Former CCP Devs Craft New PC Game

He admitted he was wrong all along but denies all and any responsibility and doubles down on the mentality of still after all this blaming others for his own mistake.

Copy-paste quoting just in case he decides to delete or edit it later:

Source: (direct link quote)

My summary:

And after all these when others mentioned this she doubles down even harder.

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :smirk: :popcorn:


At least I give you something to troll about :smiling_face:

I prefer Frostpacker as court jester, he at least is just roleplaying to be one (hopefully :stuck_out_tongue:), in opposition with you, who is actually one as a person. :smiling_imp:

But it’s true that your performance in this role also brings laughter to the audience so there’s that. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Your efforts to troll me are miserable. Good thing you’re a funny troll.

Shame doesn’t work on me.
Sorry to disappoint you.

Thanks for the summary :). I tried to talk nicely to him/her and took genuine interest in the incident with the plex, but apparently that was inconvenient, as is obvious from his/her feisty reply even here in this thread. to be continued…

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I’m glad you like me so much as to keep quoting me but I’m already taken and have no interest in internet trolls. Sorry.

You keep repeating that, even state you block people, also claim you don’t care what people say, then keep responding to everything they write. :upside_down_face:

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So it seems I’m doing the same thing you do.
Only difference is I’m not a Veteran Troll :slightly_smiling_face:

Well, not only are you a Veteran Troll but a delusional one at that. Sorry, I can deal with trolls but I avoid delusional entities, they can be dangerous, so I will have to ignore you lest you come stalk me in my neighborhood.
Enjoy your elite forum trolling, Veteran Troll.


I accept your surrender and admission of you being wrong all the time (even if you worded it differently).

:wink: :dealwithitparrot:

Last reply before lock, it was a fun thread and will be remembered with fondness.


THIS is the last reply before lock :blush:

:smirk: :popcorn: :innocent:

Last reply before lock :smiling_face:

PILLARS OF ETERNITY IS AN EPIC GAME!!! (forgive me for being 8 years too late, I try to play the steam system and wait for discount)

You know, spamming is against one of the forum rules.

And if you don’t like any of your posts being replied to without throwing a hissy fit, may I suggest you seek ingame activities rather than forum activities ? Go blow some stuff up.

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I checked it out on YouTube when you posted about it earlier.
I don’t like top-down view game and can’t call such games “epic” but I am glad you enjoy it.

You’re an ISD now?