Hi Sec

Rorqual with panic mode? In hisec? Yes, I do think safety is a huge part.

Thing is, nullsec ore is more valuable than hisec ore. So if safety is not an issue at all, then what other “balances” are you talking about?

When you keep the Industrial index up and have fully upgraded the IHUB you can get certain massive belts to spawn, as well as the moon potential in nullsec sov systems. A Rorqual with its mining power would be utterly unbalanced for the belts and small anoms in hisec.

Safety does not even come into the equation.

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I’m confused, are you trying to say that gneiss and spodumain, ore that is found only in nullsec, and spawn in the regular ore belts, are bot more valuable than veldspar or plagioclase? Because yes, spod and gneiss spawn in the regular belts too. So how is hisec more valuable than nullsec, even if we were to ignore the ore anomalies?

Then why do you want the tankiest ship (outside of bulkheaded freighters) to get a buff to an activity it’s meant to support?

Surely because you want to be even safer whilst mining more :joy:
Might as well allow orcas to use the PANIC mod while we’re at it

I have not said anything of the sort.

I see Edgy is still at it :roll_eyes:

What ? Where does a troll purchase his ships ?

Rorq cost between 1,4 - 2,2 bill in most places.
Orca cost between 600 - 700 mill in most places.

Rorq is actually only Orca X 2 price.

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The exact same thing could be said about the Rorq

For the hull

No fits included…

Add at least 4.7b for excavators, another 2-3 for tank, and some for fuel etc


And that would be exactly the same for the Orca if it got the buff.

Okay. Just making sure.

So ore in nullsec is more valuable than hisec.

And yet you’re saying ccp doesnt let rorquals in hisec because it would break the balance.

You do realize those two claims are in direct contradiction with each other, right?

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Please stop popping his bubble :joy:

I gave you the reason but you seem to be ignoring it.

Not the economy but all the belts would be devastated, cleaned out in no time as it can mine better than 5 Hulks.

Please stop trying to make what people say in to something else, you know what he’s trying to say.

But there’s an easy fix to that problem (industrial mode not deplorable in high sec) like so many other things.

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People are already complaining about belts being emptied too fast lol

You want to allow that to be made even quicker, with even less risk :joy:

@Dracvlad what’s your definition of edgy?
I’m still waiting

What? You mean, an empty ship?

I didnt realize that a rorqual can mine without fittings or drones.

Rorqual hulls cost 1 to 2 bill. Another 1 to 2 Bill for t2 fittings and t2 rigs. 5 bill for the drones.

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J[quote=“Paddehatten, post:120, topic:140425, full:true”]
And that would be exactly the same for the Orca if it got the buff.

Like i already said.

I read it, but I dont think you understand what you wrote.

  1. Rorqual cannot enter hisec because its mining power is too much.

  2. Rorqual is in nullsec and lowsec where the ore is more valuable than hisec.

Again, those two arguments are in direct contradiction to each other.

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Putting words in my mouth, I did not write that. I made no mention at all of the value of ore in hisec or nullsec, you did.

If they make so you can’t activate industrial mode in high sec it actually won’t be a problem.

The same thing applies to an orca that can mine as well as 2-3 hulks, friend.

The belts would be devastated if someone with 10 orcas can mine as well as 20 hulks. You’re making the orca as a better a far better hulk, with the ore hold of a transport ship.

Thanks for finally understanding why your proposal of increasing orca yields, is wrong.

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