Freighters are too cost effective to suicide gank. Need HP increase

What do you define as doing things correctly, if the only correct thing they do is abort their trip warp to a station dock and log then great game, not…

No idea why you would say this.

Well you have spoken in such general terms with what looks to me like regurgitated sound bites that I have seen so many times from ganker fanboys.

By the way the sarky tone I just used was due to you calling AG retarded, that player is a very long way from being retarded.

Ashimmu as a webber makes no difference.

You need at least 10 fleet of burst logi to save a freighter against the fleet detailed on that Providence, it is doable but they just bring more.

Says the one making stupid questions.

It’s not related to your first post.
It would be if “not incompetent or lazy” would imply " scouted gate clear and webed on decloaking"
It does not.
Thus your question is stupid.

scout and escort your freighter, don’t mess up on webbing, have something that can kill a tackle fast enough for it to matter? things like that.

All i see is that person spewing pointless insults instead on answering a streight forward question, literally retarding the debate in doing so…

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Well that’s your issue.

If you don’t understand that making a question on a different topic makes your question stupid in the context, it’s not my problem.

Here are your two posts :

As you can see, the two of them are on completely different terms.
Therefore your later post is on a completely different topic. Thus stupid, in the context of your former post.
And if it was not in the context of your former post, then there is no reason to ask me - you can ask anyone how to kill a freighter which has web alt. But anyhow the leading “so” implies it remains in the context.

wtf are you talking about, idiot?
my assumption in post 1 was “people can avoit being ganked if not incompetent”
You said thats wrong, so i asked you how it’s wrong.
Thats not a stupid question if we’re debating the issue of sucicide ganking, so would you please stop being such a waste of space?

No you did not, fucqueen retard.

You changed the terms used from “not lazy and incompetent” to “with web alt and scouts”.
Changing the terms used makes your question stupid.

Could you please stop being a waste of air ?

Scouting and webbing don’t work, just explained that.

Escort, so what do you call a suitable escort for that Freighter to remove that well tanked suicide point and how fast do you need to do it to enable the freighter to warp out before the ganker fleet comes in. Do you know it takes two seconds to run the probes against the freighter and they will get an instant hit, can you take that suicide point down in five seconds. That is the time that you have. Is it really that easy?

My point is that it is rather difficult to avoid that gank, and I say that as someone who know exactly how they do it and the timing of it all.

Is demonstrably false, I just did it.

I just explained to you how. But as AG just pointed out:

AG is right to point this out to you, so please stop quoting ganker talking points and think.

A pilot who does those would go some way toward fulfilling the set condition - it’s building off the first one. Taking one small mental step like that is too much for you, hm?

So are you prepared to refute this statement:

Maybe not. I get how this might get quite hairy in a system like Jita but i still dont think a HP increase as suggested in the title would be a good fix since it doesn’t change anything other than the sice of the gank squad.
What if there was a small window where freighters can’t be pointed - one or two seconds maybe? So it’s about propper timing on both sides.

You are completely out-of-context with your stupid posts full of misjudgements.

You can fly a freighter alone, even with AP, and still be a competent and not lazy pilot.

Now you are getting there. I just wanted to make you think and explain how it works.

I don’t think more EHP is needed either. Though I would love to be able to fit a BS MWD and a Target Spectrum Breaker module to my freighter. The dumb ones being AFK die those actually flying their ships and reacting to their environment have a chance not to die.

Anderson Geten is a very smart player, way smarter than me.

But wouldn’t act in such fashion, being whise enough to know the consequences and preferring some effort over a stupid loss?
I see it REALLY is too complicated for you to grasp… WOW you’re stupid…

{citation needed}

I don’t believe in objective “smart” scale. It’s only an argument of authority, and can lead the one being considered “smart” to making more mistakes. Please never tell me I am “smart”.

OK You are a very intelligent person, who takes time to investigate and analyse the subject matter.

Which consequences ? What do you know of the consequences ?

You think everybody uses a webber alt + scout to fly his empty freighter back to a backwater system ?

at least you know how to have a constructive debate…

Sometimes, the issue is most of the time certain people just throw sound bites at you and then insult you any which way they can, they also modify what you say off onto their own talking points and reply as if you say it. It tends to make this forum an absolute nightmare.

I made an effort because I wanted to make you think about it and I have actual working knowledge of this.

Kusion now use smartbombs to kill pods with.

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