Ganking, or rather the Right to Gank

I think they did, but it isn’t in the patch notes:

I think it is one of those wait-and-see things CCP is so famous for promising and never getting around to in a timely fashion, if ever. I guess they’ll watch how use of the ships go and adjust later.

Implying I haven’t.

It’s simply not possible to tell if you’re mocking him, or if you’re actually reporting him. My apologies, I meant no disrespect…

No apology needed. He doesn’t know either whether I do report him or not. :slight_smile: … It drove Salvois insane people kept flagging his posts and telling him about it. Although he might actually have been insane alkready before he joined EvE.

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There is one of those idiots who multiboxes like 10 griffins

He’s of course a huge failure. Lands then as I’m killing something and starts jamming as targets already dead

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Sounds like some illegal alpha multiboxer.


Hmmm, an illegal multiboxer interfering with honest content creation. That is probably best mass-petitioned using form 16B. I’ll monitor him a bit to be sure whether the boxes for “toxic” and “RL threats” also need to be checked.


That’s very possible, I don’t think they use modules that require omega either… Maybe that’s because theyre too cheap/poor cos theyre trash at the game and too risk averse or maybe…? :thinking:

There’s another 2 failures multiboxing 10 logi each too (both complete failures)… What’s the chances a bunch of players who accuse others of cheating nonstop are actually the ones cheating?



The “gud guy” white knight types always think they have some special rights and the cause justifies the means. It is very very likely in my opinion.

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Is that not everybodys opinion as to there play style?

Part of me wants to ask how long people will struggle to keep this thread alive… But then I suppose having this thread continuing to exist means that the discussion is here, vice the hydra’s head of ganking discussion erupting all over the forum…

Not really, I don’t think I have special rights to ignore the ELUA because of my play style. Do you?

You know how ownership of low sec systems works? The ones who bomb you nonstop tend to be the ones owning the system. Same in hs - uedama is sov of CODE.


They do care about sec status and krs way too much, which does lead to situation in which they can;t do anything effective.

That’s what alts are for, many gankers will be using alts to ply their trade in mayhem; what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

What game is this?

a fishing simulator

Thanks, if they add virtual homes where you can have a man cave with the biggest fish caught that might sell more micro transactions.

Uedama is not the Sov of CODE because the system is not labeled as being controlled by CODE.

Then why doesn’t CODE go into Null and use the same tactics to control territory?

Because they would have to actually work, such as going on long range roams, for their content.

By the same reasoning Tama is not sov of Snuffed Out… really, the ones who control the area are the ones who own sov of it no matter what the in game ui would like to say about it. Your failure to understand it indicates your lack of experience with other parts of of space - low sec and wormholes in particular.