Hey just a general reminder to new players. Null sec corps are psychopaths. Ignore the nullsec nexus filments

Sure Endurance is a great stealth and spy ship.

Still not a threat. Especially since common sense dictates that if he was a spy he wouldn’t use an event filament. That seems like a very dumb thing to do if your a spy. For obvious reasons.

Also I find Lowsec more dangerous then Null. Mainly because in null most places are empty for systems around. In lowsec even when it’s empty you can still get ganked. I find the more skilled tacklers reside in lowsec. Null people make me laugh. They are all too slow on the draw and only tend to engage with overwhelming force.

Cruiser in our space, Cyno Up 150 carriers and dreads drop on the cruiser… Only to watch the cruiser warp away as they land… yes it actually happened. And to this day I can’t stop laughing.

By the way I popped a cyno at the planet, and 4 fleets titan bridged in.

Instead of cynoing… they should have tackled me because I had no weapons on that Falcon.

You’ve only got to look at solo endurance kills on zkill to see that isn’t true:


Ok… I admit… ■■■■ fits can die to Endurances.

But I doubt the Freedom people were in ■■■■ fits. And that deference does matter in this conversation.

Isn’t beeing blown in null literally part of the risk/reward ratio in Eve? You could have also bring a ship to outsmart your attacker as well.

There could be another reason than them being psychopath. For example why dont you start your own alliance and provide some nullsec for any stranger to enjoy?

I am not even mad, since I am writing from the “receiving” people’s perspective.
If I go to NullSec daymining, or whatever, I know exactly what I am getting into: I will be shot on sight.
Even Providence with Provi-Bloc and CVA, etc. returning, is NBSI currently, as Paladin Warden Kyle Saltz pointed out in another thread…

They can’t be pshychopaths, as of now is Chat GPT-4 who controls nullsec.

Someone who’s been in Eve 5263 days is a new player ?

Why is every vet carebear’s response to being blown up always ’ think of the poor noobs ’ ?

Also, without a killboard record we have no evidence this kill even happened.

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While it is possible that they made up the story, it’s also possible that neither the killer nor the killed player has given zkillboard permission to their kill history.

We won’t know for sure whether a fight happened.

There is some strong indirect evidence that a kill did happen though. After all, there must have been some trigger for this rage-thread.

Freedom Consortium kills are generally listed under Brothers Of Tangra…who, with 133,456 kills, aren’t exactly hiding their stats.

Just because a lot of Freedom Consortium kills are visible on zkillboard does not mean all kills where Freedom Consortium is involved are uploaded to zkillboard.

The way zkillboard works is that one of the two character who receive the killmail (victim or the one character dealing the last hit) has to give this killmail to zkillboard for it to show up on zkillboard.

This can either happen manually, or automatically if the player or corporation has allowed automatic uploads to zkillboard.

It is possible that not every player in their corporation uploads kills.


What does it get me if I believe you? :thinking:

Noo…zkillboard can retrieve killmails at the corporation level too. It says so in the zkillboard blurb.

It has to be allowed by Director/CEO it can’t just automatically do it for any corporation.

There are probably lots of corps that don’t have it enabled because it runs the risk of leaking intel that you don’t want to end up on zkill.


Attention seeking, on different accounts.


Anyone else for the Salt Prize of YC125 ?

Why did you think you’d even have a slim chance? Nullsec is off limits to non-Nullseccers. All we have is Lowsec ( suicidal space ) and Hisec, home of the boring spacebums.


It’s not off limits. It’s normal content. What’s the difference between getting shot at in nullsec and in wh/lowsec/pochven space ?! In every case you have to know what you’re doing, consider the ship lost when you go in, and just extract the best fun out of it. Plenty of hisec’ers and newbies in nullsec during the nexus event (not all make it out in one piece, but neither do other nullsec’ers)