Was clearing a killright. I had just got done hyperdunking off of my Citadel, claiming 3b from a Courier Contract scam.
No Lacie has been an alt that I’ve never used for anything until now.
Any other questions?
Was clearing a killright. I had just got done hyperdunking off of my Citadel, claiming 3b from a Courier Contract scam.
No Lacie has been an alt that I’ve never used for anything until now.
Any other questions?
Your Main?
You are speaking to my main, R-0-B-0-C-O-P.
Said you started in 2012, Robo is not that old, LaFleur was created 2012?
Correct. I’ve been playing since 2012. I have had multiple primary characters that I’ve used since then. My previous main is no longer in use for anything other than giving pilots a log off timer.
Come on, sleuth!
If you want to know my first character I ever considered my main, then you can know me by Dale Thellere. He was sold a long time ago and my alt became my new main. That main is still in my possession, but not very many people use the name with me.
I bet if you read this thread in its entirety you can figure it out. I’m not really trying to hide anything here.
Be true to your word and list all your ALT’s then…
It’s much more amusing for you to figure it out. It doesn’t benefit me at all to make it easier on you…
Unless you are interested in paying a ransom fee for me to free your mind? I will say an even 2b is fair, no?
I was waiting for you to say Faylee of your own accord.
Neat. What do we do now?
I wont tell if you pay me 20bil isk.
(was dropping a lot of hints with VMG n Sue fm CD)
Post more well written shenanigans on your journey to your target.
Nitshe will start crying again.
Play your forum game, not his.
Yeah I have a backlog of kills to write-up. I am also collecting footage to create my very first, “Bump-tage” featuring our fearless hero assisting freighters in need and our vile bumper collecting ransoms.
Wow are you a space detective
Ask your doctor to check for brain worms
Wow are you embarrassed of peeps looking up your Mains KB?
Nuthin to be ashamed of, just matches your rhetoric.
However, Faylee has a lot to lose if you associate her Main with this thread. Esp if the people she ransomed found out, or future Corps she applies for think her integrity is wanting.
Faylee is an Arch Griefer, n griefers generally don’t like the Main or ALT’s bandied about, nor linked to their bad deeds. Hence, my enjoyment in griefing an Arch Griefer. I deep sea troll for these fish, n I’m just started with her.
Arch Griefer tears even better than Codie tears, but Faylee was a Codie too ( and VMG ta boot ). Makes the catch even more attractive.
On the contrary, I’m very proud of my main’s killboard; I mostly live in lowsec and play Eve as a survival game. I just think it’s more than a little creepy that you’d put such effort into a random forum poster, and more than a little pathetic that you thought naming the oldest character in my 3 person corp was some kind of big reveal.
Basically I’m saying you’re a ■■■■■■ up weirdo.
@CCP_Falcon can we get this thread cleaned up a bit? We have Nitshe Razvedka trolling and derailing, and then what I assume is his alt Osa Engawa attempting to post pretending to be an alt of mine. You can also see him in many other threads not posting anything of value and attempting to troll, derail, and hijack other peoples threads.
I believe that falls under the TOS about impersonation?
I don’t mind chatter here, but I would prefer it stay on topic.
The jig is up Faylee Freir, why continue with R-0-B-0-C-O-P. No need to obfuscate when your Main has been outed.
But I do like the tears. … . .and irony.
This is C&P - the salt flows both ways.
For the most part, this all seems to be in order.
It’s pretty much what I’ve been doing lately as I haven’t had much luck with drops, but I’ve still done my best to represent the good and honorable in New Eden. Lets get up to speed with what I’ve done since I last wrote of my heroic activities.
These pilots were generous enough to “donate” to my cause and were in complete and total support of my mission to assist each and every Freighter and Jump Freighter I spot in danger. It doesn’t end there though, as I was able to come to the aid of quite a few helpless victims.
The first event took place in my usual patrol route as again I spotted our resident “bad guy bumper” going at it…
Lucky for Dre Guy and his crew I manage to arrive just in time before any further motion sickness was caused through repeated bumping!
Wait, it’s not over! Something strange had been going on!
Lacie LaFleur > What was in the plastic wrap?
Lacie LaFleur > Just containers?
Dre Guy > yea
Lacie LaFleur > lol why?
Dre Guy > it was a contract
Lacie LaFleur > What was the collateral?
Dre Guy > I’ll pay you 10 million for it
Lacie LaFleur > What was the collateral on it?
Dre Guy > 100 million, way too much for the containers
Lacie LaFleur > Who gave you the contract?
Dre Guy > why?
So upon further investigation I saw that it was just as I had suspected! There was some kind of trickery afoot and by pure happenstance I had just “assisted” a freighter that was carrying a scam contract!
I’m so incredibly happy I was able to help two people at the same time! That was a quick, easy, and completely ransom 1.2b for the contractor!
Dre Guy > how did you even trap me in the first place?
It’s not always about the reward or recognition for a job well done. You have to go into this expecting very little as even the most desperate and feeble of creatures can be some of the most vile and selfish pilots.
155m in loot dropped
I find it ironic that this next pilot was in a corporation named, “PER DIEM” as he found himself staring at the slender body of a bump Machariel holding him hostage, standing to lose all of his belongings.
1.7b in loot dropped
1.1b in “ransom”
mariset > come on oyour pathetic
Lacie LaFleur > 500m or you die
mariset > no
mariset > get on with it
mariset > ty about time pathetic what are your skills like lol
Deersew1 > you still suck
Deersew1 > that took far too long
Deersew1 > idiots
Deersew1 > noobs
I witness some of the saltiest haulers when patroling my normal routes, and this guy is no exception…
Kain Flux > hi
STOP AND FRISK > You’re going to die, friend
STOP AND FRISK > Trump The King | Kills | Character | zKillboard
Kain Flux > seems so
STOP AND FRISK > Do you want to live or die?
Kain Flux > stop griefing
Kain Flux > and wasting time
STOP AND FRISK > Not griefing.
Kain Flux > you are
Kain Flux > perpetual bumping has been griefing since 2009
STOP AND FRISK > Do you want to live or die?
Kain Flux > CCP Logibro even talked about it at fanfest
Kain Flux > stop griefing
Kain Flux > and do soemthing
STOP AND FRISK > Do you want to live or die?
Kain Flux > stop griefing
Kain Flux > well its simple enough to report
The sad thing about this is that the pilot here was flying a 25b Anshar with enough fuel to jump out. The total time he was bumped was 5 minutes. Silly freighter pilot, no need to be a cry baby. Unfortunately he didn’t want my assistance, nor could I find anyone to batphone.
This seems to be an on-going trend where freighter pilots that are in grave danger don’t accept conversations from these griefing bumper dudes.
I see “Zepher Khamsi” in distress and notice that he’s refused to communicate with the bumper. I approach him carefully as he appears panicked…
200m in “ransom”
…And Finally!
Seems like the pilots are spreading word at the local watering hole that you shouldn’t communicate with ransoming bump Macharials, but I suggest otherwise. You should always communicate with these folk as you can always pay a fair sum to get out of your hot, sticky mess.
I see “Amarth XI” getting bumped and grinded on and I intervene. Unsolicited hull-touching is nothing to joke about and I as an honorable space hero of justice and magic swear to uphold the law!
Lacie LaFleur > I’m here in my hauler. I can web you if you send duel
Amarth XI > ok sure but I probably have duels disabled
Lacie LaFleur > ok send duel to me
The crazy part is that he brought his own webber, but obviously lacked the officer webs that I use to assist in saving these helpless ships!
Lacie LaFleur > 500m or you die
Amarth XI > nice scam idiot
Amarth XI > well im not gonna pay while im stuck obviously
Amarth XI > because then you’d just shoot me anyway
… My fortune snatched up by the fickle Loot Fairy again
So as you can see I’ve been busy. While my drops have been complete which is partially my fault, (bad targets… but a kill is a kill!) I’m happy with the 5.4b in ransoms that I’ve made in a short period of time!
Hopefully next time I find myself with a view like this, fortune will smile on me.
ISK in the “pot”:
45,373,000,001 ISK
Bumping freighters is “elite pvp”? Here I thought elite pvp was something that Rooks and Kings did…
I mean, you do you, but just be honest and say you’re saving up by ganking. Or is the title satirical?