With a vengeance if this thread is any indication. How long did your quit last? A week?
Mr Epeen
With a vengeance if this thread is any indication. How long did your quit last? A week?
Mr Epeen
That’s not true. I sold one the other day for 1.2M isk in Luminaire. Learn to use the Market.
Yep. One of my recent pops I didn’t even hate the dude who dropped me.
Running with 2/3 other dessies on site. 1 wt lands. OKay we got this, start to engage before being told since in AF, we are gonna go for this…right?
Wrong. they left fast as hell, I got lost in the WTH emotions to see I was tackled and webbed. I was stuck now and I went boom!
It was the lp chasers who bailed who irked the crap out of me. The dude who dropped me I have no issues with really.
Wow, this is a first for me. Normally it’s the low sec pirates and the high sec gankers labeled psychopaths. Not the null sec carebears.
Can’t wait to see the whine threads you’ll post when you biff it in low, or WH space, or poch-poch.
Quilty tears here.
Thanks mate.
Also, you should take a minute to learn about the false equivalency fallacy. Loosing a pixilated spaceship in a fictional videogame is nowhere near the same level of heinous atrocity one endures when subjected to the “R” word. Personally I think you should be banned from the game for even suggesting they are the same.
Null sec filaments are great for yeeting yourself into null sec to rob ESS’s, then use a poch filament to make your escape.
Back before when they road tripped more, 0.0 was good for ye old ninjya ratting. Most on the deployment, the few you’d see were usually broke newer joins who’d take a really long time to find you probably on purpose. They were already broke from front line losses.
They weren’t in a rush to lose the last of their money losing the ratting ship to even more pvp lol.
Can’t say how it is now.
From what I can tell, Null sec is just high sec 2.0.
You toss a wrench into their isk farming or somehow adversely affect their isk/hr generation they begin whining and flailing and crying on the forums.
That’s why I’m surprised the OP called them psychopaths. More like whiny babies.
I wonder what that makes the OP since he lost a ship to them due to sheer stupidity?
Basically. thanks to their Null peeps csm ZZ went to crap for pirate FW. It had potential. Now its jsut a lame joke.
I like the power projection angle they put up. Apparently the only that holds the tenuous balance of 0.0 together is…an evac’d alliance camping ZZ when bored.
Hmmm… your Employment History in Eve does not mention, Freedom Consortium.
To paraphrase Gerard Amatin
So, if you are not a member of Freedom Consortium - 2. does not apply - and Freedom Consortium is 1.? Well… you have been alive for 5263 days according to Neocom.
Best bet? Join Brave. Or Eve Uni. Or a corporation that is older than being founded this year. Oh, probably not Brave judging by that convo cut-and-pasted by Gerard Amatin.
Freedom Consortium could be an alt-corp where EVE members run scams on new players. I’m not saying it is but it has been known to happen. However, you were never a member of Freedom Consortium according to Neocom Search in the first place.
You are not listed on Zkillboard as a victim within the dates of Dec 05 22:43 and now, as a victim of Freedom Consortium.
Unless you were on another account?
Part of the game is going into null-sec and outwitting the locals when necessary, to get objectives done or just to simply travel.
Ninja-mining for example is part of the thrill. Oh, and filementing into null-sec, disturbing the care bears of a corp you don’t belong to… is an invitation to be blown up. And that depends on your skill. Or, you can have a filament for Pochven to filiment out of null-sec when you are about to be pointed, on your way back to hi-sec.
There is always a solution. And you will always lose ships. Don’t fly bling. And don’t filament into null-sec with a billion ISK in implants for some ninja-mining.
Convert 2 trillion known to isk to plex to US dollars lol.
Someone rough sketched off the video that amount. Jay was kind enough to post one up. Nice music selection…and basically shot the goon spin it was only 250 blillion out the window.
We don’t know what was fitted on ships. Nor value of clones lost. But even if plain old level 4 learning implants….52000 of them is still a nice price tag lol.
I think if someone was going to do that theyed use a stealth ship. I dont buy the whole event frigate noob fit is scanning our bases for his highsec indy corp to invade! RAWRRRRR FEAR TEH MINING BARGES RAWR…
I mean really… at some point bro you just gotta call people on their ■■■■■■■■. They were bored and wanted a kill. Plain and simple.
Trust me, I fly around nullsec all the time bookmarking every station I see and selling the info on jump bridges cynos etc to their enemies, only to sell their enemies ■■■■ back to them.
You want to know how many times I’ve been killed, in the last couple of years? 0.
Its really fracking easy.
So this “hurdur” might have been a spy is laughable at best, idiotic at worst. You have spies in your corp bro and in your alliance. And maybe even… they work for me. I pay well. If I can’t get something intel wise, someone else is always willing to take money for the info.
So blowing up a ship in your space under NBSI is just funny. NBSI is useless. And pointless, and serves no purpose, from a defense, economic, or any other reasonable metric. IN fact you’d make more money if you let rondos use one of your stations for stuff and hey also have more content.
But I find most people in eve can;t think beyond OOOO Neut SHOOT IT!!! IT HAZ LOOTZ!!!. Sure, you could shoot that neut take its shinies. Or you could let it rat in your semi afk systems unmolested and watch your ADM skyrocket and the economic value of your systems increase.
But you dropped outa preschool so you can’t think that far ahead.
No dram and no hate bro, just callin ■■■■ like a I see it. And this isn’t really directed at you personally, just people in general.
I really don’t like all these corps calling themselves “Consortium” of some sort these days.
There is only 1, Consortium. It is “The Consortium”. It’s not a corp and it is not an alliance. It is a Collective of Individuals, Corps and Alliances. Who feel EvE could be better, and strive to make it such through actions as a community.
Such as not having an Ethos that’s says your friendly, and then psycho murdering innocent unarmed pilots who are clearly no threat to you. Or as I mentioned in another post, Creating a public station and calling it a free port, for the sole purpose of luring people in to gank them.
All Consortium space, stations, and regions where we operate, do not tolerate this ■■■■■■■■. CVA Failed because they were paranoid. And did not realize that Paranoia, kills you just as quickly as a knife in the back.
CVA had plenty of opportunities to grow and secure their own alliance and coalition, Even the Consortium offered to help them When Provi was NRDS and open to neutrals. But CVA refused to allow others to “invest” in their space, Drop poses and Stations etc etc.
So when the ■■■■ hit the fan, having nothing invested, and no reason to risk assets, Most other Alliances in the area pulled out rather then face Goon, Test, Pandemic and the like.
If you want people to die for you. You need to give them a reason to live “with” you. Ideology only goes so far. Tangible assets, and investments in territory are required.
CVA at the time of it’s fall back then could have been 10x the size with 100x the forces. Even Consortium forces could not justify the fighting for long, we risked a lot to try and assist them, lost a lot too, but when it became clear that the reward for such loyalty and losses was nothing but hollow words and ash when CVA turned on Consortium forces over a misunderstanding (which was later resolved after the conflict), we too, pulled out and left like all the rest.
Fear is the mind killer. Fear will make you turn on those who are most loyal to you. And Fear will destroy you. Fear is your enemy. So do not confuse Caution, with Fear, and do not let Fear control you, you will always lose.
As an individual who mines in both Null and Low (on occasion like all of us). You all are fully aware, that an endurance of any fit is no threat to any type of mining vessel. Even the goons fits were troll fits, they couldn’t kill a retriever let alone a skiff or some other actual mining ship.
So lets stop with the defending of pricks shall we?
Freedom corp saw neuts, and decided to kill them, hey fantastic it’s eve.
It’s null. If you go to null you generally die in null, at some point… By someone who just wants to kill you, because they want to kill you and think they can and for absolutely no other reason. — In psychology we call that being a psychopath.
I am always amazed at the delusion and mental gymnastics EvE players use to justify what is literally criminal actions which only sadist and psychopaths would engage in. And further more, why them doing it is Good for EvE and their victims.
It’s frakin hilarious. I mean the game should be called “Asylum” instead of EvE.
First, the Endurance with it’s cloak bonus is a decent ‘stealth ship’.
Next, Endurances are not a ‘frigate noob fit’, but are Tech 2 frigates for players specialised in mining in hostile territory. The ‘noob frigate’ would be a Venture, but even those can pose a significant danger to veteran miners if the Venture is fit with a scram in the mids and cyno in the high slots.
Lastly, if you think an Endurance poses no threat, how do you explain that the players who in this thread are accused of having killed an Endurance have been fighting a combat-fit Endurance just that same morning? (See my earlier posted zkill links if you cannot be bothered to search for it yourself).
It’s not worth arguing someone so upset that there is PvP in a PvP MMO. So upset that they’re calling people who enjoy playing videogames „psychopaths“. Like, imagine them in an Overwatch match or Call of Duty match screaming „psychopath“ at everybody in comms for using their guns.
Best muted and ignored. There is no reasoning with such people.
Who, exactly. We like it like that.
Were like Hydra essentially except not so… ya know Evil.
But you’ll see the regional commanders about on occasion, they all have "Consortium Regional Commander, in their bio with a description of the region they are in charge in and their duties authorizations in that region. Each Commander runs their region differently generally as they are given autonomy over it. But they still adhere to a strict basic doctrine and rule set for the foundations of how to operate.
Consortium corps are not required to leave their alliances, nor are they required to tell anyone they are consortium. You could have one in your Alliance, and you would never know it, only the consortium forces in the area who would be blue to that corp would know who they were, and of course the regional commander for that area. The same is the case for individuals, and Alliances. Some have “Consortium Affiliated” or some such in their bio, some do not. But the loyalty of that corp or Alliance, is always first to The Consortium.
Joining the Consortium is a life long Commitment, and no matter where you go in EvE, You are always Consortium, and will always have people to turn to, and places to go, income opportunities and intel on pretty much everyone every where.
It transcends the Corp and Alliance level in this manner. The Consortium is akin to what the Old Coalitions used to be, except much more in depth, and much larger. We are all independents, while simultaneously working toward the same goals.
I mean come on, It’s EvE. You had to know groups like us existed, and were not the only one like us, just one of the older ones.
Ahh, a secret RP society. Now I know why I (and google) haven’t heard of it.
I still think it’s a bit weird to complain that others also use your ‘consortium’ name if no one knows who you are because you like it that way.
You cannot both have a well-known name and remain unknown in the shadows.
Gives us a bad rep when we introduce ourselves.
Real headache for regional commanders trying to recruit for the cause. Especially if it’s like an indy corp being ganked by some alliance or corp with Consortium in their name.
And you wont find it on google, because while we have an elected council that leads the Consortium as a whole, there is no centralized lists except on Google Docs which only regional commanders and the Council have access to.
EvE teaches you a lot about security. You learn fast, or you die. Generally. If you do not know who is part of the consortium, you can not attack it. It’s the reason the Regions work the way they do, Like Cells. Each independent of the other. and only notified when both regional commanders decide to for whatever reason (Joint hot drop for example).
You might be able to target 1 or 2 corps but unless they told you, youd never really know if they were actually consortium or if you were just guessing and hoping so. And even if you were right, thats 2 corps. (or whatever), The other 4 that just wardecked you (Or blapped your station) in response could just as easily be Mercenaries as Consortium corps or Alliances… Maybe their both, or maybe a Corp paid the Mercenaries and they have no idea it was the Consortium funding the war. You just never really know
Anonymity has its uses.
And your right we are not well know. We usually do not introduce ourselves as “The Consortium” unless its a regional commander which by the way I am not. I just do intel mainly. you’d understand my position and statement if you had a more intimate knowledge of how annoying it is when dicks parading around with your groups name make you look like dicks by association.
Why post all this crap here? Who’s going to believe me? You certainly don’t. But really I’m just venting this whole thread is funny.