Hi Sec

Your post reeks of acute arrogance, especially when you dare to define what others should find engaging with the content in Eve. Go back to counter strike mate!

The simple fact that you are finishing roids faster makes it more engaging, or that I can finish hoovering up roids earlier and then do other more fun stuff.

I’m not a miner, but I think Eve has been converting itself to be played AFK for years and I think it’s pure destruction for the games

Noobs in ventures mine for 15 minutes between cycles.

Orcas mine a really long time between cycles.

I don’t get the attraction of playing a game you’re not playing… but I would dissuade CCP from streamlining afk anything.

I think the mining barges (orcas, etc…) need to be nerfed hard enough to where the person needs to sit at his computer to do the activity…

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I hear people say it is AFK activity, this is absolute bullshite, you can be partially AFK, in that you have to pay attention. I happen to be writing a book while mining, and if the asteroid belt has already been cleaned out the day before then the roids pop very quickly after they have respawned.

With an Orca you have to think about each roid you mine in terms of distance, I tend to put all five drones on a roid due to yield efficiency, if I want a greater time between actual game activity I would allocate them to individual roids. You have to plan your next targets carefully as well as keep tabs on the skiff with its strip miners and its mining drones.

So when people tell you it is an AFK activity they are spewing hot air from their rear end!

We’re going there again?

So I, again, have to fruitlessly attempt teaching you something about yourself, while you - as usual - stupidly will show ignorance of what is written, will - as usual - not actually read and comprehend posts and - as usual - just scan through, and - as usual - fail to actually approach this in a rational manner.

You’re not a rational being. You’re driven mostly by emotion and you’re too ignorant of yourself to actually realise.

So let’s get this over with:

Ignorance? Do you know what the word “engaging” means?

Did you use the word “engaging” in combination with “increasing yield”?
You did.

Is the game-play, in any way or form, getting more “engaging” by increasing the yield?

No. It can not, because increasing the yield does not change the game-play, and the only things that can be “engaging” are activities. Literally everyone, who isn’t anyone of the morons you surround yourself with, would appreciate if you didn’t just pick random words you feel like they’re fitting and instead used words that actually fit.

You continuously fail to understand the meanings of the words, and WHOLE POSTS, that are being written by others and, worse, by yourself. Instead you invent your own meaning, completely ignorant of what is being written!

Fun Fact: You’re bad at communicating and you’re suffering from some serious delusion that makes you assume everyone else is “as skilled” as you are … and oh boy, you’re so ■■■■■■■ not. You’re like listening to some stupid US commentator who just makes up words as he goes because they sound nice.

Yes, that’s literally you!

You also continuously fail to understand that there are many people who are much smarter than you, who actively try to help you and teach you. I am one of them. On all accounts. All you ever do, though, is behaving as if you were better and smarter, yet NOT ONCE have you managed to prove that you actually are. All you EVER do is being ignorant about that which could potentially expose you to yourself.

You basically only operate in two modes:

  • Sitting on a high horse
  • Super defensive

Do you realize? No. Would you listen when someone tells you? Hell no! And why would you! Obviously no one who ever talks to you, who disagrees with you, can in any way or form be smarter or more knowledgable than you!

Do you have any idea what it feels like talking to you? Your delusions of grandeur, combined with this absolute ignorance of yourself is like watching a child trying to fit a cube into a round hole. It keeps trying and trying, but it lacks the cognitive ability to process why the damn cube does not fit the hole.

Unlike you, though, a child is willing to learn. You are not willing to learn, or listen! Instead you believe that everyone else just makes ■■■■ up, completely oblivious to the fact that this is something you are actively doing, without even realizing it! Yes, abusing words like “engaging” falls into this too!

You’re a waste of time, Dracvlad, and in no way or form intellectually competitve.
You’re embarrassing yourself, and you’re too full of yourself to listen to those who try to tell you.

If you were actually worth a dime, and if anything you ever wrote would actually really have any meaning in your own life, then you would not need to evade “displeasing” parts of posts. You would accept challenges, too, because people with actual, honest pride do so.

When we remove all these fake layers of yourself, all these shallow words, all this pretentious behaviour and all this self-delusion and only look at the tangible things you are actually offering us, then all that is left is an old man who has nothing on the inside.

The only thing you continuously put up for display, that you are REALLY, REALLY good at, is deceiving people into believing that you are a good, smart person and that ONLY works because you are deliberately surrounding yourself with people you KNOW are beneath yourself.

Other people pay me money for these kind of insights about themselves, you know? I’ve spent hours helping people teaching them how to see themselves, and unlike you they understand that this is an actual thing people can actually be capable of. These people aren’t pitiful, sad, ignorant egomaniacs like yourself!

You owe me 200 bucks. Now ■■■■ off.

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Quoting for prosperity. That is so amusing, thank you for giving me such a huge laugh.

You don’t even see that this response of yours is proving that my post is 100% accurate and spot on. I do not wish to engage with you anymore, at all, because it feels like beating on a cripple.


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You project your own issues onto other people. Bye.

You don’t even know what that word means, but please keep showing everyone that you don’t.

But hey … before I leave …

Why don’t you address my post, instead of proving it right?

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Do you understand what bye means?

Do you?

Why don’t you address the post above, instead of proving it right?

And why don’t you accept my challenge, instead of being such a pitiful coward hiding behind words?

What I see is someone with a highly inflated opinion of himself getting all personal with someone who is posting about a suggested buff to a ship, and you hate on it because it is the wrong way to play Eve in your opinion.

I hate sweeping generalisations, but when people go after the messenger rather than the message it says everything.

At least Solonius actually mines, he obviously uses a Rorqual in nullsec, and he tried to debate the suggestion, though it was more point scoring then anything else, the 20% challenge was inherently dishonest and he switched to other discussion points when he failed. You and the Edgy one can’t even do that, because you have no idea as you have not actually mined with an Orca.

Anyway, bye.

Waaayyyyyyyyy too much work tbh. Thanks for the heads up.

My irony meter has just exploded

Can you stop with the passive-agressive attacks, the personal attacks, actively ignoring facts brought to the table, using words whose meaning escapes you, etc.

You’ve been doing only that in this thread, and it got old really quick.

You’ve got nothing to add to the actual discussion, you never did especially all of your arguments were destroyed by facts (not opinions like you keep throwing around.)

Take a month off, come back when you’re ready to have proper discussion.

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Apparently I was wrong. Removed my big post, which he quoted, to see if it’s the case.

That’s literally you.

That, too, is literally you. You don’t understand? Ask Dom! Every time you gave him some “name” it was your passive aggressiveness trying to lash out onto him.

When the messager continuously shows that he does not know how to communicate, then pointing out that the messenger is full of ■■■■ is the only way to go.

I’ve told you several times that I’ve spent plenty of time mining in the past and with Pedro. Ask him. It is not my fault you don’t believe anything I say. It’s yours. You are literally a prime example for projection and there is no way I can teach you that, because you are completely blind to yourself.

90% of everything you throw at others is exactly what you’re doing, but you’re not recognizing it as such. You refuse to believe me? Then go ask a paid professional about what “projection” is and how to actually spot it, instead of using words you don’t understand the meaning of, like you do way too many times.

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You don’t like self-confident people who are happy in their own skin and who know what and who they are.

That makes me laugh, he latches on to my posts and makes attack posts, I take the mick out of it.

I have not seen you post anything in this thread on the subject matter.

Let me repeat the thing you decided to omit:

You and Dom have Cathy Newman moments all the time in terms of your posts, what you are saying is… and you go off on it and it bears no relation to what the person said.

Above I had to remind Solonius a number of times that I did not write what he tried to make out what I wrote. I don’t bother doing that with you two, I just laugh.

I have to come back to this, you think you are a shrink, oh dear…

I should also point out something very important, shrinks can only give an assessment of people if they have actually had a session with them. Otherwise it is professional malfeasance. I don’t for one moment think that you are a shrink, but if you were any professional body in this field would be having a serious conversation with you.

So why should CCP make it easier for you to make game wealth while writing a book.

I am struggling to see how boosting the orca’s mining yield is different than just letting us use bots. It’s just another luxury for the afk community who doesn’t really play anyways.

I don’t see how your argument of “partial afk” is substantially different than afk as pertains to new players who log in, warp to belt, start mining… and have nothing to do for 15 minutes.

Which do you think washes out more players: my griefing (which is no longer viable) or your game changes that make the game to where playing doesn’t require them to do anything for long periods of time).

If I started playing this game, and 20 minutes into it didn’t have anything to do for 15 minutes… I’d probably have picked out another game before the mining laser cycle stopped.


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There’s no point in trying to reason with him anymore

It’s obvious he’s only here to stir ■■■■ while playing the poor oppressed victim.

Don’t go down to his level :kissing_heart: