Firstly if you would actually understand what I posted you wouldn’t reply to me with that, he was a sick mental head, you are placing side by side the hundreds of thousands, literally millions of others who served and never committed any crime with this wacko, he was one guy amongst millions and this is pretty sad that you focus so narrowly.

Sunday is a day we remember our military, since Americans are a part of this community and I wouldn’t care if Russians posted their “defender of the fatherland day” I’d wish them well because I have nothing against people remembering important events in their history, while you see it as an affront to others it is only someone who is ready to be offended by anything which means they have a bitter heart, what make you so bitter?

Rage blind is universal, everyone across the world has their own version, and no one country has a monopoly on A holes, there will never be a shortage of idiots because we are dealing with humans and anyone who has seen enough of my posts knows where I stand, so no, park it with this rage against a post because people don’t need a forum justice warrior trying to grand stand.

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Please stop. I know you think you were just baiting the troll, and I know that you think it’s entertaining. But he’s an idiot. If we ignore him, he will go away.

Long ago, countries used to ship their soldiers off to the middle of nowhere after a war. Oh, they gave them land, resources, and medical care, but they put them as far away from home as they could.

You know why? They were smart enough to realize that the murder machines they created couldn’t be integrated into civilized society.

Now lets look at a certain country that has never stopped being at war, is incapable of reintegrating their murder machines, and give them no housing, resources, or medical care. That “wacko” was created, not born. And is only the latest in a long line that have not been able to stop murdering people once pulled out of action.

But at least you give them some lip service once in a while. You know… like elections and anniversaries. While pretending you don’t see them homeless and begging for scraps the rest of the year. What a magnanimous and caring country you live in.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Wow, I’m kind of… speechless.

This actually might be an example of how one can think about something a bit too much, and go off the deep end.

Talk about casting your net a bit too big. :grimacing:

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Trolls get lonely too, they too need a little attention instead of the hate they crave because they have difficulties.


Not that it is not :popcorn: worthy and all that but this come to mind while reading through all this and the responses made by pro-military people:

“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

So genuine question: Isn’t that what military people (and pro-military ones who are not in it themselves) should live by?

And if yes shouldn’t you just ignore some random individual who comes and expresses his opposing view?

Maybe just my impression but it feels kind of desperate and insecure of pro-military people to get upset about some random noise on a public forum especially one which is not even about real-life military stuff in the first place so you can not expect everyone to respect your point of view in the first place.

Just felt I might drop this in. As for the subject at hand I don’t care either way at least not to discuss it here on the EVE forums.


Guess this is the appropiate thread for this… (watch til the end)

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@Mr_Epeen, you don’t understand what it is like to be a soldier. You cannot related to the idea of giving one’s life for a greater good. Hence can you not understand, and therefore not accept, that soldiers enjoy pride and glory.

Of course are honour, pride, glory, diligence and many other emotions merely the product of our ego. And if these were all the emotions we would feel then it would make us indeed petty, but this isn’t the case.

A soldier is afraid of losing his or her life just as the next person. Only can soldiers not allow themselves to be dominated by fear, despair or other negative emotions, but they choose to replace it by positive ones, such as pride and glory.

There is nothing wrong with it. It’s a necessity for any soldier to be able to do their job and when needed to make the ultimate sacrifice. You wouldn’t want your fellow country men, who are currently in service and are protecting you and your family, to die in fear just for you, but you want them to feel pride and glory for what they do for you. And this is also how you want to remember those who don’t come home.

Give this a minute of thought.


Then we can remember the Gulf War together. Where we stood side by side against evil dictatorships. This is EVE Online where every corp has diplomats. для матери России!

Go troll another tread, kid.

Its not you giving yours but cause them lost their. :sunglasses:

No, I do mean the loss of one’s own life. It’s not something one can expect of others to do. You cannot even expect others to understand why they do it or what they have to go through to give their life. But one can show respect for it.


Okay, at this point you are either deliberately misunderstanding the trolls attempts, or you are just feeding into it. Either way, y’all have fun.

No, not all. People don’t automatically become better people when you ignore them. What you do is to stand up to them. If they lack an understanding then provide them with one.


You really want to open that can of worms?

Almost none of the wars fought with U.S. soldiers was for anything but political gain for the few or straight up corporate greed. The mental gymnastics you people go through to justify what you do on a regular basis to countries that don’t deserve to be invaded astounds me.

But if that’s your idea of greater good, then so be it.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:




Did someone say die for the Emperor??! <3

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No. Perhaps don’t believe everything the press writes, which when you believe your own country would be the source of all evil then the press has to be in on it, but actually go to people who have served and who have been to these countries and let them tell you what they’ve seen.

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Good idea.

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:rofl: No. I meant actually meet people and not just cherry pick random stuff on the Internet, which obviously feeds into your believe. Rather find people in your family or neighbourhood and talk to them, people who you can trust. Tell them what you believe is happening and ask them what they believe. Of course if your family is all just a bunch of hillbillies and rednecks, who went into the army with no brains then this could also be a bad idea.