Eh, nobody’s perfect. I vote we double his pay and maybe he can get the rest next time!
At any rate, just as a reminder, the original topic was on trying to attach some sort of quantity/extent numbers to the practice of ganking in high sec. With a few sideswipes at topics like where / in what ships does the most common PvP occur, what may or may not encourage more PvP, and some on player retention or economy effects.
I doubt it would ever be possible to quantify in any way how much ganking gets talked about, although even just in this thread there were some useful observations to be made.
Even to quantity how much ganking occurs we’d need CCP data, so it’s pretty much guessing on both sides, which I think is part of the problem. What we can tell though is that from an individual perspective it’s quite easy for a single ganker to affect large numbers of victims. When those victims are high priced ships flown by dumb pilots, great. When they are new players being ganked for no gain, not so great.
This is fallacious reasoning…or rather the sentiment behind it.
If I go out and shoot 1000 player ships, I have shot each ship only once. The fact that I shot 999 other ships has no bearing on the fate of each one. What’s more, who gets to decide how much shooting is too much ?
Macgybo posted a video in which he asserted that 15% of all his ganks were 1 day old noobs. He uses a cargo scanner and only ganks ships with a value over several hundred million. His primary point was that a lot of ‘one day old noobs’ are clearly not one day old.
In fact it is arguable that most 1 day old noobs are alts of older players. I was genuinely 1 day old in September 2021. I since created 8 other characters…all of whom were 1 day old at some point. Which means that even if the average player has lets say 6 characters ( 2 accounts ) then by definition there must be 5 times as many fake 1 day old noobs as genuine ones !
The problem is that I can’t see CCP introducing any means of quickly identifying the genuine noobs…especially as being a fake noob is actually part of the gameplay of Eve, for example with being a spy on a corp or for other purposes. A spy will generally want to have a clean employment sheet.
I’m not going to put words in his mouth and neither should you. If @MacGybo wants to have his say he can.
I’m sure there are many alts. There are many legitimate new players too though. Of course CCP can’t implement a way of seeing who is a genuine noob, that’s why their job of trying to balance the system is one I don’t envy.
You’ve posted a link to 4,700+ kills. Which one(s) are you talking about?
Some kills are low-sec PVP. They won’t be hundreds of millions of isk. Some will be suspect pilots flying though hi-sec. Every kill has a story.
Secondly, I don’t think Altara was putting words in my mouth. They were quoting a video I made.
I’m pointing to your kills in general, it’s clear that not all of your ganks are high value. Altara is trying to give the impression that you exclusively gank high value targets and that because some of them are new characters that means that newbies aren’t being ganked.
Nope…I was quoting what MacGybo actually said. I have watched most of his videos, where he even explains the rationale behind the costing of which ships he ganks. I do not agree with all MacGybo’s views on ganking, but I do respect him as being one of the more open and honest people in the game.
The person constantly trying to convey a false narrative is you. Beliefs should be based on facts…not the other way round.
A very relevant point that has to be made, and perhaps repeatedly so…
Context is everything. You cannot automatically assume that every highsec kill is a ‘gank’. There are all manner of non-gank reasons for such kills. Wardecs, people who are flashy after stealing stuff ( for example loot from a ganked ship or from another ship entirely ), duels, etc, etc. Not every highsec kill is a gank !
So what percentage of your ganks are below 400m? Because you’re picked for your study only characters with high value cargo, doe that mean you never gank any pilot below that?
Executioner | RomkaSevernyi | Killmail | zKillboard
This kill for example was followed up by sentry guns killing you, suggesting it was a gank. My assumption is that you don’t scan every target and some you just gamble on.
Your video even suggests you agree with the notion that there are gankers targeting new players and that you believe that is griefing.
Except your never are! You started with the belief “gankers are not ganking new players” and then you’ve made up “facts” to prove it. You just made up a statistic on 5 in 6 new characters being alts. The implication you’re then pushing with that is that you think 5 in 6 ganks of new character are on alts, which is also not a fact.
It is a mathematical fact that if even just one account creates 3 characters over the space of a year, then over that year they will create twice as many ‘false’ one day old noobs as genuine ones. And that is with just one account. There are almost certainly many more false ‘noobs’ than genuine ones.
I’m still not that guy. Are you just trying to get moderators to come in and delete a bunch of posts again?
And now that you’ve disrupted the flow of the posts, Altara will use it as an excuse to dodge the questions. So thanks for that. Just when I thought we might make progress.
Oh, your typical ‘irrelevant’ or ‘so what ?’ after you made a claim and then got shown to be wrong. This is the dishonest arguing that got the prior thread closed.
Yes, and precisely because I was ganked as a new player. I learned the lessons…and have never been ganked since.