Ganking funerals - crossing a line, or true to the spirit of EVE?

Are you talking about yourself?

As well as the anonymity of online forum posting to play armchair psychologist!

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EVE is, just like all gaming, an escape from real life and that is how it should remain. If you bring RL into the game then thatā€™s a choice you can make but that doesnā€™t mean others are required to respect that. Would I personally disrupt such a thing? No I would not.

Having said that this is no different from someone being attacked going ā€œguys Iā€™m having a bad day, leave me aloneā€ to then start screaming and demanding that people, indeed, leave him alone becauseā€¦ ā€œmuh real lifeā€. This is EVE, if you choose to bring RL into thatā€™s on you (and itā€™s generally a bad idea).


That trick wouldnā€™t work on me.
Itā€™s a covert weapons transport carrying all sorts of contraband and illegally traveling slaves for the enemy.
ā€œMan your turrets, Men!ā€

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I love pasting this story:

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Exactly my point, weak minded people will instantly use any sort of power & control they can get their hands on to ā€œbattle wrong thinkā€. Apart from, you know, the tools, choices and options that exist within the core of game.

Next time I shop in Jita and have to pay 10% above average iā€™ll report them for micro aggressions, personal attacks and how that trader purposefully, and specifically, singled me out causing my [insert made up RL (mental) health issue] to act up. Then add some victim hood nonsense to it demanding special treatment and presto that player gets banned, feeding my desire for power.

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Who did the ganking?

@Aesir_Valtari @Kezrai_Charzai @Mr_Epeen

Very well said, agree 100% with your entire replyā€¦

In no security space YES
In high security space NO

But in this forum the opinion is all space should be low or no security so deal with it by playing other games. There are plenty to choose from.

I think I was blown up 5 times on my way to the event already :))
I gave up and just watched it online (was past 4 am for me anyway).
Was I p*ssed? Of course I was.
Do I think it was against the rules or the rules should change? No.
Same goes for the event itself. Just the more fireworks. I think that is beautiful and the equivalent of a nice bar brawl after everybody gets blackout drunk in someoneā€™s honorā€¦
But yeah, depending on the people involved, it can be iffy.

Imagine having a funeral for someone on the middle of a football field during a game where the game isnā€™t stopped.

Youā€™re gonna get trampled.

This is Eve Online.

If itā€™s acceptable to gank a funeral in any context, Eve Online is the place.

Wrecking someoneā€™s day is the entire plot line.

the Bold and the Beautiful.


EVE aint the first.

To be honest, EVE is about PVP. Its a central concept of EVE. If I were to die, the best way to memorialize me, would be to gank and kill and be killed and rack up pages of kills on zkillboard. It would truly make me happy.

If you didnt want to be ganked, you shouldve held the funeral in the station. Otherwise, yeah, you were ganked, and thats part of the game.


If they were doing it knowing itā€™s a funeral? Yes, massive bleep move, and I hope they got put on a lot of hit lists.

In game, right?

If crashing EVE funerals resulted in being put on hit lists, Iā€™d definitely go out and do it a couple of times. Itā€™s extremely difficult to be put on anyoneā€™s ā€œlistā€ these days, much less having that list actually enforced. Even when you really upset someone, and no matter how many threats they make in response, when the time comes for them to choose between either going after you to get revenge or going out to grind some more asteroids or NPC rats for the 2,649th time in a row, the latter always wins out.

Carebears, including the ā€œeliteā€ null-sec carebears, never do anything about the abuse they take. Carebears are like cattle; theyā€™ll squeal while you twist the knife, but three minutes later are back to munching grass. They simply arenā€™t hardwired to enforce their self-determination.


Well I for one have a list that Iā€™m building. Sure Iā€™m just a piddly week old new bro right now, but laterā€¦ >,>

If I had a dime for everytime Iā€™ve had that threat thrown at me, Iā€™d be able to plex my account for a year.

Keep dreaming new bro.


The first thing they tell you is ā€œAny time you undock you are unsafeā€ā€¦
As a 2006 player do I expect anyone to respect anyoneā€™s wishes in this game ā€œHELL NO!ā€ they weill pee on your grave just a soon look a you in EVEā€¦

Thereā€™s always someone to ruin everything you want do just because they can.
What are the ramifications for their actions? Not a damn thing you can doā€¦
Canā€™t put them in EVE JAIL? I guess you could MERC them back to the stone age??? Thatā€™s the old school wayā€¦
Fly Safe o7

What are the ramifications for their actions? Not a damn thing you can do

Ctrl ā†’ F1

Thereā€™s a thing you can do.