Just wanted to give a little update on this little project:
I’ve been incredibly busy serving the Dark Lord and have neglected my duty to you, dear readers. In an half-assed attempt to fill you in on what I’ve done since my last post, I will spam you with the killmails of infidels. Stand back and admire the blood sacrifice as I line up each of these detestable pilots as you would heads on pikes…
You’ll notice that I’ve since executed two more Jump Freighters
and the much more impressive 20b Jump Freighter…
The Dark Lord chooses to reveal himself in wonderful ways. I am constantly receiving his blessings in the form of pure tears:
Zwisto > gald you ganked me while I am skyping with my daughter, grats.
Lacie LaFleur > You ready?
Falcon War > yea
Falcon War > i don’t see u
Falcon War > oh you mother ■■■■■■
Lacie LaFleur > 1b or you die
Khuni Marr > you guys are ■■■■■■■ my game, to the point wher i will not be able to continue
Khuni Marr > #just saying
Lacie LaFleur > lol
Khuni Marr > i ple
Khuni Marr > plexz
Khuni Marr > thanks
Khuni Marr > i cant plex this minth
Khuni Marr > or next month
Lacie LaFleur > Really?
Khuni Marr > yea
Khuni Marr > really
Lacie LaFleur > I need more isk. Can you give me some?
Khuni Marr > sure, if you ■■■■ your self first on a pike
Khuni Marr > cheers
So now comes the interesting part that I never would have anticipated… I’m up to (around) 93.3 billion isk since July 11th. I say “around” because there have been multiple instances where I’ve convinced them to jettison their cargo and even eject from their freighters, and just like I’ve neglected this space… I neglected to document those instances. The 93.3b comes from total loot and ransoms.
So what about the original goal and vision of this thread? Well I will admit that I’ve invested chunks of my “donations” towards various projects I’m working on and have emptied my “BOOTY” can twice so far. I’m determined to see returns on my investments that will see this 93.3b complete and whole. I had around 50b liquid before starting this project and there’s no real reason to sell anything as I don’t ~really~ need the ISK, so I’m going to pack-rat everything in my can and see how big my pile can get. I’m sitting at 30b in loot right now (wish I wouldn’t have sold my loot twice now).
Yes the Fenrir I use to scoop with was “stolen” or “donated” to this project. Don’t ask about the meat locker… JUST DONT. Some stuff I’ve obtained I’ve put in my keepsafe container, but its mostly skins, cosmetic items, or other various things that I would prefer to hold on to.
The goal is still to have Super, FAX, and Titan pilots with the hulls I decide to train towards, but I’m still a very long way off. I still have yet to actually own or pilot a Capital, so the Super pilot will enjoy a Carrier until I feel I’m ready. I have an alt training for another Panther, but will likely go for a Nag just to get more capital experience. Naturally being in VMG I have plenty of logi alts, and two of these are being put to use towards FAX training. Sadly I don’t have a character that I’m currently training towards a Titan for, so we’ll just have to see how this plays out.
So realistically I’m months away from actually undocking my alt in a Thanatos and even longer for the FAX alts. The Naglfar pilot (who is actually my old bump machariel alt) will likely be ready first. I have no plans to inject any of these characters, as I have plenty of time to wait with no shortage of content.
I was on the Mindclash Podcast this last Monday and the theme was scams and scammers. It was awesome being on the show to not only talk about what I do and enjoy, but to hear some of the guys that I look up to as they provide incredible content / stories / chatlogs. I do go into a great bit of detail on exactly what I do / say and the strategy behind it (no I’m not just spamming duels). If you’re interested in that you can watch it on their youtube or listen to it from their website
I am also collecting the last bit of footage that I need for the video I’m making, then I’ll need to re-do some of the editing since I’ve realized that I’ve been somewhat lazy. I just know everyone here is going to love it, and I’m really eager to finish.
To close out my little update I’d like to take a page out of Feyd’s (rip) book and dedicate each and every single kill, tear, and “donation” to those that wish to see Eve Online turned into some kind of PVE farming themepark abomination. I do this for you and because of you, and hope that as you read this that you project all sorts of armchair psychology towards me.
@Dracvlad @Nitshe_Razvedka @Culdaris_Kahn_X
I could keep the list of heretics going, but I might as well just include the majority of posters here and on Reddit.