How do I prevent my orca getting ganked?

Just like we have forced you to move around, you still ganking in minnatar space at the moment

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Just because you donā€™t see a way doesnā€™t mean there isnā€™t a way.

You are right I guess. Some of the gankers indeed do this from this reason.

However this is not the same. They are ā€œsolvingā€ the problem ingame. You and you-alike on the other hand are always trying to ā€œsolveā€ the problem by crying on forums/reddit to CCP.

This reminds me that guy who lost Vargur to us and then he sent us message that we are noobs who attacks ships that canā€™t defend themselves. :smiley:

You are a fool.

I go where I please, when I please, and you are of no relevance.

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Theyve already exposed the fact they dont want to prevent it, they want to win a 10 to 1 engagement between a Tanker and 10 Destroyers.

There is no reason in this topic.


You donā€™t have to like it, but this is the exact sort of thing the Eve Universe is designed for. Player rivalry played out in space combat.

Your job should be easier now, since you have all the same timezone/location intel that Scipio has and know exactly what ships are being targeted. Shouldnā€™t you be out saving those Orcas?


You won EVE. Congratulations!
What will you do next?

Hereā€™s the truly crazy thing. What do you actually have the Orca for ? To what actual end ?

All ISK in Eve ultimately ends up making fighting ships, or mining ships that mine the ore that makes fighting ships. There is no such thing as simply being ā€˜a minerā€™. Every single kg of ore you mine is a kg towards a frigate or a destroyer or a cruiser. YOU are mining the very materials that make fighting ships possible. And in huge quantities !

So why the hell should you be immune to the consequences of that ?? With an Orca you ravage entire asteroid belts worth of ore that makes DPS ships. And you want to escape the Pandoraā€™s box that your mining is responsible for ? You want to evade the consequences of being part of the supply chain for war ?

I call hypocrisy. If you donā€™t want ganker Catalysts to existā€¦then stop mining the ore that makes them !

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As I miner, I approve of this logic. o7

Also, the ā€œis there a profit in this?ā€ question from that video is far more subjective than people are acknowledging. Does it have to be ISK that youā€™re profitinig in? Does it have to come directly from the target of the attack? If someone is offering to pay you to kill a particular personā€™s Orca for some reason, does that make your kill not griefing? What if you argue that youā€™re not griefing because you did it for the satisfaction of seeing the other playerā€™s hatemail, and even if you ddinā€™t get an angry letter, you had valid reason to expect it to work, and thus a valid expectation of profit in a sense that matters more to you than the loss in ISK? And if so, how can CCP track that? How can they judge how valuable a particular playerā€™s corpse will be in sentimental value tto the person making the kill? Or how much a few lines of inappopriate text might be valued by that player who recieved them from their opponent? Maybe I fill my notepad with the names of every other miner who ever grabbed one of the asteroids I was already shooting, and send them as a hitlist where Iā€™ll pay for killmails of my designated targets. I donā€™t, but you donā€™t know that for sure, do you? And for all I know, maybe the OP is actually paying for Orcas to be killed and is just pretending to cry to avoid suspicion.

Your use of the first of these shows that you probably arenā€™t aware of its historical context. I recommend doing some research. It becomes a MUCH different story when you do, but I think that actually makes it even more interesting to read than it is when youā€™re misinterpreting it. Not nearly as constructive for your argument here when you do, though, so maybe pick a different second title. Book of Five Rings would be a reasonable suggestion, but if you need something from a Western perspectiveā€¦ try Faith of the Fallen by Terry Goodkind. Itā€™s surprisingly good at prettending to be a high fantasy novel, considering itā€™s actually one of the most entertaining pieces of capitalist propaganda Iā€™ve ever read. Full of useful lessons for anyone who travels to New Eden.

As a miner AND manufacturer, my primary products so far have been the exact weapons and ammo Iā€™ve seen most often used against me. itā€™s how I picked what products to get hold of the BPOs for. Iā€™d be surprised if I havenā€™t had someone buy missiles which I had personally manufactured out of materials I had personally refined from ore I had personally mined, and then the first time that product is in someone elseā€™s hands, their first act is to attempt to kill me with it.

But Iā€™ve made more money in-game off every ship Iā€™ve lost than it would cost to replace it (by a huge margin, my least profitable dead ship was destroyed aftter paying for its cost more than 6 times over). I donā€™t expect to always do so in future, Iā€™m still quite new and have had a few risky plays that turned out in my favour. Maybe a few stupid ones too. But as long as I keep making profits which outpace my losses, Iā€™m satisfied that Iā€™m achieving the most important of my goals in EVE. If and when that stops being true, Iā€™ll be working hard to understand why and find ways to turn it around. If my ships are dying, and arenā€™t paying off their own cost, Iā€™ll be reassessing how I make use of those assets. If Iā€™m helping other players to make ISK, and not getting my own profits, then Iā€™ll be rethinking my relationships with players who are taking advantage of the services Iā€™m providing. If iā€™m providing them with better earnings, Iā€™ll be expecting payment to cover my costs while doing so, if Iā€™m not able to maintain my profit margins through other means.

The problem here is that, as a miner, I want them to exist, so Iā€™m going to keep mining even if some of the others wonā€™t. Imagine, though, if miners really tried to go on strike to protest this. If we really were as united against gankers as the angry ones try and pretend, it should be easy to arrange for mining operations to cease, if not completely then almost so. This means the availability of the ores and the minerals which come from them would dry up overnight. Suddenly those murderous catalysts will have their prices skyrocket because thereā€™s no resources available for anyone to build them. Demand is still high, but supply is almost nonexistent. On the other hand, with less miners in the sky, the gankers should find it easier to single them out as targets, catching them with less backup, which makes those rare mining trips which do happen more risky for the pilots. The fact that those now-rare resources are more highly-valued would mean the few miners who do keep operating would be able to charge such exorbitant rates that they can afford to hire defense fleets even for a single Venture undocking to mine veldspar. This leads, however, to more casualties among those players willing to defend the miner against theses attacks, as well as changes in tactics by the gankers, shifting the balance of what products are in demandā€¦ EVE continues as it always does, because thatā€™s the nature of this kind of market. It adapts to what people are doing with it.

ā€¦except of course, for that big ā€œIFā€ at the start, because there isnā€™t anything like unity among miners, even hisec-focused miners, on the subject of PvP and ganking. Many of us, while we take measures to keep ourselves safe from death by those means, donā€™t want to see the possibility of our deaths in those spaces removed from the game. We want to see ganking remain as a valid playstyle and a legitimate threat to our ships which requires us to pay attention and try to minimise those risks. As long as you keep throwing your missiles away, at me, other miners, or anyone else, Iā€™ll keep providing you with more. For a fair price, of course.


Just a short question, how much does an orca mine, would a barge not mine more in a shorter amount of time.

Or is all this about afk mining?

hey @Githany_Red before the compression patch and nerf to Orca/Rorq drone miningā€¦
An orca cuold actually beat out any exhumer, in fact using T2 drones I used enjoy the fact I could beat any group of unboosted hulks. Boosted exhumers were a different story though.

Now though even barges can out mine an orca, even one running a core.

Edit: prepach a maxe skilled orca even brick tanked could get 196 to 234 m3 per droneā€¦i believe now at least without a core running you max at around 140 maybe 143 yield fittedā€¦a yield fitted porpoise can get like 145m3 per drone yield fittedā€¦this is without using a core.

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The main benefit to an orca these days is in boosting the yield of other ships mining around it. Itā€™s best as a fleet support ship, not a solo/afk mining ship in the current meta. When used that way, it shouldnā€™t be an attractive gank target, because it should have a lot of other ships around it - potentially enough to tank through sheer strength in numbers and/or use of ECM or just having sufficient firepower through sheer numbers to be able to make it a challenge to pick that fight.

ā€¦and if youā€™re with a crew who are treating you fairly, youā€™ll have a corp funded ship replacement program, or join a fleet who pay you to be there because of your ship providing the fleet with better profits than it would manage without you.


I think they mentioned a Hulk before.

So they were using an Orca, a Hulk and multiboxing.
Thats some fair outlay in dollareuropounds for a task thats really not particularly profitable.

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I would be careful doing it in hek as new players under 30 days, if they understand the griefing rules, hek is considered off limits for griefing. Other than that, smash the orcas

Ahh maybe why those Hek Anti miner people never got off the ground.

Yea its apart of the soe arc flight system

HEHEHE of course there are players who donā€™t have the miner mentality even tough they are mining.

Thereā€™s a big multiboxing orca ice miner in Caldari space who once ganked a newbro in a venture just because he wanted to shove all the ice in his holes, I went there and asked the guy to SRP a venture and he delicned. His Athanor got bashed, itā€™s kinda funny the person thinks he is a big dog then some randoms throw that on his face, I kinda love it.


And that is the very epitome of karma.

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Best suggestion, I havenā€™t mined in a while but recently dusted my Porpoise and was pleasantly surprised especially now since you can compress ore makes it a viable solution and considering most rocks you find in high sec.

Mine in 0.9 is your best choice as you go down the risk is higher.

Mine outside of Caldari space as the population is over saturated, so is hot spots in Galente space, beyond those two areas the population drops pretty good.

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I dont know. The rookie griefing policy prevents taking advantage of the lack of game knowledge of new players.

I think anyone flying an Orca isnt being taken advantage of if they are ganked in Hek. They know enough by the time they jump in an Orca, that they should also know the risk.

I cant see CCP taking action against a ganker in that case.

With Hawk doing it specifically to make a statement against the soft cockness of HateLess, itā€™s clear he isnā€™t taking advantage of the lack of knowledge of any new player, even if he was to gank one in an Orca.


Not to worry Frostpacker is trying to force her out of Safety Alliance leader.


Hawk had already been called out on this and it is good that other Pilots notice this also.

/Which the only issue is using his version of RP all the while including a RL Icon (handle)(nickname) to do his evil reasoning.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to shoot Orcaā€™s remove from grid etc just not the current narrative in Hawkā€™s roleplay in doing it.

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