Freighters are too cost effective to suicide gank. Need HP increase

You have no idea at all do you, in the game and outside it.

I talked about his policies increasing wages and reducing unemployment and you went off on this rant in reply. I rest my case completely.

What you mean the policies that did nothing for eight years previously. what a pathetic reply.

I look at policies, facts and results. That is what I look at.

Yeah they obviously want this thread closed as they have been roundly beaten into a pulp.

I would suggest that “the stupid ones” are the people who don’t realise that a transitory office held very briefly is not responsible for the effects/changes brought about by previous administrations. That’s “administrations” plural btw.

Economic policies that his administration have put in place have increased wages and brought jobs back to the USA.

So you are into hate speech when it suits you, priceless.

A hell of a lot more than you do, to even think that the failed policies of the previous administration over eight years gave rise to it is the most stupid thing I have yet heard.

No idea, so you managed to find something he failed on. So I must agree with your TDS.

The ignorance shown by people on this subject is stunning. Targeted tariffs don’t take long to filter through the system on low tech manufacturing at all. People who ignore the affect of such a fiscal tool have no idea at all and can quite rightly be defined as the stupid ones.

You slay me with your ignorance.

You do know “import tariffs” are paid by the “importer” right? As in, the people who are “importing” the goods in the first place. So… Americans. How does “making things cost more” increase employment?

Also, who cares anyway? This is an EVE forum, not a fkn politics discussion venue…

Your ignorance is even more startling, because Chinese manufacturers took the hit themselves in an attempt to mitigate the affect. That won’t last long and is showing signs of changing of course.

Quite easy actually when you increase a competitors countries cost of doing business to make your own labour market more attractive.

I agree, tell the looney who went off on their TDS on another player who started this. @Merin_Ryskin

{citation needed}

And even if we accept your argument that his policies have helped the economy there is nothing unique about any of his economic plans, any random republican could have done the same. And there are plenty of republicans who don’t proudly declare that they want to have sex with their daughter or illegally spend campaign funds to bribe a porn star into silence after cheating on their sick wives.

So you are into hate speech when it suits you, priceless.

And you are a thin-skinned piece of **** if you think that calling you an idiot qualifies as “hate speech”. Your favorite president has certainly said much worse things.

No idea, so you managed to find something he failed on. So I must agree with your TDS.

Are you kidding? “You managed to find something Trump failed at, therefore your objections to Trump are irrational”. This is the utter lunacy of Trump supporters, even when Trump fails it only proves how awesome Trump is because anything less than blind loyalty is unthinkable.

I was talking about his economic policies and you went off on god knows what, grow the feck up!

What I agree with his economic policies and suddenly in your mind he is my favourite President. Are you mad bro.

So his economic policies have failed because coal miners did not get back into jobs. Is that what you are saying? Sorry mate still TDS in my book.

You come over to me as a hysterical looney.

I look at policies first and their affect. One has to build on them too. But how many leaders in power are actually fit to be leaders? So many of them are absolutely useless and the ones in Europe especially so.

He says vulgar things and has pretty decent policy positions.

His opponents are adherents of fringe ideologies with terrible policy who can’t seem to do anything but fabricate conspiracy theories about Russia.

I’m not claiming to be a big fan of the guy because there are some pretty significant disagreements that I have, but he’s clearly not as bad.

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Spot on.

@ISD_Fractal I flagged a post by @Merin_Ryskin which started a RL politics discussion, please come in and sort this out by deleting that and those that mention it.

Stop lying. You opened with “WAAAAAH TDS”, it’s not my fault you don’t like the answer to why “TDS” is an idiotic concept and anyone using that term is an idiot.

So his economic policies have failed because coal miners did not get back into jobs. Is that what you are saying?

Given that a major thing he ran on was promises to bring back coal jobs yes, that is a failure of his economic policies. I’m not sure why that is even controversial.

But how many leaders in power are actually fit to be leaders?

There are plenty of generic republicans with the same economic policies who don’t brag about wanting to have sex with their daughters or hold rallies pandering to white supremacists or award government contracts to their personal golf resorts.

I find it idiotic that people are insulting other players like you did, where you called one a Trump supporter as an insult, stop it you looney.

I could go into the issues of coal mines, I have a very good knowledge of this based on what happened to the UK in the early 80’s and the difficult in re-starting mines that had not been maintained during the strikes. It is a pretty devastating initial cost and very difficult to fund if the returns are not there.

What the hell are you going on about, what a looney.

I guess Trump is somehow connected to freighters, now.

There was a ganker called Darklord Trump or something like that, always made me chuckle.


I am not going to read your bullshite any more.

There was a US president, he was a serial womaniser, was involved in orgies, slept with film stars and so on, and there was a death of a high profile one. He was possibly involved with the Mafia due to his father. And yet he made the right call in the middle of the Cuban missile crisis.

Stop being such a damn looney.


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Meanwhile what has Trump done? Implement the same standard republican party doctrine that any random republican could have done? Comparing him to Kennedy and the Cuban missile crisis is utter lunacy.

Step back a bit out of your looney tunes hatred and think about the rant you went on about Trump and what I just said about Kennedy. I just compared them in terms of sexual issues. Anyway…







I have to ask you, how many of the current leadership in Europe are lacking in moral standards. So many of them are utterly corrupt, take the unelected EU president as a prime example.

A bad apple among so many bad apples, but the one thing he is different, he kept the promises he made in his manifesto, how many politicians do that, very few indeed.

I just find this blind hatred rather sad.

I don’t understand this idea that “Cost Effectiveness” matters.

When I gank someone is low the cost is the ammo or even 0 depending on the ship and race.

Why does cost effective matter in the first place?

To me it is a made up design criteria.

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