How do you define ganking, pvp and trolling

@Ax_l_Thorne is a she?? She’s ugly then.
And I hear fed pen for girls is more like a country club. She’s living it up on the backs of Gallente citizens.
Caldari corruption runs deeper than I imagined.


It stinks! They never put on cologne and don’t wash with soap. But you Amarrians already know that.
I can’t believe you allow that trash to serve you. They’re only good for dyin’

Most Minnmatar wash once an year whether they need to or not.

Smelling good is actually dangerous. In vietnam they could smell the american’s soap miles away.

You wanna make me barf too, don’t you.
I can’t decide which one is worse, the traitors or the trash of the cluster… has to be the traitors. At least Minmatar can be taught to wash.

That’s no lie.

Please don’t remind me of that butchery!

Minmatar men smell like original brut cologne after spending the day at the beach on some Temperate Planet. :beach_umbrella: :pick: :swimming_man: :snowflake:

You ought to have your olfaction checked. I know a great clinic in Luminaire.


Yes, there’s a lab there. Good station, great people.


Duvolle Laboratories :slightly_smiling_face:

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Oh am I a winner too

Yes sweetie, you won the boobie prize.



It was a combination of trolling and then ganking that got our FC to talk some idiot into flying 15 min back and forth to Amarr to fight an unarmed ship that he scanned to make sure, but our FC was very careful to word the conversation that led up to that and not to imply he would be alone. :wink:

Anger caused his loss.

EVE = Everyone Vs Everyone. What doesn’t everyone get?

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Have you asked the game if that is what it identifies as?

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No need, just look at zkillboard. We can also see, from a quick glance, that @Ax_l_Thorne is a homopathic 12 year old girl that likes blowing up pixelated spaceships.

Any attack on non-pvp ships (ratting ships included, because they are useless in pvp) is ganking.
Ganking is not pvp, it’s a pve with a spectator, because only 1 player’s action affect the outcome. If it so happens that you fail a gank, it’s because you suck terribly, managing to lose from a completely commanding position, it’s a self-destruct, and its not the other guy’s fault.

MESS trolling is not pvp, it’s a random douchery looking for undeserved ISK and kills.
Filament roaming is not pvp, it’s random douchery looking for undeserved ISK and kills.

Red vs Blue is pvp.
FW is pvp.
Sov timers when both sides commit is pvp.

pretty much everything else isn’t.

Actually no, if you walk into an ambush, it is you who sucks as too dumb to avoid it.

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I assume this is a misunderstanding, because we meant exactly the same thing.

There is no way to set up a decent ambush that won’t be near-obvious, so walking into it is indeed dumb, and counts as a failed gank.

Make sure to play the game before you theorycraft.

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We excel in ambushing silly gankers , loot thieves and alpha gankers , you have to be careful as salt levels can be high . Your right it takes planning . Let me know if you want me to list a few .

In fact we are planning one as I type this