HiSec Wardecs will kill this game!

Op is right, there is an issue with highsec decks, for example my character isnt even a week old, the corp not more than a few days yet already ive had players looking to deck my corp either for easy kills or to ‘ransom’ whilst many of you here ‘think’ this is fine you would be mistaken.

It is simply not good for new player retention, which is bad 'cus its basically less people to shoot at in the long run.

They wont ‘kill’ eve, but i fully believe they do play their part in stunting its growth. Its basic economics isnt it at the end of the day, people wont spend time and money on a product they can not use; imagine another online product or tool that as soon as you started using it people started deleting and changing what you were doing, before you had the chance to learn anything?
Wouldnt sell well would it.

Crime & punishment probably not the best place to post though…

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Player corp = big boy pants.

Nut up or drop back to the diaper wearing NPC corp.

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what are you, 12?

So… I’ve been reffering to this recently, until CCP comes out with another stance on wardecs, this applies.

But the line that is being drawn in the sand here is that if you’re in a player run corporation, then war is something you must be prepared to tackle. The ally system and the surrender with enforced peace do give options beside just duking it out (or docking for a week), but if you absolutely do not want to be war decced, then the only option right now is to be in a NPC corp.


But his sentiment is valid… If a hi sec corp does not have a plan to survive even minor war decs, that corp will fail. It’s part of eve and something we all had to deal with.

And if as a CEO, you failed to research and have a plan, that is your bad. It’s like a real work company failing to have at least some plan for a recession. Or a guild in any other MMO not having a back up plan if their weekly raid is already taken.

So man up and make a plan. Give your corp a reason to log in. Give them a narrative to care about and the resources to survive. And if you can’t, you shouldn’t be a CEO.

In the least…

Don’t pay a ransom. It makes you a bigger target for later ransoms.

Get a separate chat going for your corp. People cannot put alts in your default corp chat. Instead make a player created one and get people in your corp and their alts in that chat. It’s not hard to do.

Figure out a back up home. This is a place far from your normal haunts. It should have missions or mining or whatever makes your corp run available but it should be off the beaten path. Jump clones are cheap. Get your corp to put clones in this back up home.

Run roams and make a few maps so your corpmate can learn the lay of the land. Get a neutral hauler to handle moving stuff. Get some spare ships out there for corp use.

Encourage PvP. I’m not suggesting fighting the deccers. That can be frustrating and encourage the deccers to extend the war. Instead offer free ships for say a spectre fleet roam or the like. Tell people to make an alt and try RvB or the like. Or plan a frigate corp roam through FW space. Get it so people understand PvP in EVE.

Do even these simple things and your corp will waltz through those initial war decs with ease. And as your corp grows stronger through the share activities it will be a better corp for it.


Big boy pants is a fairly common phrase, in this particular instance it’s to describe progression from NPC corp (diapers) to player corps (big boy pants, underwear that is designed for children that are toilet trained)

When you join or form a player corp, you announce to the universe at large that you are ready to face the parts of Eve that the NPC corps protect you from, in exchange for an 11% tax rate.

This includes wardecs, if you don’t like or can’t handle them, drop back to an NPC corp.

There are other people that want to play the game in a more freindly team based environment than justthe able bodied, healthy intelligent person…

That said yes a ceo can do many things as can other corp members my issues arent really from the wardec system per say but from blanket decs.

With athanors going up in highsec there are real reasons to dec people but imho the main perpetrators of blanket decs for easy kills will simply not allow these types of fun highsec wars to really hit it off.

You guys out there that want to do that stuff you go ahead and continue what youve most likely been doing for the past 8 or so years thats fine by me, i dont really live in highsec anyway; what i am saying is a lot of these decs do cost the game itself valuable paying customers aswell as costing the larger community valuable content in itself, many new corps that get to 50 members often get decked for easy kills, many of these will stop playing and will not add further to the game which in reality costs the rest of us valuable content.
Of course theres no easy fix like a wardeck evasion tax or deck contract system, maybe there should be? though even that would be open to some sort of abuse i suspect but its a thought y’know, corp smaller than x amount and with no structures can pay xxx and not get decked, wardecks have to be met via a contractual system that doesnt allow for any or only a few uncontracted wars…

Kinda the same as null sov alliances renting out space and blobbing the ■■■■ out of anyone who tries to take even one system, sure it makes some of that group super rich; most of that isk will sit idle but what does that actually add to the game at large?

Not much.

Ye, im not gonna come scout any wardeck corp out when i get decked, watch you in your proteus or armour cynabals, your vindis or machs; wait to get names of your neutral logi pilots then attampt to form a gang which, when it comes to your system you’ll probably dock anyway… many of us know how it works, how to avoid wt’s, where they tend to hang around, what they do… its an old tired mechanic that is in much need of a revamp.

Anyway im done with the topic, i’ll be in poitot, the only named system in syndicate!!

yeh for someone who just got out of diapers maybe, not for a mature adult.

And I’ll do my best to drop a bomb or two your way because… I have a jump clone one system over I use when bored and needing to rat up my sec status.

awesome :slight_smile:

When dealing with children, or people who act like children because they don’t like something, sometimes it’s best to use words they understand.



Hey man if thats the sort of people you hang with cus u relate im happy for you :smiley:

Ah the inevitable “I know you are but what am I?” response.


nope, that’d be working as intended.

just because you CAN make a player corp doesn’t mean you SHOULD.

new players shouldn’t be starting new corps unless they understand what that means, which is hisec wardecs to hunt their newbie asses down.

either join an established corp that has an ability/means of dealing with wardecs, or don’t join a player corp. or go it in a corp full of people that can’t handle pvp and deal with it.

those are pretty much your three options if you plan on staying in hisec.

i’m pissed that wardecs cost so much now. come back to this game and decs are 50mill? are you kidding me?

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The premise of the thread is laughable.

War decs are pretty much as old as Eve. They’ve been a consistent feature through both expansion and contraction of player populations. There is a ton of room for improvement around war mechanics, but if you think wardecs are going to kill the game 15 years in, you should probably just stick with sniffing glue.

i dont think any of you actually understand the actual premis, but it would be hard to make you understand good business ethics in just one paragraph i’ll try…

10 old customers say this is good vs 1000 customers that have left because they think it was bad…

let me do some ‘quick maff’

Thats about as simple as i can put it, its really simple, so simple saffron the simpleton sat shaking out ■■■■ could understand it. Your avid stick waving cant change that. Your cries of ‘but its been this way 4 liek evaa’ still wont change it. You see its not about you, and what you think, its not about the game or its current bittervet playebase who much like the above seem to understand… about as much as average little chef waitress. Its about player retention and making real money through good business ethics and common sense.
I literally do not care if ccp want to make their game cater to a few misguided individuals whos idea of business seems to sit wholly in the virtual environment spewing nonsense about james our saviour, i dont care if the games company want to sit their business in the hands of a few dumb fat kids screaming ERMIGERD GET LOGI GET LOGI CANT DIE ERMIGERD EFFICIENCY an completely discout money lost on the thousands of people that pass through and say ‘yeh, nah ■■■■ that game its full of retards’

its not me losing money over it, nor will i lose sleep. so as you continue to deny the actual issue the op and so many others have stated in favour of your… obviously sizable business knowledge and common sense… i will simply say…

do what you want mate, i am.

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spell checker would be nice

Welcome back, you’ve been away a while.

Much has changed, not the complaints about ganking, wardecs and other shenanigans though.

I don’t think you understand the business model under which CCP operates.

I am willing to bet RMT cold hard cash that those 10 bittervets bring more money into CCP than those 1000 newbie die-hard pve carebears ever would.

There is PLENTY of Safe(ish) hisec PVE to be had, they can enjoy it and still accept that this is a pvp game, or they can spend their money elsewhere.

add: RIP CCP Mitnal, we need you.

Oh, see, I bet a lot of the other posters didn’t realize we’re allowed to just fabricate numbers out of thin ■■■■■■■ air.

It’s actually 10 old customers say this is good vs 1 customer who uselessly cried about it on the forum before pissing off back to their peasant belt.

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