For Folks who are 'Leaving'

The pokemon credit card guy? If so I think I know what you are referring to.

I don’t know if it’s the same guy in the gif or not, but fits in.

Maybe some could see this game from 2 perspectives regarding peeps “leaving” or reasons for peeps “leaving”…,

  1. EVE is a punchbag. You could ignore all red flags from bad decisions like the player login numbers during and after BO. Numbers don’t lie. Still, it’s an example which illustrates that no matter how reality can slap some faces, denial is bliss.

  2. EVE is noobland paradise. F**k the old player base. As long as we get new player influx, whether they pay, are alts, bots, cows, squirrels or dolphins, all is good and we can go back to be a punchbag whenever we feel so. Numbers don’t lie… but not that numbers… only this number is what counts: noobland factory is not the game I used to play.

External factors are secondary but useful for the biased eye. Excuses! I say.
The problems are within and still lurking but not surfacing as bad decisions but as no decisions at all. In other words, when EVE is F**d up, orders are to get back to basics = Cosmetics.
In the long run, it’s still a punchbag + noobland paradise = who cares!

While this equation stands, there is no use. Rly… don’t waste your time.


Thanks Mike. I respect your effort to understand players who are quitting. Quitting players for WHATEVER reason is bad for EVE ONLINE. I quit in January and parked my three omega toons. The Traglavin fiasco and scarcity tipped the scales against my High Security playstyle. As a hospital worker who works random shifts and random days off, I am poor candidate for a mega large group. TBH what attracted me to EVE ONLINE was its complexity and the ability to do stuff at 300am on a week night! (When my schedule demanded it.) I loved being able to be a second-rate builder and relatively low risk high security miner. Did some local scanning sites. Enjoyed eve well! My around 40 dollars a month subscription was a bargain for the fun hours wasted! I watched EVE introduce High Security moon mining, Incursions and other ideas that pumped stupid amount of ISK into the game. Over the last two year. (Minus last 9 months) I saw new pilots fly BLINGLY ships all over the place. I did not care? Suddenly EVE decided there is too much ISK in EVE. The same genius minds who pumped in all this ISK has now decided my low-end play style was the problem? Sick of people flexing their internet muscles at me telling me to HTFU! EVE ONLINE has forgotten rule number one in MMO’s. People want to see stuff blow up. If the majority of people want to PVE in High Security so, be it. EVE has not spent any effort in updating missions! Missions should be dynamic and escalate like scan sites. That would get me to resign up in a heartbeat! If EVE ONLINE thinks I will moving into Low Security or worse providing cheap easy kills forcing me to buy plex to replace my ships. They are nuts!


They are not.

There … you answered your own question

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I need to sent quit eve post too… Because it has been getting more and more sad and tiresom experience for me to explain things to friends who come back and check in again and again . And i give adress to reach out to me , It is over a decade… so many people i met… and so many people look after me and i do missing them alot … I wanted eventbody know why i left… i never think nobody gives ■■■■ … I. Care about people… and most case it was mutual…i want them to know reason even its partially.

For me that post is a gravestone for Bluelysian. I did doxx myself great amount even … so pretty much here im real, honest not someone hiding behind some alts…
I did carry my mistakes , my success my ups and downs shitty shamefull mistakes i made as PvP player waa not only at my zkillboard…

I want people know who was the real person behind the bluelysian …
I dont see myself over any of these rage quitters…
therefor i have listen hundreds of them to learn “ WHY” instead of coming here and writing the posts like mike wrote… i talk to them .

Because i care … i did care enough to give my hours each of them … to listen how they feel…
and cared enough to search for strategies to prevent these happen …

I listen them

Without judging them !

Without making them feel like “NOTHING”

Without making them feel like “LOOSER”

and achieve to keep some of them in game … i do fully understand why they are making these posts…
I dont need to ask “Why”
It takes a bit humanity, bit emphaty and bit understanding and Care to get why … @Qia_Kare actually explained one of these reasons beautifully … this was also very good example of lack of framing …

For a game like EvE online … nearly 2decade history and community… The moment CCP clearly proof to me their profit is more important than community i care, unfair and incoherent … game was over for me … and since than they loose more players on the row…


Also , you all talk like eve is the only gaming option… why? I tell you why: there are other games… and they are becoming better


Citation required


no it’s not . If you don’t believe dig it yourself.

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Again you have nothing. You just say stuff without anything to back it up.

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People leave either silently or by a leaving post. the majority leaves silently. those who do post a leaving post are players that rather stayed but circumstances made them leave. I am sure those people would stay and be very loyal eve players if they either had a chance to learn about what made them leave ( some say they didnt like to be ganked and thats easily avoided if you understand the game mechanics) or /and if ccp would describe the game mechanics better. i did rage-quit years ago because incursion rats did kill me. i didnt know about incursions at that time and i didnt know npc would interfere with my things. i came back 6 years later as i couldnt find a better game to play. but those 6 years were a monetary loss ccp could have easily avoided when they actually communicated with players about the risk of venturing an orca in an incursion system


I see. So…

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Nice try. I said I won’t dig it for you. If you want data dig it yourself

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I guess I just proved myself right by looking and finding nothing.

Either you dont have an example of these games that are getting better, or you are ashamed to name them for some reason.

Either way, if you cant name any, I stand by “no, they arent”. vOv

Plz show me the citation and data they aren’t getting better?


There you go.

You are asking me to prove an absence of data.

Im asking you to prove a data point you claim exists.

Ergo, the burden of proof is on you.


Exactly my previous arguments in other words :joy:.

Over bye bye

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No exactly the opposite.

You are a poor troll at best and should thank me for feeding you at all.

No one else seems this bored.


It’s okay, I enjoy the logical jumping jacks and the lurkers always knows who really wins.


What do you know about business?

Only a fool thinks they need to cater to everyone.


I am quite experienced in business. I’m not a 15 y/o in the basement with mommy’s credit card.

Any good business listens to the customer base. Whether they change for it or not, that’s their call and have to live with the result either way. But dismissing out of hand is a poor practice.