Sadly that does not involve the presence of other people doing their thing. I completely understand. Thanks for trying the game. Better luck in the next one.
P.S. You may notice I don’t fall for the gaslighting in your reply. It leads away from the discussion, which simply boils down to: You want the game’s nature changed, we don’t, we like it as it is. So we will defend the game we love. It really is that simple. If that makes regular players fossils in your eyes, well, many of us have been called far worse than that, lol.
Wrong again. You should really try understanding other peoples position rather than just arguing against the strawmen you present.
I don’t want the games nature changed, I want parts of the game changed in relatively minor ways and I support CCP as they seem to be evolving the game along lines I agree with. Change is inevitable, but you’re welcome to try to stand in the way if you want.
how can i kill 3 ships in the same minute if the combat is slow
stop it
EVE pvp is the most trilling i ever played and I’m here just because of it
at least admit that people that don’t do pvp don’t know much about it
why can you guess with 100% of accuracy just by looking at a post if a person have lots of kills on the kilboard or not ?
i mean
i cant make a topics linking posts and kilboards of the anti PVP crowd because of rules , but i take a look every time , and they are not there
Good. Then we can close this thread. But something tells me that neither the changes are sufficient for you and whoever you think represent, nor the fact that you will not have the final word in a forum thread. You’re not here to discuss. You are here to demand. And some are here to tell you they heard you the first time, and that neither game nor forum revolve around you.
You might want to read a little farther down in the post you’re quoting:
And you might want to recall just how many times you’ve been on these forums posting about the problems with FW and how not enough people are in it and how it’s not worth it for you to sub yadda yadda.
Nobody’s saying EVE is 100% bad, 100% boring, 100% anything. One personal anecdote of one fight doesn’t change how millions of players over the past decade have responded to EVE - by dropping it and moving on.
Maybe you want to live in a fantasy world where EVE is awesome and nothing is better and nothing needs to change. Personally I prefer dealing with things as they really are.
I agree this thread is mostly redundant. I also agree that the changes made so far are the end of the changes, I think it’s one step on a trajectory CCP is travelling.
I’m absolutely here to discuss. What have I demanded? At most I’ve made broad statements about what changes would in my opinion be good. What CCP does is their decision and I’m fine with that. I’ll adapt regardless. It’d just be nice to adapt in a thriving universe filled with other players not in a desolate husk of a game with only bittervets that abhor change.
Now you’re advocating for something vague and undefined ?
And the people who love the game are only bittervets who abhor change ? They should bloody well abhor the wrong changes, yes.
I support CCPs intention to reduce ganking, increase retention and improve the appeal of the game to more casual players.
I like how you paint the image that you love the game but I don’t. We’re always going to be at an impasse here. I think the things you support ruin the game, you think the same of me. It’s called a difference of opinion.
The people who are “bittervets that abhor change” are the ones who attack any attempt to change the game and use the excuse “EVE has been this way for a long time”. It’s not constructive it’s just a raw fear of change.
No, I’m pointing out that without buying PLEX a player is forced to go the PvE route to obtain the essentials for Eve, even if their primary interest is PvP and they find PvE boring. It would thus be misconstruing things for CCP to imply that PvE is 3 or 4 times larger because it is more popular. It is more the case that it is simply unavoidable.
And it will never be enough. It wasn’t, and it won’t, because you never accepted that reality of Eve.
You’re welcome. I took the game for what it is, and what made it unique. You did not. You’d like to reshape it. I call that self-serving and anything but adaptive and respectful.
Very good, if those casual players are not of the demanding kind that expect instant advancement for a token effort. Want something in Eve ? Have to earn it, not be given.
There’s nothing constructive about “adjusting”, “improving”, “modernizing”, “reshaping” a game until it has been dumbed down to something "bitter"vets wouldn’t recognize, let alone play. The hypocrisy of “it’s never enough, but let’s pretend to ask for baby steps in ‘improving’ the game”, it’s an old tactic of very patient people with an agenda. You advocate it’s for the “good of the game, ccp and some group of players”, like a cheap politician would. I say it doesn’t if it involves getting away from a harsh, unforgiving, demanding setting, where decisions as well as lack of knowledge have consequences, where everyone is master of his/her destiny in a social interaction model that honors stiff competition of all shapes and levels - including and perhaps foremost seeing your hard work being blown to bits if you don’t pay attention. If it means that people loving the freedom of the “everything is possible in Eve as long as you work for it” aspect are all bitter, or blind to the “reality of current generation players”, I’ll carry that title with honor and conviction. These bitter folks kept the game alive after all. Don’t come here with your “your time is done, oldtimer” nonsense. Your message that veterans of Eve are the hidden, real problem in Eve because they oppose your call for certain changes is perhaps a problem of a different sociopolitical nature.
Now you can go mine a roid casually, and casually get your ship blown up if you don’t pay attention. One thing however is certain, you won’t get good at this game casually. And that is why so many people love Eve Online: it has many layers, and they all interact.
Let’s just agree to disagree. I have no interest in a drawn out discussion, particularly when you’re trying to present made up versions of my arguments as well as your own.
Cleaned up multiple off topic posts, and other restricted content, continued discussion must remain civil and on topic:
1.Specifically restricted conduct.
The purpose of the EVE Online forums is to provide a platform for exchange of ideas, and a venue for the discussion of EVE Online. Occasionally there will be conflicts that arise when people voice opinions. Forum users are expected to courteous when disagreeing with others.
In order to maintain an environment where everyone is welcome and discussion flows freely, certain types of conduct are prohibited on the EVE Online forums. These are:
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3. Post constructively.
Negative feedback can be very useful to further improve EVE Online if it is presented in a civil and factual manner. All users are encouraged to honestly express their feelings regarding EVE Online and how it can be improved. Posts that are non-constructive, insulting or in breach of the rules will be deleted regardless of how valid the ideas behind them may be. Users are also reminded that posting with a lack of content also constitutes non-constructive posting.
I would have flagged a bunch of posts myself, but I thought most of the last 140 posts or so made a wonderful example of the point I started out to explore in the OP. That being:
“How much actual ganking and PvP is going on vs. how much it’s getting talked about.”
Having over a hundred impassioned, off-topic posts in a couple days from less than a dozen posters was about the best illustration I could have asked for.