I did provide you the link:
See below:
No, it means you can run as many Omega accounts as you want, but you are only allowed to run that 1 Alpha account. While on an Alpha account it is the only account you are allowed to be on. Even if you have an alpha running on your laptop and several omega on your desktop, that would be in breach of the EULA.
So you have two choices;
Run a single Alpha account.
Run one or multiple Omega accounts.
EULA applies to you as a person and not your PC(s).
What do you say to that?
I always deliver.
It is not permitted for a person to run multiple alphas clients, or an omega with x alpha clients, simultaneously, regardless of how many platforms they are running on.
Source thread:
Are multiple accounts allowed as an Alpha?
Source to above post:
Is there any plans to close the loop hole that is ganking? - #385 by Salvos_Rhoska