Ganking makes Eve a better place

and where do you see yourself going from here? where do you see yourself in… 5? 10 years?

Hopefully with kids and a family of my own and not repeating the mistakes of my family. And some dank ships in Eve

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Not sure I understand what you mean . These people are not a good thing, grand tacticians, super spies, theory crafter’s I’m sure all have there place but give me boots on the ground any day

that is a healthy goal. do you consider yourself ready to have children and raise them?

Absolutely not. I’m far too young for that and still in college. That’s a few years off

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Sounds like you have you’re head screwed on straight and you’re walking in the right direction. Keep it up!


I remember during PLEX4GOOD for the Philippines, it was only the gankers who were doing “GANK4GOOD”, raising thousands.

Didn’t see anyone doing “MINE4GOOD” or “MISSIONS4GOOD”.

Gankers are the good guys.


They were too busy being VICTIMS4GOOD.


maybe we can have @Nadia_Bulkalov as the new life coach and counsellor for Crime & Punishment

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And what would you consider an appropriate age to start a family?

I make some seriously off topic comments but thats an award winner right there


Whatever age I make enough money to support a family, and have reached enough emotional maturity where I can not just fully deal with my issues but create another human being and make sure that they’re well rounded and a capable future citizen, and where I can love them even if they may have traits that I personally don’t like, but don’t make them a bad person. When I have the patience to deal with all of the quirks and idiosyncrasies that another small human has. I could go on and on.

I could do with some of your tharapy when you are free. a miner killed my LOKI with the help of a Concord Police Captain. I am having trouble coming to terms with the loss. Can you help?

I decided to check zkill, and you weren’t kidding. What happened? Did you mis-click while having safety off?

Had a blonde moment, thought I was in low sec.

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I’m sure it was the highlight of that miner’s week!

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Well I guess I went one better than my alt who didn’t realise friendly fire was set to off

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There are ways :smiley:

Oh don’t worry. The Abyss is the ultimate ganker LOL.

You mean peeps who don’t know how to fit a ship or use F10 or zkills? Got it.

You mean working as intended PvP?

Or fit a tank, learn to F10 and gather intel kthx.

I hope it does as this is player generated content.

LOL at least they are trying and making the game better in the process. So is Aiko. Both sides are generating game content. Cry more bro.

Shh no one cares.

" Ganking makes Eve a better place"

That’s too general a statement. There’s different kinds of ganking. I’d say ganking some capsuleer who’s been in Eve 10 years and carelessly transporting 500 Billion ISK worth of blueprints in a shuttle is quite legitimate profiteering and nicely reflects the darker side of Eve. As long as there’s genuine profit in it…I don’t have a problem with ganking. If I’m ever ganked…I want the ganker to make a nice profit out of it.

Where I think ganking oversteps the mark is when you get a squad of 15 blowing to bits some 2 day old noob in a Venture just for the ‘LOL’ factor. There’s zero profit, in fact probably loss. In fact even with a Procurer ( around 40m ISK ) any profit is probably tiny. OK so people do it for the ‘kills’, but what kind of an ‘achievement’ is it to brag about when 15 Catalysts KO a 2 day old noob ? Or have I just not heard about all the Eve Medal Of Honour handouts for this astonishing gallantry ?

They say there is honour among thieves. Well, if there was then I think noobs would be given a break while they learn the ropes.


The problem with your opening post ( which in general I agree with ) is that you have the retrospective hindsight of much knowledge and that’s something that tends to blur how one would oneself have responded to being ganked early on in Eve.

Most people joining Eve have never heard of ganking. They’re just here to check it all out…see what this ‘space game’ is all about. Some argue that getting blown to bits by a horde of 15 gankers shows them. I disagree. It’s akin to playing Half Life and meeting Nihilanth in the first minute when all you have is a crowbar. The point is not whether it is ‘fair’ or not, but that the game is already hard enough to learn and probably only 10% survive the first few weeks. It doesn’t ‘need’ to be made harder.

So I’d 100% agree with your post, in relation to careless old timers, whilst I can fully understand why for a noob a gank might just be the last straw in what’s already a tough learning curve.

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