Hi Sec

Also considering the fact it takes longer to sit in a t2-fit exhumed than a t2-fit orca :thinking:

No, I already knew that. You do realize that I’m responding, and pointing it out to you, right?

Me: let me teach you something I already know.
You: so you learned something new today!
Me: i dont think you understand how learning works.

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I give you a reason to use exhumers, at this point I am using two Skiffs because I am cherry picking Scordite for Pyrite, an Orca is not very efficient for that type of mining.

You said the reason why is safety on its own, you did not say the main reason or one of the reasons, you said the reason. You have learnt something today period.

Sure. Not sure what that has to do with my comments, but okay. I’m also a supporter of using skiffs.

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You did say this:

I gave you a reason.

He reminds me of this


I’ll make a proper edit of it


I was talking about after the massive buff to orca yields.

Yes you were, and I gave you an example of when you would use a barge instead if CCP did that.

But I should remind you that I only asked for a 20% increase in the base yield, so to make sure you understand it is merely changing from 100% on Role Bonus to 120% on Role bonus in terms of Ore mining yield.

It sure got a lot of people who have no idea very excited and edgy… :joy:

All I wanted was to make up a bit of the loss of moving the Orca from roid to roid and the time coming back from bigger roids by applying that so it was on a level with my skiff.

PS Now at 92.31% of the Capital parts for a Nighoggur either made or in production. Getting there ever so slowly…

Seeing how often you use that word, what’s it supposed to mean?

Do you even know what it means or are you only using it to try and look cool?

A pilot decides that he/she wants to be an industrial command pilot.

Step 1. Porpoise all skills at lvl 5 fitted for max mining yield pull in 19 M3 per sec. and buff mining frigs/barges/exumers and everyone else with a mining module using command bursts

Step 2. Orca all skills at lvl 5 fitted for max mining yield pull 28 M3 per sec. same, same etc.

Step 3. Rorq all skills at lvl 5 fitted for max mining yield pull 225 M3 per sec. same, same etc. and other stuff lol.

Orca needs a buff.

Oh, I must’ve missed the section of your argument where you said “BUT, I mine in a skiff because…”

The rorqual nerf was 9%. 20% is huge.

Just finished a wyvern, NYC is in the oven for me.

That is not huge. And why are you going on about Rorquals for.


i wouldnt mind a small yield buff for the orca if it got an EHP nerf at the same time.

You mean, after paying 9-10 bill, requiring a support fleet to save YOU, and in null/low where everyone can shoot you?

And then, be immobile for 5 minutes?

Yeah, no wonder rorqs mine so much more.

Orcas are fine as they are.

It is huge. When was the last time anything was buffed by 20%?

Also autocorrect, I wrote nyx. Typing on a phone.


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It is not huge. :roll_eyes:

So let’s buff rorqs by 20% too. I’m up for that idea. It’s not huge at all, right? Wink wink.

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I repeat:

I know what you said. I asked you for an example of another attribute of a ship that had its bonus buffed by 20% for a reason. Did you find any?

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