referencing credit card numbers, names, addresses etc. CCP should already have this ability to some degree based on seeing how well they track PLEX purchases, bots, bans and the like. This number will also reveal how many human beings in the world actually play Eve which could be helpful in other ways.

A Pile is what would happen if you took all minerals attached to a Player or Corporation and moved them all to one of that Player’s characters in the game and then stacked them for a total mineral count belonging to just one human being or Corporation. This eliminates the ability for a person to cheat this correction by subdividing mineral stacks in sufficiently small amounts as to avoid being affected by this proposed method.


  1. CCP makes a reasonable guess as to what number of minerals should be considered as being too much for a healthy self regulating economy.
  2. CCP makes a tool that scans for every mineral pile in the game.
  3. Any pile that is not tied to a specific Player shall be treated as a Corporation owned pile and that Corporation will be treated as if it was a Player.
  4. Any other piles, such as piles belonging to Players/Corps that have not logged in for a significant amount of time or piles that have otherwise been unaccounted for shall be treated as one big pile belonging to a single Player.
  5. After all piles have been attached to either a Player or Corporation, ALL piles are reduced (flat out DELETED) by a percentage correlated to the decision of Step 1.
  6. Players and Corporations are reimbursed at a value per mineral that will mitigate the inflation that would be caused by giving Players ISK for the deleted minerals. This reimbursement should be staggered so as to minimize market instability for this ONE TIME CORRECTION.

I think what this would accomplish is that first, the amount of physical minerals in the game will immediately be reduced to a correct number and thusly shortening the time to complete the “mineral reduction phase” of what is currently happening within Eve.

Second, the rapid influx of ISK to the players (otherwise known as inflation) would stimulate the economy in terms of Players being more willing to engage in ship loss. Prices will go up to some unknown degree because Players now have more ISK to spend thus they don’t mind paying a little more to get something with the ISK that they value.

Now that the game’s mineral stocks have been “cut out” this primes the game’s economy to accept the mineral redistribution phase. Whatever form this mineral distribution takes it needs to be able to be adjusted on the fly (and in small increments, such as day by day percentage changes, either increases or decreases) in order to not disrupt market stability. By adjusted I mean that the number decided upon in Step 1 shall be multiplied by a percentage number. That percentage number shall be based on a wide variety of factors to be determined by CCP in some manner.

Players are given ISK for minerals already obtained.
Greatly speeds up this current phase of mineral depletion that no one likes to live through.
Allows a very large or a very small amount of market correction in one go.

Players may not receive what they feel their minerals are worth.
This method has potential to wreck the market if values are not carefully considered.
This method will cause a temporary inflation period that would require careful managing/consideration.
This is more or less, a FORCED sale of existing mineral stocks and Players won’t like to be forced to do it.

The best possible outcome is that the market is imbued with a core correction that over a (hopefully) short amount of time will lead to market that behaves as a largely self regulating capitalistic market.

I’m open to tweaks to this process, I’d love to hear what others think of this idea.

There are countless ways for this to be gotten around, FYI. Which is why banning is not as effective as it should be in the prevention of bots. The people botting are already breaking the ToS/EULA by botting - why would you assume they are using honest credentials for their name/address/credit card details? There are so many ways to get virtual credit cards that do not expose real personal details - there’s zero way to verify two accounts are related if the owner wants to put in the effort to mask it, RMT botters are absolutely taking the time to hide their credentials so they can keep making money.

Your concept also doesn’t have any way of accounting for holding corps/coalitions/etc.

Since your core premise is dramatically flawed by the lack of transparent accessible data on true player count, which will always be lower than the apparent count your suggestion would arrive at, this is pretty much a moot idea to try and refine. It’s a not awesome idea anyway, in my opinion, but per the above, I’m not going to waste time trying to suggest fixes.

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or we leave it as is and see where it goes.

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Thanks Mkik, I love a kick in the balls.

How about this? They look at their database which doesn’t care about ownership and simply delete some portion of the stack. That way nothing else matters.

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