How do I prevent my orca getting ganked?

Try diplomacy.

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That doesn’t work with sAfeTy:

Perhaps she was suggesting trying diplomacy with other players against Safety. You could always try to engage with the game rather than complaining all the time. I know that’s not really your style but I figured I would throw it out there.

OP, ignore all of the BS crap “advice” that the griefers are giving you here. They either don’t understand the issues, or are intentionally trying to deceive you in order to get you killed and griefed.

What you have to do in order to prevent your Orca from getting ganked is really simple. Just follow these steps:

  • Log into the EVE Online account management page
  • Click the “cancel subscription” button
  • In the next screen, select the applicable gameplay reason (“ship loss to other players” or something like that)
  • In the comment field, explain that you are canceling your subscription because you REFUSE to be free content for griefers and that you are NOT OKAY with losing your assets to PvP that you never agreed to
  • After canceling your subscription, go to the EVE Support website, and open a new petition (I believe there’s some kind of “feedback” category, so choose that—don’t clog up the petition system with a frivolous petition in an improper category, that wouldn’t be the right thing to do)
  • Explain in your petition in somewhat greater detail what you already said in the subscription cancellation box, i.e. that you are against non-consensual PvP/grief-play in video games, and that you believe that such a feature shouldn’t exist in EVE Online, like it doesn’t exist in the majority of other games on the market, which are properly developed and administered, unlike this one

Now wait a few months until CCP implements changes to the game that remove these unwelcome game mechanics from what should be an enjoyable MMO for everyone, but is instead only enjoyable for a small group of career psychopaths who only derive joy from destroying other people’s hard work and watching them suffer.


Thanks WH, I appreciate your altruism, and your dedication to preserving the character of Highsec.

Perhaps the advice to the OP should be to mine away in that Orca of hers, for any losses will be reimbursed by the Company, upon request.

Seems a strange way to run a business…

You are the reason I canceled all 18 of my subs.


Don’t worry everything is fine, Hawk claims that he is advising against undocking in an Orca. The fact is he won’t hunt you down and bring 30+ of his safety officers with him as they are mostly still having zoomer wallet trouble in maintaining their Omega status.

Hawk knows the odds are against him and how weak his statement is that he keeps needing to try and shame a good standing citizen of New Eden known to us all as the one and only HateLesS.

Hawk is so weak he will not even understand how to lead Safety Alliance the right way and Hawk is also so weak just like Sargon that not ev en the two of them can remove AD forcibly from power.

Sad that Hawk needs to use General to make such statements when there is nothing to worry about.

o/ Frostpacker…


get the money to buy the orca
buy a lot of ore instead
put the ore in a random station
alt tab
pretend you are mining


that’s the funniest s*** i’ve read in days

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Sounds like a threat/harassment.

Great idea, why don’t we all quit?

Everybody needs to quit?

All gankers are weak. It’s a “shared trait”.

Welcome to Eve, where everyone is a threat no matter what space you are in.

I sense a disturbance in the farce, there is some unappreciated sarcasm and Reductio ad absurdum occurring here.


Well truth be told I don’t know yet if Hawk is weak as that current Safety Alliance leader had only mentioned on one of their Officers being weak. Need to see how it plays out!

I sense a disturbance in the force, as if thousands of Orcas suddenly cried out in terror, then were silenced…


I sense that there may be enough profit to be made to make it worth logging in.

I’ll have to check my inventory.


Sometimes it’s just too easy.

You’re no threat to me.

That’s a stretch, but I see your point.

Imagine what would happen if mining came to a screeching halt.

Have you read:


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If that’s what you took from what I said then your reading comprehension is obviously an issue here.

Maybe I’m not the threat, but the other people in or who actually frequent Bourynes are.

You must stop attacking them.

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The use or threat of military force to advance foreign policy objectives became known as “gunboat diplomacy.”