Wait, so YOU are @Iceacid_Frostpacker??
Wait, so YOU are @Iceacid_Frostpacker??
Entitled ablism coupled with victim culture has created some real monsters.
No no, only the messenger, don’t be linking any outstanding debts my way thank you very kindly!
/Obviously the postcard was from a stranger
And nobody stranger than a Frostpacker
so weird
are you a forum warrior
No unfortunately i don’t agree!
You owe 1 billion isk for being weird.
You owe me a fedo for our multi-million isk gambling fedo fighting ring where we are seeking a female fedo .
/ I would like to set up a scavenger hunt which should sound like fun to play along with.
No. I’m a 12 year old girl serving multiple consecutive life time sentences in a federal penitentiary for inflicting severe emotional trauma upon my victims by thoughtlessly destroying their fictional pixelated spaceships in a non-consensual player vs. player combat.
I’m only allowed on the forums (or a computer for that matter) when I’ve had good behavior.
Ganking: Maticulasly plot peoples habit’s and devise a plan to utterly destroy them using their habits against them.
PvP: Enjoying the challenge of competitive combat, learning game mechanics your own habits and that of the enemy in order to min max your winning chance’s while taking fights that have a chance of loosing just to get that extra bit of adrenaline pumping.
Trolling: This post.
Gate Camping: When life hands you below avg IQ a drinking and drug problem and you find others who are just as mentally challenged who can afk in 1 spot for hours while having as little thought process as possible.
You said it.
@ResonanceOfWar is a Troll
@Felix_Frostpacker What is this I see, that daft monkey @Iceacid_Frostpacker ganking himself again? Well as the princess said
I’m glad I’m not the one with stalkers the creepy level is going up.
Everyone on here is a troll in one way or another.
I’m an angel
We’re just trying to stay on track with the merry-go-round of Eve Online
Screenshot your pilot sitting in your capital please otherwise you don’t get to RAWL at us.
Stop the world, Frostpacker wants to get off.