Its crazy how everyone in this game is old school and “If you don’t like just quit”
Most of the people on this forum are here to talk. Giving ideas.
But well, EvE player base is old, that may be why they do not tend to like changes… or being creative
There was a time when that’s all a Rorqual did WAS boost from a pos, being otherwise useless. The ship is powerful as hell, I watched a youtube video today where Bjorn used it against a Dreadnought. I lost a Rorq day 3 of getting my first. I know your pain. But as someone earlier mentioned, is the price worth the risk? It is IF you are in an Alliance where a cyno will be answered. If not, go to another Corp/Alliance. I have been in places where we were in deep and it was forever quiet, you could pretty much AFK. 2 Skiffs and a Porpoise is nowhere near a Rorq yield as someone said, but it’s where I am now simply because I know my surroundings, I know noone is coming to save me, and I would have to mine about 10 hours to break even, we’re talking about the mods as well, you don’t just lose a hull.
Also the Test server is there for a reason. I took my main and alts in today for 6 hours playing with fits, getting attacked, using a slave Force Aux., etc. One main toon in a Rorq isn’t going to cut it, you need alt help for the most part. And if you live in a busy system, then the pvp defensive skills of your surrounding Alliance is garbage, move to another system. Plenty of PVP corps would love to take your taxes and love it even more for you to bait people in for them.
Not only are you off by several miles, “if you don’t like it, just quit” is one of the correct responses to his query.
We have to keep the game’s standards, and this idea does not fit the game’s standards. The whole reasoning for it is based on something opposing one of the core principles of this game.
“When it is too dangerous, then you probably do not belong there.”
Not every little guy actually has what it takes. Most actually don’t.
The rorqual is fine, all things considered. It’s not a solo boat, it was never intended to be one and the fact that you’ve required a PoS in the past and significant backup nowadays only highlights that.
Risk vs Reward is good. You earn a ton of minerals in return for a very high risk. It’s the epitome of Risk vs Reward and pretty much the only big thing that is quite balanced in regards to this.
A rorq only mines ore worth 2.5 hulks under ideal conditions, for 40times the cost and while doing so, it’s free for everyone to engage without being able to run away. It’s a fair game, IF you have backup.
if you don’t have backup, then the ship just isn’t for you.
Before the changes to the rorqual, I would have never bothered with one. The trade off in boost quality between that and an orca with the old mechanics, to a low rung miner like I was, with the old mechanics, not justified. I now run three rorquals. I am in a small corp, small alliance, but yes, part of the Imperium. We do have a bit of a safety net. Doesn’t mean you can AFK. Two weeks ago, I was paying full attention, looked over to one of my clients to change out to a new rock, and suddenly reds on grid and my excavators on one rorqual booshed. They had been reported in intel MANY jumps away minutes before. You are never truly safe, even when paying attention.
Is being locked into one mode, unable to move until it cycles down an inconvenience? Yes, it is. But if you take the lessons you should have learned from being ganked in hisec, and apply them to mining in nullsec in a rorqual, you should be able to survive long enough for help to get on grid with you without having to pop your PANIC. While it is nice having that bit of safety net, myself and most in my corp feel we need to be more responsible for our safety, leaving those assets available for others. Once you get a couple rorqs running pretty much non-stop for hours, you can easily get a fax alt, and a carrier/super alt. Play smart, and cover your ass. The rorqual is fine as is.
A single ‘Rorq Schmorq’ would easily triple that without much effort and on a single account no less. You’re bragging about splitting a paltry 1 Billion across 3 accounts (300 Mill ea.) which means you need a full 5 days to get all 3 PLEXed and at that point your soul is drained. Just to break even. You have no additional ISK, you have nothing which you can use to manufacture… lol.
it’s about 7 hours of rorqual mining on Spodumain w perfect skills. Less with Gneiss and about 12-14 on Ochre.
So yeah, with the same 3 chars in rorquals would have made a billion in 2hours and a bit. An 8 hour mining session would almost plex your accounts and then you could have the rest of the month to stock isk.
The problem is: this has to start on an alliance level (cause effective rorqual mining is enabled on an alliance level). Now check the MER and see how many alliances are doing exactly this?
TLDR: Join Goons or wait another year or more till the other alliances finally find the switch for their lightbulbs.
its not (just) that we are resistant to change. its that the game has been around for a long time, and there are many players who have been here for a decade or more. and most of the suggestions that get put forward are not new, they are not innovative, they are not creative. they are the exact same half baked ideas that have been brought up, discussed, and dissected time and time again. eventually people get tired of trying to explain for the umpteenth time WHY an idea won’t work, and just say no.
take a look at the cloaky campers megathread. and I can almost guarantee you that there is not a single idea in that thread that has not already been beaten to death for years on end, only to rear its head again when some new buck player gets a bright idea that “nobody had ever thought of before”.
the game has changed a lot in the past decade, most of those changes have been for the better. so when we see suggestions like the OP’s that are, effectively suggesting to turn the new actually useful rorq, back into something similar to the old pos candy rorq, of course we aren’t going to have a positive reaction. because we remember what it was like and why it was bad.
All this is smart, but you cannot just go out of industrial mode, you have to turn it off and hope the timer finishes to allow to you align/warp out in time. I do not think any ideas that he posted would work, but I would not mind seeing the timer reduced by 50%.
And yes the afk cloaky thing, is so broken i cannot believe it has not changed.
Fix roqs, give access to alphas. And make them invulnerable, or have a base point of 5. And also make them automatically responded to by Concord in any system when in panic.