People threat to “never return” and come back a couple hours later as if nothing happened.
I guess it is part of being a CSM to have an interest in such things. Unfortunately is part of being a ragequiter to not have such. Perhaps you are having trouble to cope with the idea some people could have a mindset that is so different than yours?
My experience with FPSes (might not apply to EVE, but I have a month of expeirnece of EVE not years, so I’m going to go with what I know) is that people who make a post about “leaving” are just in a low moment and usually come back 3-38 months later. On Steam for those with profiles which lets me see when is the last time I’ve played, I’ve yet to see four people who made a leaving post and actually left.
This doesn’t mean the issue they raise isn’t legitimate. Sure it is often made throwing a tantrum, and the idea isn’t to get the devs to fix the game because they aren’t even thinking straight, how many people even think straight in a rage anyways? While these guys come back, this is often the end of microtransaction revenues from them.
The real danger is that what bugs the players who make the “leaving” posts is often a legitimate issue bugging many players. And the guys who really do leave often do so without fanfare, maybe letting their in game friends they will be off for awhile because they’re burned out, use a few weeks to decide if they really enjoy the time off from the game, and then they just never come back in. I know three games I’ve never picked up again that I intended to after a break and find years old old forum posts about people ranting about the same problems I’ve had, although oddly those with public profiles I can see their total hours tick up maybe an hour a month on the same game. There are other games I’ve stopped playing simply because they were a bad fit for me. I did once make a rant leaving post (the original source of my complaint was real, but I’m kind of ashamed of even making a rant leaving post and I’m never going to do it again) about Overwatch and… actually did end up going back to it 4 months later, albeit at a much reduced rate until they fixed a stupid bug.
Btw… I’m one of those to blame as I use Xucca most exclusively for the forum.
Although I may or may not be… anything as you described, I have to say that to me, this is the real issue and by attending it, would be most constructive.
Those who go silently and leave a trace of mourners… I wonder if anyone ever pondered their ability to bring the cohesion a game can hardly provide… and if the reasons for such individuals were in anyway on the list of fixes.
The thing is, where do you draw the line between an issue that needs fixed, and a stylistic choice that caters to a specific type of player that just doesn’t happen to include yourself? I don’t find that most people are very good at making that distinction.
That’s tricky and if you know the way to find the general answer, CCP needs to hire you. And Valve. And Activision Blizzard. You probably don’t know. Devs often have an imperfect general method to find out that’s probably better than whatever you had in mind. Specific cases are usually figured out by trial and error.
Devs do have tools that aren’t publicly available to determine if a subscribed stopped because of a problem or the game was just a poor fit for them to begin with. For example, suppose they introduced a patch which placed Sentry Guns around every low sec POCO. Suddenly, no one can defend their POCOs on the shield stage since attackers can just bring their whole force and the defenders have to watch the attackers assemble and put their Dread into siege mode. Heck, I think there is even time to remove jump drives and replace them with batteries in this case. All while being unable to aggress since sentry guns are enough to turn the tide if they strike while the other side is assembling. A few low sec alliances dissolve with some players retreating to highs sec and others stop subscribing.
In this hypothetical scenario the devs can look at logs of people who stopped subscribing after the patch and be like “oh… that’s not good.” If a change causes a steady decline in players rather than a massive drop off, they can still use logs to find what people were doing in the last few weeks before stopping subscription and look for patterns. Did something come up in real life causing a lot of people to quit? There would be little correlation of activities in the game. On the other hand, maybe all these people left after suffering the same fate.
Point… it’s just that some actions are being thrown under the rug even after surpassing any internal Dev tool… even after a hell of fire in the forum and other media… oh wait… not all other media… I guess.
To me, that’s the thinner line in this topic,. No one seems to acknowledge those “accidents” and it leaves a sour feeling of some actions being just too lenient / biased. In the end, we-the-people naively conclude that something is for the good of all. Nope… no ragequit is without a true reason to point at IG.
If it is out of the line, we-the-people kill it in a day. “good riddance” we say.
I am lenient and biased. I think the option for easing the new has obliterated the way of the old. I think it’s almost too late to ask:
Why the noise?. STFU and go but don’t stone the inlet!
But I’m yet to see an answer… I can still hear myself thinking “maybe they are finally paying attention and will now understand that featuring for the new doesn’t has to itch the old” “a change will come”
Naive, lenient and biased… but it’s because perhaps it’s the only underlying reason for most recent changes I can see.
If none of the features affected out of balance, the “ragequit karens” would be less. I guess in the end, there is a price to pay for everything.
I just made up a silly example because someone asked how to differentiate between something that needs to be fixed versus something that’s a “style” issue where someone joined a game who was not likely to enjoy the game anyways.
“IG”? I feel I like what you’re saying would make more sense if you didn’t talk shorthand.
I never really liked the meme of calling annoying people (edited out). It’s an actual name you know.
We see different. I stated that I agree with you. Just extended the reason to illustrate.
Please change the name which I quoted for the same reason you just explained.
Lets not call it k but f or t… whatever boils your noodle.
Honestly - what is the point of this thread? The people who are rage quitting and leaving - you expect them to stop and read this before they peace out?
Hi there, I am the one who has been playing this game over 10 years. I saw a lot of things during the way, and I feel hopeless this time. Since your guys are CSM, and you are very close to the Game Dev team. I am asking the following questions: Why the dev team don’t want people to have cap ships? In current set up, people are very hard to built a cap ships duel to materials complexity. An alliance will have to secure both 0 space and low space to make sure the cap ships manufacture. This mechanism made the price of cap ships become unacceptable for median users. So what should they use to defend and conquer the 0 space? There is no more wars? Only sub-cap ships that will paly Tom and Jerry every day? And why should people buy Omage to have long Skills learning waiting? Give them a reason pls, The 0 space and the cap ships are the very important things to keep players continue to invest time in this game. They form corporations and alliances to explore and conquer the 0 space, that is the reason for they to login the game and do the job every day.
I understand that you want to make ppl have more communications between low space and 0 space. But It just can’t happen that what you want to happen. The alliances in 0 space will end up with lacking materials to keep running their industry system, the reason is very complicated, such as low space gate comping, higher logistics fees, lacking cap ships to form protective umbrella to keep the number of PVE 0 space players and then the income of alliances will drop duel to this butterfly effect, the 0 space miners will also quit…etc.
And dev team also made the adjustment for such as Titan and supercarrier’s functions to restrict their usage scenario. I may not be agreed with all of these changes but I will not denied them all. But it did hurt the old industry system of most corporations. And will the ppl make an new industry system according to your adjustments? Duel to materials issues, my answer is NO.
I mean you can add more and more storyline and mission and so on to let new players to choose this game, BUT pls don’t just destroy the 0 place industry system so easy. ppl took years to play to have current territory situation, it will NOT change easily to adaptive your adjustments. (it is very complicate around low space and 0 space boundary, you don’t just use imaginations to make a judgement for these changes, you think ppl will find a way to fix it but they probably do not have anymore options because it just need huge resource to turn around for new updates)
Well, I may not be correct, BUY pls don’t just destroy the 0 place industry system so easy.
There are many perfectly good reasons to quit Eve. For example when you can cite the rules and they are ignored on a “judgement call”. Bah. No. That’s trolling, and filing a ticket got me nothing.
Guess what? I am not a masochist. But I also have a certain toughness, so if I come back, it will be in my own time. But for many of those who quit to save their sanity, I applaud their realization of their limits for abuse and/or refusal to further gratify abusive “people”.
Let us take this part first. Summon the Swarm | EVE Online One would think that if they did not like caps they would not be adding content for them.
Are caps hard to get into? Yes. They are a thing for the groups not so much for a solo player in hisec. Should they have a large manufacturing cost and footprint? I think that should also be a yes. We are talking the Capital ships, here.
Does this mean no war? No. Some will fight to control enough territory to get what they need, others will form trade agreements.
Have you logged in as an alpha lately?
In general asking ME, specifically about whether the industry in Null is working is not the best path, you would do better to ask my fellow CSM @Kenneth_Feld .