A max orca and a few hulks will clean one right up…
I guess we’ll never know lol
Hold on I will just log into my account where I can access CCP’s database on balance changes. Of course I don’t have that information, you are just trying to be smart.
An Orca has 100% as its role bonus and then another 10% for each level of Industrial Command ship you have. So for me that is 40%.
I have not worked back the way the bonus is applied, but if it is additive then it would be 20% / 140% which is a 14.2% increase in yield. So for me that would be going from 18.645583 m3/s to 21.0325 m3/s which makes it at the same level as my skiff. Less than 3 m3/s increase, not exactly game breaking. But it obviously sounds so sensational to say 20% like that. I better throw my hands up in horror at the thought of 3m3/s extra it will break the game, oh no!!!
But I will work it back tomorrow if I can be bothered of course.
Are search engines banned in your country or something?
No, i let it go. Notice how i didnt press the issue until after you responded a second time, with the same thing.
Why are you writing all this, when someone already posted a great list that compares the yeilds.
Skiff : 22.95 + 7.50
Orca: 24.75
And lets include the Covetor.
Covetor: 27.54 + 8.25
Whyd i include the covetor, you ask? Because, the difference in yeild between the covetor and the skiff, is around the same difference between the changes you are trying to provide. That is, 14%.
Now, whats the whole point about flying a covetor over a skiff? Because of the yield.
Yes, the covetor has less, far far far far less HP.
Yes, the covetor has less, far far far far less ore holds.
Yes, teh covetor is far, far far less expensive.
And thats the point. You sacrifice one thing over all the other aspects.
What does the orca have?
A far smaller ore hold? Oh wait, no. It has a huge ore hold. Very huge.
A far lower HP? Oh wait, no. It has a huge EHP. Huge.
Okay, so it makes perfect sense for us to make it mine more than skiffs or mackinaws!
Wait. No it doesnt. Sorry i was being stupid there.
Has dracs character been sold cause I swear if I block out the name and avatar I’m reading salvos
Nope, to have balanced game do not introduce Rorquels to mine in 0.5 sec, even more, remove it from Eve for good.
You are comparing miner barges to exhumers, I am comparing mining barges and exhumers to an industrial command ship which I think should be the top end mining ship in hisec and in my opinion needs a slight buff. That is simple, that is the difference, and as I said I believe that the Orca should be buffed a bit, not a lot and I have explained my reasoning.
The difference is 3 m3/s. Think about that, a little less grind for hisec players, but you are fine you are using a Rorqual in Delve. I am not sure why you even bother arguing as it makes hardly any difference, it does for me, just a slight improvement.
You have a different opinion which is fine. No you are not being stupid there, you are defining it in terms that justify what you think and when it did not work with the 20% you tried another tack. Sometimes people just have to agree to have a different opinion.
But at least you can make a good point.
Tut tut, that was pretty sad, have you been taking lessons from the edgy one, your barbs are normally much better than that.
Salvos would not listen to anyone, the most amusing one I had with him was on delayed local. I explained to him the fine balance that there was I gave him a very good example of me in MB using two VNI’s and that wonderfully good Spectre fleet FC that almost caught me. It was like talking to a brick wall.
No I am not like Salvos and suggesting that I am makes you look like him, not me.
I see more than 3m3 @Dracvlad
I think you need to relearn how to do maths as well
@Solonius_Rex Great explanative post that was (so not surprised) ignored by the one person trying to argue against it hahahah
Youre comparing percentage increases, which I am doing as well. And thats the point.
Covetors have a specific role to play, as does Skiffs. We understand this role, significantly, based on their bonuses and penalties.
The covetor has an ore hold and HP penalty, but mines more than BOTH T2 exhumers. Skiffs sacrifice yield and have a mid-tier ore hold in favor of HP.
The decision that Miners need to make, is which mining barge to use, and which one suits their needs and what they are willing to risk in pursuit of reward.
Sure, and the difference between a covetor and a skiff/Mackinaw is only 5 m3/s. But if its only 5 m3/s, then why the huge disparity in HP? Ore hold capacity? Why does the mackinaw have 120% increase in ore hold over the Covetor, and the skiff has, well, many many times the EHP of a covetor? Why did CCP even bother with this miniscule change and just buff the covetor to have the EHP and ore hold of a mack and skiff?
Because its a balance. And again, thats the point.
If the orca gets a boost, then it should be nerfed in both EHP and ore hold capacity. Especially if its going to be better than all but one of the mining barges. But I dont think people would appreciate it very much if it did, and after all the ganks, people will be back here posting to undo the changes.
still using that word,
what’s it mean?
still waiting 100 posts later btw
Quoting for posterity
Also obligatory “I know you are you said you are but what am I”
Nope you are comparing percentage increases of a mining yield to other things, it is not comparable.
I am comparing an Industrial command ship to mining barges and Exhumers, you have decided to compare a specific barge to a specific exhumer. My comparison was on the skiff to show that it was at the lowest level of yield.
Not the point when the discussion is about a industrial command ship Off topic much…
It is an industrial command ship that is why costs a lot more ISK and has significant training requirements to get into.
I am talking about balance in that the Orca needs a slight buff which I have suggested.
No reason to, the change based on the skills I detailed is 3m3/s
Not from the quick calculations I did based on level 4 skills. In any case you are the one calling for a reduction in EHP and bringing ganks into it. The balance is purely on yield. Nothing else, you just want to make it easier to gank, what a surprise, not…
I see I have two Edgy ones doing edgy attack posts and personal insults now, my calculations are above, if you are unable to read that is your issue.
I don’t for one minute think that you are Salvos, but you make some dumb points at times.
Anyway this is getting boring, dumb and edgy as per normal, I made my suggestion if you don’t like it tough.
PS Brought a small amount of Pyrite as NPC rats cleaned up the belt I was going to mine. Final capital parts in production, next objective am Archon, should take a month. Oh well…
I like this idea. Simply because I solo mine using an orca and any buff would be welcome.
Really? I have tried several times with an exhumer and always failed. If only targeting the main mineral eg arkonor, then yes I agree that you can clear it solo in the two days available.
I like this aspect of EvE. So, the compromise for me would be to buff the orca … but only when moon mining … and only when mining your own moon. All this would come at the cost of an athanor rig. (I have in mind about 2B isk for a rig that gives a 20% boost to all orca attributes. Although, I do realise it is the market that sets price.)
The rorqual idea of OP I would simply just lose; for most of the reasons already stated in this thread.
You’ve been weighted, measured and been seen wanting.
Yet you persist where even Salvos would have stopped.
Orcas don’t need a buff, you do.
For the eleventieth time, what’s your definition of the word?
Denial is the first step to acceptance.
This made me laugh!
Also, please know that quotes are being removed or editted accordingly with the posts that are being quoted. It doesn’t work like the old system, where the text is actually being copied. Instead it links to the quoted post.
If you want to properly save a post nowadays, you have to screenshot it.
Oh and … good morning, Dom!
Role Bonus
100% bonus to Drone ore mining yield
Industrial Command Ships bonus (per skill level)
10% bonus to Drone hitpoints, damage and ore mining yield.
Suggested buff, Role Bonus of 100% increased to 120%
Reason, to be effectively at the same level in terms of actual working yield of the tankiest mining ships which are the Procurer and Skiff. That was deliberate on my part, for pretty obvious reasons, it is amusing to see one of the people who are attacking me use the difference between the coverter and a skiff to highlight something I was already very aware of.
Result for my skill set 3 m3/s increase in yield which adds to my personal enjoyment of the game.
People using min/max comparisons based on level 5 skill sets and full implants have no need to reply, especially when they are unable to factor in the time spent going back and forth from the roid and moving the Orca to the roid being mined.
I have the impression that a certain edgy person who does not play anymore runs off to his phone as soon as he wakes up, well after removing the encrusted crud from his eyelids and checks to see what I have written before heading off to his low end job while snaffling an overcooked microwave pop tart.
While walking to the metro he tells himself that he is an elite solo hisec war decker running around in bling ships that he takes amazing risks with and he will now grace the Eve forums with his super edgy thoughts to solidify his greatness. He understands Eve better than anyone else, because he is an Eve forum god…
Is this Salvos enough for you edgy chaps?
What’s worse:
-blissful ignorance or,
-willful ignorance?
You two are experts in both…
Expecting an offended reaction in 3…2…1… And you did not disappoint I even gave you a like for being edgy…
I work on the basis that if people I have no respect for at all think I am a plonker it is a huge compliment so keep at it.
Good morning Sol
What’s worse:
-blissful ignorance or,
-willful ignorance?
They’re equally bad. Really. The differences are irrelevant considering the personality traits necessary to be that way. In the end it doesn’t change the fact that ignorance is bad and that assholes are assholes, blissfully ignorant or not.
Who would have thought you’d be so angry at someone you’d go on to describing their “life” on am Internet forum about spaceships shooting spaceships.
All the while calling people a term you don’t comprehend.
I’m not going to cross the rl line, because I don’t care about yours (and it’s just a low-hanging fruit type of thing)
Oh, independent of what you two are writing, i just remembered i wanted to comment on something.
Increasing the orca’s yield will not make it more “engaging”. For something to be “engaging” at all it is required to be an activity. Something one has to do. A change in a number can not, in any way or form, be engaging or make it more “engaging”. Nothing in the acitivty of “mining” changes when the yield is increased, thus it can not be more “engaging”.
Please refrain from butchering language like this, otherwise I will use that same butchering of language to go nuclear against whoever is guilty of doing so. I am absolutely tired of people abusing language, independent of who is doing so.