Fix this CCP. You keep losing players

Maybe just clarify that the op is no new person when it comes to getting ganked.

Levi Devereaux | Character | zKillboard

Back in the day… he got ganked in mining ships now and again up to 2012. And we all know, back then it was a lot easier to gank.

plastic wraps are scanned in. Only double wraps are not.

THAT is the issue. suicide ganking as been so buffed that people can afford killing empty freighters for the lolz.

How profitable was that one ?

It is true that some do this just for sport and laughs , but as long as CCP has created the mechanics for them to do so , there’s nothing that anyone can do about it and I don’t see CCP doing something about this …

It’s easy enough for people to use it to kill empty freighter.

That’s enough.

I don’t care about him.

No it’s nor profitable, the freighter was empty.

Just, no.
requesting a corvette and reprocessing it to sell the minerals is very easy.

It’s easy to perform once you have the setup. Still, having a setup dedicated is a waste of time and investment for most people.

You are wrong here, it is actually very easy to do so . Some time ago I had 2 Tornado ganking alts and I poped mission running blinged Tengus with them . The loot itself was more than enough to keep them subscribed at that time. Now with alpha characters being able to use meta 4 nados and t2 guns on Catalysts, it’s so much more easier.

Do you keep doing the same thing in Eve on and on ? Your question is dumb . People are not machines and feel the need for a change every now and then. When I’ll be in the mood to do some kind of a suicide ganking , I’ll do it again .

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Some do , but you did the mistake of presuming I am a part of that group .

Of course you’ve already received all the “git gud” posts, and I understand and empathize with your frustration over the loss.

However if you’ve got a freighter to fly around in, and 1.6 bill in cargo, then you’re no newbie to Eve. Which means you know about checking routes in advance, you know enough to check whether your current build (inert stabs vs. bulkheads) is viable, and you know that Uedama is ganker central. And you know the rule is “don’t fly what you can’t afford to lose”.

Yes, changes need to be made to EVE to keep it viable. However, “I returned to EVE after years of absence and didn’t do even my basic homework before flying a multi-billion target through gankspace and I need to be protected from my own laziness” is not one of the changes that need to be made.

EVE isn’t a game you can coast through on auto-pilot. Do your homework.


He couldn’t have said it better for you OP.

No. Just no.

Sorry, but just … no.

It’s actually the opposite, the more you do something, the more you need to do other things in order to have some different view on your activity.

It’s like in sport, if you do too much your body can’t heal. Breaks are required in an activity, and if you want to have comparison you need breaks that are still in the domain (Eve)

You become better at an activity, because you take the time to evaluate it with a different point of view that the one you had when you started that activity.

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What? Im not a ganker and anyone from CODE. can testify I have nothing to do with them. How can you even get pushed off a forum, unless a mod or admin bans you?
Are you the type of people who you are being “pushing you off” if people on an internet forum disagree with you or call you mean things? Who’s forcing you to leave? Grow a pair.

Could and should know.

The reality is that many don’t for whatever reason. It’s those who get caught: old enough to have valuables worth ganking but too uninformed and/or lazy to understand the environment they’re in, adjust to it and acknowledge their own part in it.

Using large Industrial ships in High Sec space is no longer an option in Eve, especially for transporting Market items. Best option is to use a Blockade Runner fit for agility. Also have your character fit with a full set of Mid-Grade Nomad Attribute Implants (Including Omega slot 6 Implant) with Hard-Wiring Implant - Eifyr and Co. ‘Rogue’ Evasive Maneuvering EM-706 (slot 7). With max skills and proper ship fit, you’ll have under 2 seconds align to warp time.

You can be caught (actually easily) under 2s align. And someone told me that as soon as you can activate the scan, it will complete, so you can be scanned with a <2s ship and ganked on the next gate.

Last time I checked Blockade Runners use Covert Cloak and are impervious to scans.

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People used to laugh at me for using Blockade Runners in HS.

But he’s dead now, apparently.

I generally don’t use freighters because nothing I do would require those things and IF, once in a blue moon, I need a freighter I’ll just use PushX.

I very often DO use a cloak/mwd DST for bigger hauls, never been ganked with it.

my B I thought you were talking about DST.

for BR there is no reason to use a <2s align, since they need very slow align time and can start the warp cloaked without a malus. hit warp, hit cloak.
The only issue is when a drone/player is 2000m from you and you can’t cloak … THEN yes it can help. But usually people don’t even care about it because they don’t know how many nades they need.

I thought you were talking about DST because those are actually more easy to fit to prevent gank… since they can be fitted, compared to freighter.

I still am. hu hu hu !
It’s very rare that I can use a BR for my stuff. Only when I need to move 100s of B of BPO I use it, usually - and that’s because the cans can’t be moved in a sunesis.

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CCP lost one hauler alt and gained 30 gankers pluss 6 eye accounts.

Do the maths. I get that wolf populations require sheep but I think eve has 10k more sheep left and they are still breeding.

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