thats wrong ! it results in a loss of the ganker ! the victim has a chance to survive !
100% loss for gankers ! not 100% loss for the victim ! it has to be way less ( i think about 80% ) nobody outside CCP can proof this ! but everybody with a lttle bit of knowledge knows, that the victim not always lose his ship !
where do you know ? how do you know ? you only saw one of their chars … where do you know they didnt play other chars ? chars in LS / NS / WH and they spend a lot of ISK for this char(s) ?
not only ganker can be griefer … xD there are a lot of ppl in eve who only wants to destroy the stuff of other ppl … so they are also griefers ?
and als not all gankers are griefer !
nobody brings ppl to leave the game … nobody else then the player which leaves xD it was only the last point on their list because its simply not their game to play !
but maybe you can show us a proof that a lot of ganked targets will leave the game after geting ganked ? ( im 100% sure i never will get any answer which proofs his statement )
then tell us where they kill the game ? xD did they kill the game as they are creating 2% of all HS kills ? did they kill the game by having way less % of all kills ingame ?
you just posting your opinion and dont bring any source to proof your point !
so its another “antiganking spam thread” nothing more !
so you didnt even believe in a statistic which is created by a player ?
but youre right … its not 100% correct ! but if you research it then you would known its still very accurate !
youre wrong ! it is … yes ! sometimes you find a ganking victim which was only ganked because of the tears and the salt he produces … but thats not the main point of ganking !
no … you was ganked but you are only writing with a forum spam alt so nobody can find your loos ! ( or its difficult to find it )
nobody argue against ganking if he wasnt ganked !
but exactly this is what all the dude do if they want to swing the “banhammer” to all gankers ! they dont think logical … they dont see its a legit gameplay … they only see their point of view and this PoV said its bad because they got ganked !
btw … im defending ganking ! and i had some expierence at beeing ganked … not that much becuase i´m playing active and know my sourrindings but it still happend ! sometimes gankers are the winner and sometimes i´m the winner …
the last 4-5 years i won always because nobody tryed to gank me ! ( yes this is a win xD )
oh … and what is high sec actual ? is it low sec ? no … it is HIGH SEC ! its illegal to attack someone else until he has an active war with you, you got a limited engagement timer or one of you are suspect and the other attacks him !
ganking is ILLEGAL ! to be clear … its a legal gameplay mechanic but its an illegal agression to another player !
what do you want ? a 100% safe space ? but if you will have this where is the risk you have to get isk ? you killed the risk by ban gankers ! and if this happen then CCP have also change the income to exactly 0 ! and still then its ■■■■ because a lot of players from other spaces use this space ! so you also need to reduce the income of all the other space !
why does it need a fix ? only because you said it need to be fixed ? and again… you are ignore the fact that CCP knows ecaxtly your “problem” with ganking … and they know there is NO problem xD