Ganking, or rather the Right to Gank

LOL keep praying, carebears… :rofl:

There are tools for Antigankers. Many are just too inept to use them.

Logistics, ECM, or even some combination of this can ruin a gank.

They have some great hopes now that CCP is owned by a new company. I wonder how long they will stay around and preach those doomsday messages until they realize that the core of EVE can’t be changed and that is what they actually hate. :joy:


Not sure or particulary care whether CCP will disable wardecs before implementing a new solution. I doubt they will disable wardecs, because probably by now even CCP realizes they don’t have the capability to program a decent replacement within 12 months.
But should CCP disable wardecs, I suspect a large number of current wardeccers are going to try the -10 gank lifestyle in various mission hubs.

Thank you all for the replies and discussion in this thread. :smiley:

I think what we’re saying is ganking MUST stay, although there may be tweeks to it?

Hoping about 600+ pro-ganking repies is some evidence for PA, if/when they start to meddle…

Fly easy o/

:blush: I’m reminded of the crimewatch changes that were going to end CODE. lololololol

“Winter is coming” remember?!?!? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I love it when something gives the carebears hope, otherwise what would we have to crush?

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The only reasonable counter to a gank in high is to make it impossible by CCP to be ganked/gank in high…

Bottom line…

Or you could simply learn how to play the game and invest the minimal amount of time it takes to make yourself not a target. To hard for you?


It would require him to log on and put some actual effort :joy:

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no…just not wanted by mainstream…and a mainstream rebuild will come,forced upon the game by PA

Did … did they really show up in frigates??

Maybe you should actually do all these reports! :smiley:

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Btw, in a surprise to no one, the ECM nerf was a stealth buff to suicide ganking!

Better cry more!

Not really, because you only can lock whatever’s locking you

Games who are hard to play are pretty mainstream this days again. Maybe it’s just you who rather likes Hello Kitty type games and you project that on everyone else?

If you gank the falcon maybe. In any other situation it should probably be worse for the ganker if I understand that change correctly.

It is not worse. It can’t be as the only change is now you can lock back who is jamming you.

For a Falcon at range jamming you after you start a gank, the suicide ganker is still screwed I would think, but it does make ECM useless on the ship being ganked as an escape mechanism or to stop the damage. That is less relevant for a large fleet of gankers, but still it is a nerf as it makes ECM on the target ship useless as a way to neutralize one or more of the suicide ganking ships.

I think though it is a much bigger buff for gate camping lowsec gankers as it makes ECM useless for a solo ship to clear tackle and escape.

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Didn’t they also say something about wanting to make ECM more reliable and less chance based? Was that just a dream they had and it didn’t actually crystallize in the update?

What Pedro said. Most of us operate at brawling range, so ECM ships are ■■■■■■. :smiley:

Aren’t we talking about CCP? :smiley: