You’re just jelly cause frosty can solo gate camp now!
Angel of destruction maybe.
I’d advise Frosty to gatecamp somewhere in the middle of nowhere, where there is no traffic. Wouldn’t want him to panic and gank himself by mistake.
Wow he is very handsome. Me like lots!
Respect 07
Looking at the current state of the ESS banks funds are rather tight right now.
[details=“Insert Money Sounds”]
Pls inform your care bears to become Grindbears….Okay?
Close shave
Not against @Altara_Zemara incredible, indestructible, think-of-largest-number-possible-and-multiply-it-by-a-googleplex DPS spewing Gnosis.
Nice try tho.
I have a theory, but discussing it would probably get this thread shut down.
I’ll give you a hint. It has something to do with a certain group of people that are unhinged when they don’t get what they want, or their entitled world view is shatter and they blame other people for “making” them feel things and wish horrible things upon those people, their kids, their parents and even their puppies while SJWs crawl out of the woodwork to applaud the victimized mentality.
Hush now, and make more catalysts for your princess.
Frosty requires a system of preference.
Don’t be a Chad… Okay sport!
The imperial system is based on the convention of measuring based on the human form, whereas the metric system is based on the definition of metre .
Chad you old goat ; do you remember yardsticks? Well I got news for you… they don’t make them any longer.
You may use that on me!