First CSM Summit Meeting Minutes

Nah, I’ll stick with the guys in Flushing. :wink:

No hockey is the greatest sport period. No other sport has boxing included with it.

And no CSM got the bright idea to tell CCP what would happen with the BO…

From what I am reading on forums and the supposed CSM minutes, CSM needs an ahole member that will challenge CCP on every word, every move they make, and not sit idly by…

Ice soccer? It’s okay. It’s not baseball, though.

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Ill be as polite as i can, stfu and run for CSM if clearly know what needs to be done.

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A focus group actually isn’t better for the job. You know what focus groups in EVE have given us?

The current state of the game. Just as an example: Stagnation in nullsec is, in part, a result of the Capitals focus group being very focused on making capitals and supers kick ass.

Focus groups have Agendas. A FW focus group is a great place to get some basic ideas… and the FW discord group has presented CCP with quite a lot of them (did you even know it exists?), but they’re very limited in what they’re concerned with. They’re focused, obviously enough, on FW. The CSM isn’t there to look at ‘what’s good for this part of the game?’, they’re there to evaluate ‘how does this idea impact the game, between initial change, follow-on effects, player reaction, and more?’

They are specifically there to be an unfocused group.


WTF?!? Hockey is not ‘ice soccer’, dammit.

It’s Ice Lacrosse.


How do you know? We don’t know how the BO was presented to them. We don’t know how much notice they had, before we all found out it was coming. And we have absolutely no idea what the CSM told them—because all that’s under NDA. So don’t assume that nobody told them what would happen.

I remember only one focus group: T3C, did good IMO.

Agendas? CSM didn’t have it? Like removing nullification which is clearly beneficial for the NS defence?

Not assuming anything and that is the point. We don’t know anything.

Nullification also benefited null groups by making it easier for them to move cynos into position. Believe it or not, there’s pros and cons to everything out here, even nullified interceptors, and a lot of our guys were pretty pissed off about half of the hulls losing it.

So, no, that wasn’t ‘an agenda’, beyond ‘the overall benefit to the game’. Nullified, insta-align combat ships are bad. Nullified T3Cs don’t align in under 2s.

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It doesn’t matter that bigger alliance will benefit, you can rolfstomp every smaller entities. It’s what makes you vulnerable to them. Otherwise you’ll just bunker entrances and only weak points would be wormholes. I was never a fan of nullified ceptors.

Except it never made anyone particularly ‘vulnerable’. Nullified interceptors still show up on d-scan. Every group I know of has figured out how to use a scout on one end of a pipeline system, and a pair of boson-fit titans on the other end to BFG interceptors—alone or in gangs—as they land on a gate.

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Well, I put delve in killboard and players get killed there. Maybe not in hundreds but they are losing hulls.
Ps. Pats with another victory. Brady will soon put rings on his toes…

Yeah, to Lokis, bombers, assault frigates… kinda hard to make the case that it’s all about the nullification.

Ps. So?

It’s hard to tell why those hulls get there. Is it because nobody bothers to put mobile bubbles to the gates because nullified ceptors will pass them anyway? After nullified ceptors were introduced gate camping died.

Ps. It will look funny on feet. Go Packers!

I thought it was ‘Hooliganism on skates’ ?

And yet we have structure spam that even if fixed now would take years to clean up.
Invulnerable Sov for the largest groups and large tracts of empty space.
Stagnancy that would make a 20 year old sewage pit look clean.
Followed up with - most recently, BO, cyno changes and the ever so secret “Era of Chaos”.

I hate to think what things would be like if not for the CSM.,.

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Brady is the GOAT! (Greatest of all time.)

EVE may be dying but the Pats are ALIVE!

For everyone reading this who isn’t in North America: this is all a reference to American Football. The Patriots have been the dominant team for years and almost everyone hates them – including the league itself.

The Patriots are like Formula 1’s Ferrari in the Schumacher era, if that helps.

Still find it funny that the best prize in the “manliest” sport is jewelry.