I linked the actual presentation above, here’s a link to the post that contains it:
So yes, when I referred to it as “ganking makes people stay”, it’s because that’s the interpretation PvP players have been putting on it for 7 years now. What CCP actually said, specifically, was that people assumed ganking drove people away, and so they looked at the data, and found that in a very specific subset of “ganks” looked at, that people who were ganked were “slightly” more likely to continue playing than people who died ‘legally’. Without any numbers, and with a fair bit of fuzzines…
The part where they go over the killed/legal/ganked numbers is in the first few minutes so is easy to catch. And yes it’s a Fanfest 2015 presentation so you may not be interested.
The ‘context’ is they were looking to see if suicide ganking drives players away. They checked 80,000 new accounts over first 15 days of play. Something like 85.5% lost no ships, 13.5% lost ships “legally”, and 1% were “ganked”. And the “ganked” group were “most likely to stay subscribed” according to the presentation.
There’s a lot of interpretation room there because it’s unknown how they chose the 80,000, how the “legals” were killed (suspect baiting, for instance), or whether they had any way to differentiate between actually new accounts, or new accounts created by existing/previous users.

Being ganked is not a primary reason for quitting.
So I had actually assumed, when I started gathering numbers, that the numbers would in fact show that ganking isn’t a huge problem. It may not be a problem, but turns out the number of ganks is quite a lot higher than I originally expected them to be.
(Yes I’m aware you don’t like numbers analysis, however with half a million players per year cycling through EVE I think a numbers/statistical approach has validity. As does personal experience.)

A very different thing is, that there are not many alternatives regarding PVP
This is one of the problems I’ve been pointing out forever. If EVE is a “PvP centered” game, why is there so little PvP relative to total game activity? Why are there so many players going well out of their way to optimize their “high sec ganking” techniques? It seems like the worst kind of low-hanging fruit for a game supposedly built around PvP.