How do you define ganking, pvp and trolling

Make sure to read the instructions on the shampoo bottle, it’s there for people like you not to strangle yourself with it.

Mate, we’re literally talking not tripping over your own legs level of care needed.
Then again, gankers being stupid is hardly news. You don’t fall into the most idiot-proof gameplay otherwise.

I sense it’s gonna be entertaining, so go ahead.

HI, bearing in mind any official definition of the word ‘stupid’ (rather than what the word means to you), please tell us precisely in what way gankers are ‘stupid’.

On the other hand, if you’re only concerned with the word as self-defined, then we’ll comfortably be able to dismiss your description as unsupported opinion.

The Court of C&P thanks you for your time, miner.

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Anyone that doesn’t play by his rules and whoops his ass.

I’ll need to compose myself a bit , in a field listening to The Boom Town Rat live ,

Not the time to address the C & P Cout :smiling_face::partying_face:

You lost?

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Stop it or you will get this locked too🍻


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A gank is a guaranteed success. There is no way to fail it by normal means.

Yet every day we see gankers go above and beyond normal means in order to fail the unfailable, and sometimes succeed in failure so spectacularly that it ends up in a failed gank.

Taking something a normal person would consider trivial, and failing at it in a spectacular fashion, without having any adverse condition contributing to your failure, is a textbook case of stupid.

You’ve forgot to include the classic: “Ganking is not real PvP” :wink:

:smirk: :innocent: :popcorn:

It was never pvp to begin with, so why would I include this ganker excuse?

You never PvP’ed to begin with, unless we talking forum PvP where you are currently getting your ass whooped. You possess an uncanny ability to defy logic and common sense, possessing an inexhaustible arsenal of absurdity and an unwavering commitment to misguided beliefs. What’s your excuse?

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That’s some very polite way to call him delusional, especially so coming from a ganking aspirant. :upside_down_face:


There was a time in December 2014 where I decided that squatting in Pure Blind and seeing if the possibly fattest spacelords of the game at the time, CFC at its prime, can evict me. Ended up evicting them with ISK efficiency of 88%.
That’s where you’re ignorant and wrong #1.

But it’s your rear that is on fire, not mine! My arguments are sound, and that infuriates you.
That’s where you’re ignorant and wrong #2.

Popular misconceptions carried by intellectual majority are neither logic nor common sense.
That’s where you’re ignorant and wrong #3.

That’s what I need to show people like you how absurd they are.

That, from a someone with an integrity of a puppy accident, is a compliment.

Never needed any. It’s you who are making one. And I don’t need yours either btw, heard it all.

After fighting them for longer than most the act of a gank may not be PvP , but I’m in no doubt that most gankers do PvP, the odd time we catch them and force a fight they do PvP well . We once forced one to gate jump with on a cruiser , we have tackle there to hold him . He was getting though our tacklers fast untill I arrived with a cruiser to take him out . He could have made the jump back but wanted to fight . That’s pvp

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As I’ve now said countless times in response to such claims…that is just sheer nonsense. PvP for a potential ‘gankee’ starts the minute you undock…in fact even before that as you decide your route, whether you will scout it, what ship you will fly, and so on.

I have, for example, flown my entire collection of station bashing and logi ships through Uedama several times. The Guardian fitting is 450m ISK and contains no turret weapons. And only has 45K or so of EHP. Very easily gankable. So my first step is to fit it with inertial stabilisers, just for the duration of the move, to decrease the align time. Then I have a scout at Uedama waiting for the perfect moment…

…and the perfect moment to go through Uedama is when all the gankers are already flashy red, as that means they have just ganked someone and are in a station waiting out the timer. I even take steps to get round the gankers own scouting and alert system, as they often know you are coming from several systems away. Thus I will sometimes deliberately dock up at Sivala and log off. The ganker alert chain is then broken, as they have no idea when I will log in again and make a dash for Uedama.

See…there’s all manner of steps one can take. The whole myth of being ‘defenceless’ against gankers is just nonsense. You can actually turn it into a great cat and mouse game where you derive pleasure in foiling the gankers.

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Is antiganking pvP?

Just as much as ganking is but more so in the example I gave

PvP is defined as Player v Player. If they are not not players , what are they?

How did I know @Githany_Red would be the heroine in the story?

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Amazing story.

I wonder if they even noticed you, or were just jumping anyway.

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