Fix this CCP. You keep losing players

The population of Iceland is about 320,000

The good thing about jspace is you always think your alone, even when you arenā€™t.

Paranoia reins supremeā€¦for a good reason.

Paranoia is healthy in small doses.
Iā€™m attacking an Astrahus right now waiting for someone to come spank me.
But I just stopped waiting for timer to endā€¦ maybe I can steal it. Core isnā€™t present. Maybe itā€™s an abandoned station?


Much more fun to attack a POS.

There are still a few in Querious. Go try shooting the POS in U-HYZN, just for some fun.

Are you sending me into a trap? Sounds like a trap to me but wth, Iā€™ll spring it.


Youā€™re definitely made for this game.

Iā€™m coming. Too bad I donā€™t have a decent ship but itā€™s fun anyway.

Not doing much damage to it. Thereā€™s someone in a Venture but it wouldnā€™t be sport to attack him.

Without even reading that, I can say that the way that they define ā€œeconomyā€ is highly inconsistent. Theyā€™re probably thinking about it in terms of how much stuff already exists in the game.

Letā€™s look at a best-case scenario: assuming that every character logged in is making the maximum reasonable amount of ISK per hour, which is around 200 million (and Iā€™m being very generous here). Thatā€™s about 15% of a month of PLEX, or about 15% of $17.50, which is about $2.60. We have about 25,000 average players online at any given time? So under these assumptions, EVEā€™s GDP becomes $1.5 million per day, or about $570 million per year.

That would be quite a small country. More like a tiny municipality, really. Iceland, which can reasonably be considered a ā€œsmall country,ā€ has a GDP thatā€™s roughly 50 times greater than this figure.

But wait, that was the best case scenario. Does every single character pump 200 million ISK of money and resources in the game per hour, every hour of the day? Not even close. Realistically, the actual GDP is probably a percentage in the low single digits of the value given above. At 10%, weā€™re down to $57 million, which isnā€™t even a small municipality, but more like a medium-sized local business. And the real figure is probably even lower than that.

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Itā€™s not my area of expertise so I canā€™t say either way, thereā€™s folks here way more qualified to comment on the feasibility of the claims made in the articles.

The first article quotes an annual GDP figure of $5 million for EverQuest, which while a believable figure, is equivalent to the net profit made by a single department store location. And the per-capita GDP of $2,266 is laughably small, and equivalent to that of the poorest third-world countries.

The second article doesnā€™t talk about any economy-related matters at all.

Before, you said:

Even when the Soviet Union was collapsing, Russiaā€™s GDP was still hundreds of billions of dollars.

Not digging at you, just saying that you were being waaaay off.

Like I said, Iā€™m not knowledgeable enough to comment on the reality of the content.

If the subject was vehicle telematics, control area network protocols, safety systems, audio or security installs I could give you more information than youā€™d ever want to know, because thatā€™s my area of expertise; also early 90ā€™s military avionics.

Can you supply me with some communication jammers, and a drone that is able to deliver a 5-pound payload? Asking, uh, for a friend.

Thatā€™s a sizable amount of weed. As for jammers, nope the stuff I worked on wasnā€™t ECM/ECCM; although youā€™d be amazed at what you can do with an unshielded magnetron from a domestic microwave and a few components (not recommended because if you get it wrong you might cook yourself)


Weed? Uh, actually yeah, sure, letā€™s go with weed.


If you want to haul in Uedama, you can buy a hauling permit from me.

Happy to help you. Contact me in-game for fee schedule.

You could take Aiko and her Safety Dance Crews option

Or you could open up the anti-ganking channel ask for a report on Uedama gank fleets , have your sound on so you can hear if you have been scanned, take a look at zkill ,eve maps, maybe even setup some safe spots so you donā€™t warp straight to the gate in Uedama, they often wait inline with the warp inā€™s, oh and donā€™t autopilot.

I think doing just one of the above would help your chances of successful passage though Uedama without having to pay 1 isk.

Unless you would like to help us with your time and Join us doing an odd hour anti-ganking here and there . Every gun fired at a gank fleet can help save a ship.

But a warning Uedama local can get a bit salty.

Ganking is part of the game , like in many games someone said , donā€™t change it learn to fight it .

ā€¦or looks empty, right up to the moment something nasty decloaks next to youā€¦

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Cloaked players donā€™t show up in local ?

No, local is dead unless someone is foolish enough to post in it.