So was just doing a battlefield with a few other FW guys. The two guys that where on control zone A and C didnt get reward stating they are too far away to get the reward. This seems daft as you need to be on control zones to get the percentage up. This would mean that the guys on these two points wouldnt be rewarded for there work
I hope they aren’t. Prop tower gives at MOST .25% advantage. Have to run at least 4 to get the Advantage to change 1%. I’ll test this again tomorrow.
I suspect the Listening Post is the same, but needs testing in a quiet system where no one else is running anything.
Consolidating some findings:
- the site says NVY - 30, but Marauders are allowed in.
- all ships must be within 30 of a single control zone at the end to get paid LP.
- This has the potential for the best pvp/pve site in the game (similar to pochven obs)
- endless respawns, no rewards. broken for now.
Listening Posts/Propaganda Posts:
- So. Many. Waves.
- Too little reward… 10K LP for only the pilot that launched it and at most .25% advantage change (had to run four Props to get it to tick up 1%)
Supply Depot/Cache:
- HP seems light. very easy for a single Marauder to land, siege ONCE, pop it and warp out. Very difficult to defend.
- the impact to Advantage is huge for such a weak HP objective… something like 3%?
Just a thought Convict: even tho only top 10 individuals get prizes for this wargame, can you publish a leader board of say, top 50/100 pilots and their LP scores? Super curious how the various strategies I’m seeing employed will play out in the results.
I agree about the Listening/Propaganda posts and the Depot/Caches.
Do you think the percentage gained through plexing feels just a touch too low?
Our group tested the battlefield NVY-30 twice and didn’t have payouts either time.
1st time tested with 2 NVY BS with one person on the top capture point and one person on the left capture point. The right capture point was untouched the entire time. No payouts to either player.
2nd time tested with 3-4 NVY BS + 1 Black ops BS + 1 force recon (T2 ships still able to enter ATM). All capture points were captured at some point but we all moved to the left capture point to finish the site. No payout for any of the members in the site. Interestingly, I did receive a promotion to Tribunus Colonel as the site ended so there must have been something that was tracked from the site completion.
Also, the npc fleets (red and white) seem to group together to a single capture point, leaving one or two capture points undefended. I don’t know if this is intended, but combined with the frequent wave spawns, it makes it very difficult for the site to be completed if only a single capture point is being focused (as we were trying to work with the bugged payouts).
New patch today…
Tested 2 Battlefields so far.
Very nice graphics update to the Amarr BF (but none yet to the Minmatar)
Test 1
- Used Marauders which were able to enter the site, but were not able to progress a control zone when rats were cleared.
- A Stiletto, however, DID progress the CZ when the rats were clear.
- Also noticed that at CZB (the top one) when rats would spawn and were within 30km, the progress was still being made. This was NOT the case at CZC where progress was blocked until the rats were cleared or outside 30km.
- All pilots at CZB got payed (even the marauders), but the pilot at CZC in a Scorp NI did NOT get paid.
- Noticed that a capsule no longer progresses a clear CZ.
Test 2 everyone collapsed to CZB and all got paid.
Ran 5x Listening Posts in Turnur today. No one else ran anything in there all day. All the sites stayed the same, the contest was constant at 1.5%. Amarr advantage stayed 10%.
Ran 2X BFs since the 2nd patch today.
Minmatar art added. All the mechanics and ship limitations seems the same since earlier tests.
Test 1
Split pilots between CZA and CZB. only 1 pilot on CZB. only CZB got paid.
Test 2
This time tested everyone stacking on CZC at the very end. Nobody got paid.
So for now, everyone stack on CZB at the end.
Rendezvous points still do nothing but spawn endless waves.
“Those other guys” mataris were never other guys for us Feds
----After new patch(es) today----
Rendezvous points no longer spawn infinitely… there are something like 4 waves, then a boss battleship after which it is completed.
- Still some issues as it gives a LP awarded message followed by a no LP awarded “too far” message.
- No apparent change to advantage in system.
- Still only awards LP to ships/pilots at CZB… OR AT THE WARPIN BEACON!
Propaganda Broadcast Structure
- Seems to spawn either fewer waves, or fewer rats, or both
- completes and actually does add advantage (1%), but just ran 1. edit 2nd tower I ran did not change the advantage.
- Drones don’t die as much
Listening Post
- Either fewer waves, or fewer rats or both.
- Advantage did NOT change after running just 1.
- Drones don’t die as much
10K LP to the pilot that launched. Nothing to anyone else on grid.
Maybe I missed it but are their details on how listening outposts, propaganda structures, and supply depot/caches function with the Advantage System? Also, are their any details on how the Advantage System works works overall?
@CCP_Aurora and @CCP_Convict could you shed some light on this?
Today, we (Amarrmil) had a fight against Minmil in a battlefield NVY-30.
Marauders and Leshaks are still able to enter (but not capture points). This can be circumvented by pilots switching into the T1 or navy frigates in their frigate escape bays.
I also discovered an interesting bug with how the payout is structured for the battlefield site (and I suspect with all FW sites in general):
I was able to stay at CZB (top) and prevent this point from being captured. However, CZA and CZC were both being captured by Minmil ships. Eventually, the Minmatar side reached 100% and everyone (both Amarrmil and Minmil) close enough to CZB got paid.
I suspect that the FW payout system pays out for everything within range at the point of site completion. For the other faction warfare sites, it would normally become “contested” if there were pilots from opposing FW factions and the bar wouldn’t move, but in this case the bar can still move even if one or more capture zones are being contested. So I suspect that if we were to somehow move the bar to 100% on a normal FW site, it would pay out to both sides indiscriminately.
So I think there would need to be an additional check required for faction allegiance at the point of site completion before paying out to pilots (of the winning side for the site).
I have attached a pic of another battlefield that we had tested (this time together with some people from minmil). We still got a payout by staying further than 30 km from CZB (so we wouldn’t be in the capture range) but still within 35 - 40 km.
LP is awarded for pilots at the warpin beacon
At the speed they are fixing the issues we report there is no way that the update, 4 days away, will not be significantly broken in the warzone.
The wargame concluded today at 14:00 UTC. Thank you all for taking part and leaving your feedback here and this thread.
I apologise for my presence in this thread dropping off during the second half - we’ve all been heads down at CCP working on things related to the launch of Uprising on Tuesday.
Congratulations to the Red team for winning the wargame, gaining two systems from the Blue team!
We will now begin our analysis of the results and will be posting the standings for individuals and corporations soon. Since the destroyer BPCs won’t even be available on Tranquility until Tuesday more news and potentially the rewards as well will follow later next week. When ready the info will be posted in this thread.
Prize fulfilment:
- PLEX for individuals will be credited directly to the PLEX vaults of the top 10 characters from each side.
- BPCs for individuals will be contracted to eligible characters in Jita 4-4
- BPCs for corporations will be contracted to the eligible corporations’ CEO in Jita 4-4
Once determined, we will be reaching out to winners via evemail to find out which faction they would like their BPCs to come from.
And in response to a suggestion from @Madamal_Yiryi_Dethahal earlier in this thread, instead of issuing a single medal for all participants we will mint 3 medals and award them to the top third, middle third and lower third respectively of LP accumulators during the wargame so that those who put in a sustained effort get more recognition.
Yay a suggestion of me made it : )
I mean everyone will still be getting medals, this was just supposed to be a nice thing for people who spent more time on the event.
Some of us do appreciate it, thank you. I would have thought that getting more than was promised would be a good thing.