If you avoid or are careful in 0.5 systems, you are mostly golden, unless you are veeery unlucky or p*ssed someone off.
.5 systems are normally ganker hotspots on HiSec… or anywhere if you fly something juicy and are careless, obviously. dscan and local should still be used in hisec if you park your Orca or such somewhere, even if at a lower frequency than in low or null, ofc. If a roaming band of brigands see the chance to trade 10 catalysts for an Orca, they will.
Sure you can.
PvP also includes “cat and mouse” and knowing how to outwit your predator.
There are so many in game and out of game resources that will help with “not getting caught.”
Even the lowly freighter has tricks up its sleeve to protect it.
Nice try tho.
Keep trying. One of your mental gymnastics might stick the landing.
I love the cat and mouse. Even the scary moments when one has bought millions worth of implants/accelerators but not so high a value as to be a high priority ganker target…and then ( horror of horrors ) one notices, as I did yesterday, that Eve was displaying my cargo as being twice the actual Jita cost of it. So anyone who scanned my ship would have seen twice its actual cargo value…and considered me a prime gank target.
Of course, the moral of that story ( and lesson learned ) is never assume gankers see the price you paid for something and not some other value. Always check the cargo ‘value’ before undocking.
As someone who has mined, hauled, shifted expensive stuff around Eve, and done ganking, I like to think I can see all sides…and I have to say highsec would be utterly boring without the gank risk.
Indeed. I flew payloads of over 2 bill worth at a time in my mammoth through a route with at least five .5 systems last week. Didn’t lose anything, but I sure was on my toes for the whole ride.
In case it got too hot, I just docked for half an hour or more, before continuing, or sent a corvette ahead.
I have no idea why these people, with no history of playing the game, hop onto these forums and insist that the game be changed to pander to their entitled view of what the game should be.
And the biggest offenders are the highsec crybears.
Seriously, if you don’t like the game, move on.
But instead they will jump through all these mental hoops trying to prove their point.
But my favorite is the “it’s killing the game. CCP is loosing so much revenue.” As if they work in the accounting department and know the actual numbers.
Simple fact is this. If ganking actually did hurt the bottom line, CCP would remove it in an instant. They are a “for profit” organization fiscally held accountable to a board. And that board doesn’t like seeing their money go down the crapper.
But since ganking is still a thing, I can only conclude that it has very little impact on the actual dollars.
I think the issue was that accelerators had had a huge decrease in cost in a short time…which is why I bought so many…but whatever Eve mechanism registers the average local price had not updated. So one could pay 150m for stuff and it would display in the cargo hold as 300m and that’s probably also what any scanner would see.
I was flying dreadnought and other BPOs… watered down between a ton of trash in my hold
Most hair raising T1 haul of my life. I nearly shat myself on more than one occasion.
There seems to be two distinct sorts. There’s the ‘boo hoo…I was ganked’ sort who post a killmail and then everyone can see that their ship was fitted with zero tank, and they get a bit of advice on fittings and usually go off contented and wiser.
And then there’s the perennial whiners who never seem to have any killboard whatever and are never whining about any specific gank, or show any evidence that they themselves have ever been ganked, but who want to whine endlessly about gankers…‘think of the poor noobs’…‘non consensual PvP’ ( and we all know who uses that term lots )…’ ganking is killing the game’…etc etc. And most of the latter are reincarnated forum alts of the same people.
Most HS gankers are broadcast-inputting… but those are paid subscriptions (directly or indirectly) to CCP.
There lies the problem.
Also, those gank fleets of 20-25 bots basically, use the loot to pay for it all. So not only do they not really have to pay in reality terms, but CCP rewards players for basically cheating.
No, it is not possible to alt+tab that many accounts and click with absolute precision and get all toons on KMs before CONCORD intercedes. Anyone can edit a video.
Just make broadcast-inputs and multi-boxing part of the actual game and charge for it.
There’s no reason not to. You want players to have multiple accounts, give them a reason for it.
Nice psychological guilt trip. But it doesn’t work.
Calm down miner.
Don’t you guys ever run out of tears and salt?
Multiboxing is explicitely allowed and encouraged, afaik. Just need to be Omega for it. So, it is part of the game.
You know that CONCORD spawns on a per-shooter basis, right?
There is no need to alt-tab them. They can be arranged overlapping in windowed-mode with all weapons pre-activated and pre-overheated and the ganker has plenty of time to do that before the agression timer even begins. Then all it takes is to simply strg-click-click-click through the dozen little visible parts of the windows when in the pre-filtered overview the target appears after the fleetwarp. Done in a handfull of seconds even for more than a dozen accounts.
Lol dont bring verifiable facts here, the gank haters are unable or more likely unwilling to be reasoned with.
Well, they’re not the “real” carebears but they’re certainly carebear enough. In general gankers are using high-sec rules to protect themselves from being hunted, they’re only engaging targets that have next to zero chance of defeating them, and in the long run they only engage when the math of the costs vs. rewards are in their favor.
Sure, they might nuke the occasional empty freighter for giggles, but basically they’re farming high sec for profit with just as much eye to maximizing profit and minimizing risk as any carebear. And they’re just as committed to their farming activities as any Abyssal diver or null-sec ratter or high-sec miner, if not more so. (It’s not as easy a process to manage as those other activities, for instance.)
When I speak with disdain about certain ganker types, it’s not because of the ganking… it’s because of the hypocrisy.
At any rate, your argument started with “gankers aren’t committed to the game” but seems to have just wandered off into a general anti-gank rant, throwing out any point you can to see what sticks. I mean, be my guest, it’s a free forum… but you’re not really making any solid points here beyond “Rtsu dislikes ganking in a PvP-anywhere game”.
Says you?
We supposed to take your word for it? Do you suddenly speak for all gankers?
Honestly, I think a lot of work goes into hunting these big value targets. (Blockade Runners, Freighters, Bowheads, Transport Destroyers, etc.)
It takes transporting the ships, setting up scouts, keeping a detailed list of targets, fixing the sec status, dealing with possible anti gankers, and more.
I am proud to support that ganking has a right to exist. I will not be shamed because of this. There are carebears that are drama queens that will hire hitmen on the side any day.
She lost me at ‘victim’.
Yeah, it definitely makes sense that dudes running 20 omega accounts are not as into the game as Little Billy the high sec industrialist who mines his own minerals because that makes them free.
Very well thought out.
dudes running 20 omega accounts
Not sure thats how gankers operate but if it was are you saying its a good thing?
You mean the people (gankers) who study the game mechanics, scan the targets, do the math based on their ships and your defenses to see if they can break you in time, have a strategy in place to get the loot to safety without losing the hauler. The people who literally set up logistic chains to print Cats and modules for their gameplay, who have to balance the income of drops with their expenses carefully to not work at a loss.
Those people are not committed to the game?
And you think miners, who play the dumbest minigame in all of gaming and don’t give a crap about how the game actually works are the “real players”?
Ok miner