Has eve hit a point because of filament's that it is not worth living in low sec anymore?

I understand and agree.

Those “few” are only few compared to the millions of lower standards, though.

When CCP says they don’t want players to be self-reliant …
… that means they want people to have hardships they need to overcome in groups, right?

I don’t know what CCP wants. That kind of transparency isn’t there. To me, they appear fickle. I don’t really listen to what they say. I look at what they do, and whether it is consistent. The changing of the CCP_Guard, so to speak, gives me pause, and there is nobody left in CCP who has my full confidence and is bothering to voice anything to me.

If what they’re saying is the honest truth of their intent, though, then your conclusion would be reasonable. I just also know that the pressure to cave into player convenience is there and will not abate. Eve needs someone committed at the helm if it wants take a different course and the risks that go along with that. Hellmar hasn’t shown me he is that kind of person. I’m not saying he isn’t, but it’s not a distinction he’s earned from me.

If you were in charge, I would not hedge my bets. I know where you stand, but it’s an earned state that only a person can hold. CCP as a company can’t do it, and the remaining employees have not achieved it.


well… we can live toguether :smiley:
but is a bad time :frowning:

low sec is full of miners and null sec people
those folks that like to dock wen a red appear on local… or to form … with intel channels … the anti low sec chad way

Nullsec farmers have infested lowsec??

Where’s the lowsec crowd pushing back?


i guess we are to used to less than 10 minutes wait voluntary pew pew
the null sec bureaucrats are robing our youth

Oh, right.

I keep forgetting that the modern lowsec crowd isn’t the same lowsec crowd I remember.

Or maybe I’m wrong and it’s not just all about faction warfare anymore,
but there’s still plenty of pirate groups claiming their territory and ■■■■.

I mean outside of the main hubs.

Okay, I understand, except for one part:

What keeps you from grouping up and shooting them?
Lowseccers in general should be far more capable than those nullsec wannabes.

the pirates are fine
they have the same heart as the militia
old days …
new guy … wt in amamake
me… hey militia chat is to talk ■■■■ not to report , we dont care stop that
new guy ok

but now is critical andersen :frowning:

Out of interest which null guys? I only have experience from gal/cal side and don’t amarr militia have the aid of dock workers which are a pretty formidable force?

Pirates cease to exist when there’s no one to pirate. Killing an occasional month-old player who accidentally jumps into low-sec doesn’t sustain piracy in the traditional sense of the term. So all of those OG groups have died out, or rather, switched to camping Uedama and the Jita undock.

What’s in low-sec these days? The last time I flew through, there was a camp on one or two entry systems, and everywhere else was completely desolate.

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Pretty much this is my experience as well, black flag on kinnaka gate and wangs on tama. Then the occasional bot farmer doing fw plex’s and insta warping out if you appear on 1AU.

the pirates still exist , the minmatar are kinda gone
yesterday i jumped 20 jumps and no minmatar
i saw some dock workers( the pirates)
they are fine, they roam , and camp and enter plexes
they are like militia guys , ready to fight
yesterday i plex uncontested , and i got bored , and i used filaments to roam null because no pew pew in low
meanwhile a LOT of miners

In low-sec? Where? Are they insta-warp bots?

I am having a hard time understanding your post.

And who’s critical andersen??

Why don’t you shoot the miners in low??

but low sec guys are used to fight in plexes or in stations
no probe ,
wen we see a legion using combat probes in low we laugh
we don’t have patience to jump to 100 mine belts just to see the miner scape to station
i killed one or 2 barges but its boooooring

Ah, I get it.
Try logoff traps and cloaks?
Or actually try claiming territory with a bunch of others?
I mean, classical setting up home in a lowsec system and kicking out everyone.

You sound more like you’re part of a group that’s not actually a group.

You know what I’m starting to think?

CCP needs to rebalance the economy so that modules have a much higher value in relation to ships. Kind of the way it was before invention, when T2 mods and many named modules went for 5+ ISK million each, and some battleships were as low as 60-70 million ISK each. That could potentially help with piracy profits even against limited targets. On top of that, it would allow players to experiment with dangerous space more, because they could put budget fits on inexpensive but powerful ships for whelping.

we don’t care for gate camps, we don’t care for intel
we plex and we fight
we are anarchic , we join just to kill a IHUB them we go away
if we got blobed we reship
its a simple life
not like null = i need a buddy to go to the bathroom please

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people prefer to be servants than to be free
there was nothing in low sec to attract tyrants
that way just the weirdos like me lived there
folks who are bored with the “game”
now there is mining
new guys can join a corp , and be part of a group , and be a happy slave

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It’s so funny to see all these carebear posts swearing that piracy is out of hand in this game when in reality the PvP community in its entirety is on the verge of extinction. What a bunch of entitled brats.