Future Direction of EVE

I also have several tens of B in fit that are minmaxed for a specific mission/ded site, in several spots. Each of my toon, that is specific for one region, is worth 50-80B in estimated value. Still fun to change activity, and just shoot rats sometimes.

CCP just got bought out and is running at half of it’s peak numbers. That’s bad. And then you have the issue of SC on the horizon which could poach some of the playerbase.

I know PvE isn’t the focus, and that’s an issue. Eve could stay with having 0.0 as the focus, but that isn’t working. As I said, it needs to adapt. The PC gaming market has grown over the last few years yet Eve has not. That says everything.

The balance is fairly easy - work out the target audience and work for them. Currently Eve is too much of a time sink for most gamers. There’s no room for the growing market of working people who have an hour here and there every now and then. Also that market tends to be the one with the deepest pockets as they’re working and normally have well paid jobs.




Wow - great depth and explanation. I can do so much with that rollseyes

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Thank you.

Its true though.

SC and EvE, even if SC properly surfaces, are entirely different experiences.

ED didnt poach in exactly the same way.

And the more mainstream EVE becomes, the more it loses its true pvp sandbox, the more it starts to overlap with “normal” MMO’s and games and THEN it has to compete with them which it never can.

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There is a difference between making an MMO with PVP at its core and making a “true pvp sandbox”.

That is plain false.

I love the pvp aspect of eve, the loss, the null politics.,this is the overall meta but NOT the meat of the game. I think of pvp as the skeleton, the structure, the meat is pve.

Pve sucks in eve. New players have issue playing due to anti botting features like razenborg rats and content in null in general. The very vocal pvp community seems to want to destroy pve or make it something you do to summon pvp and nothing more.

I’ve play3d a lot of sandbox mmo games that focused on pvp and wanted to actively make pve difficult to force people into pvp scenarios as the base of the game…none of them did well.

Make a good pve game with a pvp meta and the game will flourish. Focus on using game design to force pvp and the pve player leave and your game turns into darkfall.

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I wish for more tools in the sandbox.
Here a list of ideas:
-Proximity mines (not the old ones, make some rules apply to them and they will be okay)
-space casinos and space billiard and WIS in general for social interaction^^
-remove specific weapon/ewar/mininh bonus and replace with general bonusses like cargo, speed, resistance (shake up the meta)
-more small affordable space structures like antennas, that will scan annomalies or siphon units that steal from citadel’s.
-more ships
-more special high cost high risk weapon types (atomic Titan bomb^^)
-open jove space through frigate only WH
-create a tournament system
-add special new resources to the game
-bring back triple mwd
-add cool modules like frigate panic module, that overload shields for 2 secs of 99.9% res
-give the rough drones real AI and make them conquer the cluster
-open ressources to third party developers so they can do fancy WIS stuff if you don’t want to add it.
-add more outfits, hair and tribal headwear, ect
-allow pirates to take a pod hostage (:stuck_out_tongue: )
-refine the pi part of the game and add more challenges like energy, weather, orbital defense
-more low/nullsec specialised salvage ships
-add a giant enemy (Triglav world ship) with 9999999999999999999999hp that spawns in nullsec and destroyes every system in it’s way to New Eden (planets and sun’s included). All players have to band together to stop it, or the server will shutdown if it reaches New Eden ^^

I don’t know just be creative and add something big to eve that matters or makes a change -_-
The game will never be balanced so don’t waste time with that. Eve is a sandbox and a universe driven by action and not a perfectly fair PvP or PvE game.

Eve is about finding your place in a crazy universe full of ■■■■■■■■. So please add more crazy stuff.

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Again with the

"Here’s my ideas, you nerds make it happen, I dont need to hear about “repercussions, effects or UUGGHHH BALANCE”

In UO on ships you could take the ghost hostage :skull_and_crossbones:

I just want to highlight, that there is no way the universe could or SHOULD adapt to the wishes of a player (me) or a group of players, because it will get streamlined.

Changes need to make sure they
a: fit into the storyline
b: don’t rob people of something they like to do (like pvp imbalances)
c: add new content or a new way to engage or change the already existing content without violating a and b ^^
d: need to be future proof
e: are inspiring to players
(this list is not complete btw)

Let’s take a look at some changes:

Needle Filaments:
a: not really but check
b: check (except for afk nullsec miners)
c: check
d: check
e: check

Adding Jump fatigue to the game:
a: not really
b: big no
c: no
d: no
e: no

Missions and NPC Isk bounty:
a: check
b: check
c: check
d: OMG inflation^^ (no)
e: check

a: check
b: check
c: check
d: biggest future proof fail ever!
e: check

mining barges + strip miners:
a: check
b: check
c: check
d: mineral inflation but check
e: check

Changing the bonuses of a ship:
a: no
b: some people will get pissed
c: not really
d: not really
e: not really


No, go away.

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Ill give my 2 Isk opinion. I think more people need to accept that EvE Online is a niche game. A niche is a focused, targeted area that you serve particularly well. It is small. It is specific. Eve online is like a cult classic. You shouldn’t try to compete with World of Warcraft or whatever is popular these days. Instead, focus on your niche. Eve online is arguably the best space pvp mmo sandbox out there. If you want to continue, you have to focus on what makes you unique and what you do better than others. Sharpen your tools so that they are as sharp as possible. In one sense of course, this is quite limiting, because it constrains what EvE is and limits the possibilities, but it also allows EvE to gain respect and earn a reputation for what it does best. Many consider EvE online a success because it has lasted so long, and I think the best way forward for EvE is to continue what makes it unique. So, I would say, don’t try to fundamentally change the foundation or formula of EvE too much, just make it better.

“PVE MMOs” are absolute vapid one-dimensional garbage which devolves into anti-social fixation with raising a score in a database and literally nothing else. No doubt this 2020 version of eve is dogshit but compared to the rest it looks like 5D chess exactly because it doesn’t follow that one note pve formula.

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you clearly have zero idea on what is realistic

the original idea of the game was to earn the skills and knowledge + isk in pve and use all that in pvp WHEN YOU CHOSE TO. the problem with your kind is that you think you stand above others and can decide what others should feel or do and CCCP seem to listen to you as your kind are the loudest cryers in all eve. the decline began when they started to listen to bored losers who suffered with their insecurity…


Nice new forum alt. And just to be clear - a-fkn-gain!! - it isn’t at all. In fact it is gaining them again at a rather respectable rate. But hey, why bother with facts, right?
Also, if you are making some sort of “bittervets lul” comment, fk off. I have been playing less than a year so, you know… suck it.


Firstly, where do you think the PLEX comes from in the first place? Well?
Secondly, if you actually LOOK at the figures instead of just talking more crap you will see that, financially, it costs around 50% MORE to do it that way as opposed to just paying the sub online.

Do you even maths bruh? Bruh? Do you maths bruh?


…is something you know nothing of and you need to speak for you and you alone. This whole “I’m sure we are all in agreement when I say…” fuktardery that you fkn snowflake vegans are incessant with these days while you ride around on your ethically produced bikes to your next meeting of “why I’m right and people should listen to me” wank has to stop.