First CSM Summit Meeting Minutes

The purpose of the BO was partially to hit botters and AFKers the hardest. The numbers show that worked fantastically. Working. As. Intended.

That said of course that hurt some people’s wallets\play styles and ultimately they buckled. CCP has to decide if they are willing to take the revenue hit of removing the AFK\Botter cancer that is slowly killing the game.

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Fair enough!

this is not true.

please go to all CCP and CSM channels and read everything.

in three months, you will see that no

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Unfortunately, we really can’t share that info.

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I don’t mean details, like some bugs for example. Sometimes CCP is in retarded mode like with hs wardecc. There were threadnoughts since I started playing. CCP start to looking at it only after PCU numbers start to drop drastically. " We listen to community feedback". So statement that “we read forums” looks kinda poorly.

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Funny - That’s exactly the same thing CCP says when asked why they don’t better communicate with players.,.

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Would you do us all a favor? Go to CCP, ask them for a detailed list of items (stats, features and so forth) that CSM can discuss without breaking the NDA and please post it on here

Because the question @Jeremiah_Saken asked is more than a fair one.

Over the years the NDA has been modified so much the CSM can’t even tell us what they had for lunch, let alone anything that actually matters.

CSM is nothing more than a PR stunt - and a very poor one at that as anyone who has been around more than 5 minutes knows they are irrelevant when it comes to CCP doing what CCP wants to do.
They are even more irrelevant when it comes to relating information to players and that is exactly how CCP want it.,.


It’s already available. It’s the Summit minutes.

And no, the CSM isn’t irrelevant. They’re not here to relate information from CCP to the players. They’re here to relate information from the players to CCP. And not a year goes by without at least one of them saying ‘believe me, you should see what we stopped them from doing’. A lot of the time, it’s as simple a matter as saying ‘Guys, I don’t think that’s going to go well, and here’s why…’ during the regular conference calls or text discussion.

That is why I’m asking what they bring to CCP and still they hid things behind NDA. CCP need CSM to have “face to face talk” but to gather feedback focus groups are better. CSM won’t know what subjects will be discussed at the meetings and they are mostly NS players. CCP has zero influence who will be elected. I wouldn’t be asking them, if I were a developer, feedback about anything but NS.

1.) When they provide information about changes to the game that could have an impact on the meta, on the value of modules or ships, or anything else that providing prior knowledge of could give somebody an advantage, that’s why they need the NDA. This is what I was falsely accused of doing, and others have been legitimately accused of doing, which is one of the reasons why they are so anal about policing it that they were willing to jump the gun on me.

2.) This community does not handle change well, especially if it’s change that’s perceived as helping one playstyle over another or has an impact on somebody’s wealth generation capabilities. They don’t want to preview this stuff ahead of time because if they do, the chances of them being able to make any major balance or game changes is zero - everybody will whip themselves into a frenzy to block changes they don’t like, and somebody always hates every change.

3.) They don’t always follow through on the things they work on or put on the roadmap. This community, however, takes every “we are going to explore adding X to the game and making Y change” to equal “WE PROMISE YOU WE ARE GOING TO DELIVER ON THIS IN THE NEXT MONTH,” and then people start screaming “YOU PROMISED X, X WHEN?!” at them for the next two years, even though everybody paying attention knows that X was shut down after that team’s staffing was cut in half and the guy who came up with the idea left to go work at Riot.

This is why there’s an NDA. You can’t have frank communications if you’re doing them all on a live stream.


Well, then you’re a fool. Let’s look at their known fields of expertise, in alphabetical order:

Aryth: Finance, EVE’s markets
Dunk Dinkle: recruitment, new player orientation & retention
Exookiz: wormhole mechanics, metagame, and player issues
Innominate: IT security, conflict resolution, player behavior
Gobbins: new player orientation & retention, NS metagame
Killah Bee: Fleet Commander, ship balance
Merkelchen: conflict resolution, player retention & behavior
Olmeca Gold: Small gang / solo PvP innovator & analyst
Steve Ronuken: HighSec
Vily: Fleet Commander, ship balance, player retention, NS metagame.

And that’s just the stuff these guys do every day. They’re all fairly experienced students of the game who make it a point to give clear-eyed, dispassionate analysis of ideas and proposals. From personal interaction with everyone on that list except Gobbins, I can tell you that these guys are all smart, well-informed, and hard workers who are dedicated to putting the overall health of the game first in terms of their CSM duties.

Besides, everyone knows you can’t have frank communications involving Burger w/out firing up the grill and cutting up some lettuce, tomato, onions, and making some potato salad and maybe chili for the dogs.

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Now I’m hungry. Thanks, dick.

How about in a sauna?

You can boil franks, but I really wouldn’t try to steam a burger.

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Ad. 1 it’s obvious. It’s not so obvious to me why you want to candidate again after what they done to you.
Ad. 2 Community didn’t have inside in BO and it didn’t matter. Players votted with wallets and BO almost killed the game. Rise wrote somewhere that CCP will have to be bold and may lose some players in order to get game in better health. How they can achieve that?
Ad. 3 Roadmap is a must. It’s doesn’t have to be: “we’ll release bazillions features at 15 october 2019” but at least players will have some insight that something is going on. Online game must be developed. Progress must be shown at some point, communication must be maintained “we are working on x, it will change y and will be released when ready”. Otherwise it’s a mess. CCP is very good at creating mess.

@Arrendis thx for proving my point. They are expert but their field of expertise are narrow, because that how expertise works. Imagine me as developer of EvE want to change FW. None of those csm member qualify for the job, I would rather use focus group. Ofc if I want to have feedback about eve economics I would ask @Aryth or @Steve_Ronuken about industry (he’s not hs he is industrialist I bet he don’t know what sites T3c can enter in hs) I know them and I know they are good in their field. It doesn’t change the fact focus group would be better for the job.

Ps. @Brisc_Rubal what is going on with Redskins?

But I have the northern lights in my kitchen!

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If I do run, it’s going to be more of a “nice try, guys, I’m back” kind of thing.

I think saying it almost killed the game is a stretch, but yeah - there are going to be times when they do stuff regardless of what the CSM or the community says because it’s their company and their game. That’s not the CSM’s fault.

Preaching to the choir here, but I’m telling you why they don’t want to do it.

Redskins are utter dogshit, as usual. Watch the Nationals instead.

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what’s Nationals? Pats? Cowboys? It’s my second season with NFL.

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Baseball, the actual best American sport.