How do I prevent my orca getting ganked?

Right, but your gunboat diplomacy is not working, and you need to make peace. A first step would be to stop attacking people - right?

You’re just re-stating your reading comprehension issues.

Practice what you preach son.

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If you choose to invade Highsec, and steal ice and ore, then you should expect the defense fleet to evict you. So to answer your question, if you want to avoid being ganked, you will need to negotiate for mining rights.


It becomes worthwhile for people like me to consider taking up any slack in the market by removing the dust covers from our mining vessels and alt accounts; we tend to have sizable stockpiles of ores and minerals too

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Stand with @HateLesS and demand a pvp free highsec that all players deserve.

Save EVE and say no to bullying and griefing.

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I have a quote for you:

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Hateless was subdued and he didn’t fight, I guess that counts :rofl:
maybe only the eevol gwankers have been reading the holy book



Um no.

Mining would not come to a halt. Gankers are miners too. Competition eliminating is what gankers are doing.


Quoted for emphasis. Many gankers have a far broader engagement with the game than folks like x123xxx are willing to admit.


On the off chance that would actually happen, I’d self destruct.

How so?

Everything he is saying completely happens within game bounds and rules.

Cry moar tho :smiley:

You first :smiley:

Well you’re hiding behind an alt so :smiley:

It won’t :smiley:

Yennoe we’re playing a vidya game right?

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  • Get a mining permit from your local New Order Agent
  • Stay aligned or use MWD cycle to align (takes only 1 cycle)
  • Tank your ship
  • Get a mining permit
  • Pump your own Orca out of range when the gankers land (after they engage so they lose their ships)
  • Have a logi on standby
  • Get a mining permit
  • Have tank increasing stuff they can’t scan, like implants and boosters
  • Run tank boosts
  • prespawn CONCORD on grid
  • Get a mining permit
  • Ask your friendly local New Order Agent for additional advice, ask if you are allowed to mine there and generally follow their orders.
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No we can’t.

Ganker are using the hatless thing as an excuse to gank orcas that’s all.

“oh look what Hateless made me do” pathetic.


A couple of things:

Current Orca ganking campaign
With the current ganking campaign in response to Hateless’s ■■■■■■■■, Vengeful Hawk (and alts) don’t gank 24/7, nor does he gank right across highsec.

In terms of when he is ganking, it’s EU/US time, so if you are outside his specific gank window, then you have a huge safety advantage in an Orca just because it’s an Orca:

Additionally, as he doesn’t gank right across highsec, these (and surrounding) systems are generally the ones to stay away from at the moment:

If you can play outside his playtime and/or play in areas of highsec that he doesn’t operate in, then your chances of being on the ganked list are very low.

There’s good reason why he ganks in those systems. It where a lot of people mine, because they want only a short haul to market. It’s a perfectly valid choice for them, but exposes them to greater risk.

If you are ok with a slightly longer haul to market, or have industry set up a bit away from Jita, etc., then you can not only lower your risk, but also have less competition from other miners.

General approaches

  • find a dead-end or pipe system and protect yourself with an alt as eyes
  • don’t mine AFK
  • don’t just mine at the warp in point to a belt (cloaky ships won’t be affected by this, but otherwise you’ll have plenty of notice of a gank scout moving towards you
  • fit tank so it takes as many gank alts to kill you as possible (that will be a deterrent to many ganks) - I would personally just go for max yield and not worry about tank, but if you want to minimise all risk, or expect to have times where you’ll be AFK, then fitting tank helps

Just taking the first 2 of those points will make you virtually ungankable in a practical sense. No matter if a ganker wants to target you, you’ll be gone and not vulnerable well before the gank ships are even in system.


While I may agree with you, what’s really pathetic is the large amount of troll replies derailing this thread…

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What’s really pathetic is how little the antigankers have done to stop me.

I am truly invincible.

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I know, my threads now get auto moved to C&P, I’m sure this will follow. Maybe it save labour

But to keep on track mine with a team, work together and make it hard for them.

Our Abyss runners often run in groups with cover provided. Not sure if we would survive a full gank but they would have to plan it much better to achieve anything other than killing a ship.

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