How do you define ganking, pvp and trolling

I don’t know what the OP is whining about. I started playing 5 years ago and made my first billion isk by ninja looting and salvaging other peoples wrecks. Infiltrating their level 4 missions, stealing their crap right out from under their noses. Blapping their MTU’s and busting them open like piñatas.

Sounds like he’s just an entitled twat that wants everything handed to him with no input or effort. I blame his parents.

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The latest generation. And don’t forget, everyone is a winner.


And on top of that many of them are whiners too. :innocent:

Especially true when someone else suffers and you are the one reaping the rewards. Extra for several people suffering losses and you reaping the rewards in the end. Jita fishing comes to mind as an obvious example.


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Jita sucks. Only Dodixie matters.
Caldari sucks. Only Gallente is worthy.

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Generally true but when you are there to steal loot and other fun and humorous activities then Dodixie is pretty boring and lacks activity in comparison thus is the inferior choice for that purpose.

It’s true that Dodixie is kind of quiet and is ill-equipped for that purpose. We just have less bums hanging out orbiting the system’s stations or spamming Local.
Down with the Caldari :fist:


Yeah for a good chat or even some fun duels and such Dodixie is king.

I remember many many years ago there was some guy who constantly called out non-residents in Dodixie as “tourists”. Always reminded me of those Japanese anti-foreigner people who use loudspeakers on the streets to shout “foreigners go home” (to put it very mildly) and such. Always found it hilarious.


If I recall correctly he was banned for RMT or some other stuff. He was posting spam contracts every now and then using some extremely rare item which he sold from an alt but the buy contract required them in larger quantities than what were obtainable and cancelled the contract afterward making bunch of billions or even dozens each time.

Also every new year’s eve he undocked one or few expensive ships as suspect and let it die near the undock. Was there myself on one such occasion. Now that was fun too. The good thing was it was not that crowded thing that Jita is so it was more of a friendly little event with a more coherent set of people as only a select few, active Dodixie residents and frequent visitors were aware of it.

After he got banned of course this practice ceased as well, not entirely sure if the ban has anything to do with it so who knows maybe it was a supposed smart way to hide RMT transactions (not so smart if got banned for it) but can not know either way so just some random thought.

Either way it is true Dodixie has a much more personal touch to it even if some of them die out over time.

(Edit: Btw if I recall correctly @Ratwerke_Actual might be interested to learn about this story regarding tourists and Dodixie in general.)

They are tourists. Amarrian tourists is okay but Minmatar and Caldari filth we don’t want.

It’s funny. I may start calling out the foreign bums in Local too.

That’s hilarious :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Jita and Rens may pass away but Dodixie will never die.

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Them fightin’ words.

I’ll meet you in Hek, for a dance off. That’ll settle things. Nice night club there. Perfect place to put the whole Caldari Gallente feud to rest…

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It always starts with words… except when it starts with preemptively shooting back. :smirk:


I accept your challenge, although I’m a poorly-trained Capsuleer and you will win, but the Gallente never back down to Caldari filth.
But it won’t be Hek. Let us do it in real space, the closest lowsec system to Hek.
I’m not home until next week though because I’m abroad on vacation so you filth will have to wait, that shall be your participation fee.

But you realize that even when you win, nothing will wipe that filth away from you Caldari scum.


You’re bad at dancing!? Come now. Hit the bar first, loosen up. Then hit the dance floor. PvP is so trite and pedestrian. Besides, Gallente do know how to make an entrance! Caldari just stand there all stiff like. So it should be an easy win for you.

Lasleinur is a nice system. It would be nice to go back and visit my old stomping grounds.

You can call them what they are: squids.



I don’t dance with Caldari!

I dont care. I am proud to die for the Gallente Federation against the likes of you.

Fine then, Lasleinur it is!

Now get out of my sight before I barf my dinner.



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I thought that was a natural process for the Gallente and how they feed their young.

Your mewling means nothing to me. See you in Minmatar-trash space, scum.

Only one problem, she is locked up in in a federal penitentiary for blowing up Gallente pixelated spaceships.

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Not my problem.

Minmatar trash space is the worst.

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