How the ■■■■ should I know? Google it and get back to us.

But get a buddy with some understanding of English to proof read before you post. Because I just don’t have a clue what you are on about most of the time. And I don’t think I’m alone with that.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

You’re the one complaining.

If you’re not a U.S. American complaining about his own country, then what country are you from?


A place where nobody dare to go.


Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

That’s as mythical as your arguments in this thread are.

How fitting.

Because it’s an island and you’d need a boat?

Whoa! Sick burn, bro.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:



You sound like someone who wants to write the history books. Only you didn’t win a war. So what does this make you?

Unfortunately quite a few believe that US isolationism contributed significantly to the outbreak WWI, not sure I agree though.

So that is brought up any time renewed isolationism is brought up. There is probably a better middle ground between isolationism and meddling, but expecting that to perfectly happen all the time is quite silly.

The pendulum will swing back the other way at some point.

Someone that can actually think instead of just being a puppet repeating propaganda.

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It’s not really relevant. A country simply wouldn’t be an independent and sovereign nation when just anyone can “meddle” with it and cause it to start a war and then gets away with it by saying it wasn’t their fault. If this was possible then who really started a war? Could be the meddler got meddled with by another meddler, who himself got meddled with by someone else, until nobody really knows who started with the meddling! Everyone would be passing on the blame until nobody would know who to blame. It’s the nonsense of a child’s mind. A sovereign nation has the sole responsibility for when it starts a war and no other nation has.

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Someone who can actually think… Please, do think and don’t just make yourself into an object.

I identify as a tree. Got a problem with that? :stuck_out_tongue:


Is that because you are “rooted” in your beliefs? :smile:

I am not at all, it just takes more than ■■■■■■■■, lies and blatant propaganda to change my opinion.

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How do you know which is which? How do you know what is a lie, what is propaganda and what is the truth? The truth can turn into a lie simply by leaving out a small detail. Add something irrelevant to it and the truth can turn into propaganda. Take the following picture. It says it all in one example:


Truth is, one cannot trust one’s own opinion.

Weird then that you seem pretty sure yours is the right one.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


@CCP_Falcon why is this even allowed in the EVE Forums? This is an international community and not pro U.S. only. I’m sure there are better places for this where it doesn’t possibly alienate big parts of the community.

Politics and religion are not allowed on the forums for obvious reasons, so why is the celebration of military troops OK? Would it be OK if this was a thread about the Russian or Chinese military?


No. You’re still only polarising. There is no right one, there is only a better one. Go and ask the people who know better.

Start by remembering where you post. We’re a community of gamers, some who have served in their countries’ military and who are proud of it. There is nothing wrong with it. You’re the one who accuses them of mass murder.