Has anyone else here had completely toxic experiences with /r/eve? BFR is fake there

Last but not least you… You seem to think im some spoiled little kid who had everything handed to him by his parents. Think again. I was a poor kid who raised his younger siblings and put him self through college. You’re filled with hate.

Ding ding ding, we have a winner! Thanks for showing me not everyone here is trash

You could 6 days ago. Helps to be timely.

You have absolutely no control over any aspect of your social skills? Or your ability to communicate? I know there are aspects of autism that are just pure inability to connect with someone, but there are social skills that autistics can pick up with time and effort. They of course don’t mean “just turn your autism off”, but to fight through the uncomfortableness of socially interacting that I believe most autistics feel. Forcing yourself to do something you don’t like, interacting, is no where near the same thing as someone with Parkinson’s person just stopping their hand from shaking or someone paralyzed in a wheelchair from standing up. Now if you don’t have a problem interacting with people and there’s some other problem that your autism causes, maybe you could have explained that to them instead of yelling.

Here’s some quotes from people that you continued to yell at:
“I think he means that you force yourself do do something that you aren’t comfortable doing for a short time. This is actually called emersion therapy and is actually already used in trying to teach people to cope with autism.”

“There are obviously different levels and I am sorry if I am offending you in any way, I was just trying to explain what I hope he was suggesting. You never know if you don’t even try though imo. Worst case scenario is you can’t say anything and you explain yourself later, best case scenario is you suprise yourself.”

"If you’re in a leadership role that requires you to be a diplo you kinda have to overcome it for the short period you’re on coms with other diplos.

It’s like your first times doing PvP: As long as you act cool and your voice doesn’t crack, noone can see you shaking like crazy.

And if you need a break just say someone is on the door or someone is calling or whatever."

"Redshirt guy managed to get on the microphone as ask his question in front of a world audience. Did it sound somewhat weird? yes. Did he manage to get his question out to the WoW devs? Yes.

Of course there are different kind of severities, but just answering with the usual “you’re ignorant”-stick is just lazy. At least try.

I mean, if you’re in a wheelchair why try to climb stairs when there is a ramp nearby. If you can’t do it, appoint a diplo and have him talk to your neighbors."

“He’s talking about the ability most people have to suppress feelings for short periods of time, for example, nerves when you’re giving a speech at a wedding. Of course that’s more difficult for autistic people to do, but there’s no need to jump down his throat over it dude, that doesn’t do anyone any favours.”

Not one of those people are saying you’re faking it. Maybe they don’t understand YOUR brand of trouble. As you pointed out, autism presents itself in many different ways. The worst thing they did was be ignorant of the finer points of autism. Lots of people have problems communicating and being social, even people who don’t have autism. They saw someone having trouble interacting and, maybe because they empathize or they too have trouble interacting with others, and wanted to offer some friendly advice. You had the opportunity to educate them and instead you berated them. You don’t like the advice they’re giving you because it’s ridiculous or basic? Tell them “Hey, I know you don’t know this, but I’ve actually been living with this for 30+ years. I’ve heard and tried everything under the sun, I know what I am doing. Sometimes I can fight through it, other times the autism is too bad. Appreciate the advice, but please, I got this, just needed to vent.” Or some flavor it. Cause I guarantee no one is going to take the time to understand you or sympathize/empathize with you when you respond to them with vitriol and sarcasm and calling them rude, condescending, and names.

no, I’m attacking you because you’re being a jackass.

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