How do you define ganking, pvp and trolling

Your side has zero killboard ( which is typical of those arguing your side on this forum ) and thus zero record of ever having undocked. It never ceases to amaze me on this forum how people with no record of ever having undocked seek to lecture everyone about what happens when people undock !!

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Thatā€™s an obvious alt, for reasons that posting from your main attracts all kind of stupid, especially when you go against dumb misconceptions, and have a tendency for brutal honesty.

Anyway, my main is opsec, so donā€™t even ask.


Goshā€¦what a surprise ! It follows the general trend that all the honest people on the forum post on their main ( or at least a character that actually undocks ) whilst all the dishonest people post on alts.

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Thatā€™s quite opposite. The scum usually post with their main, while honest people have to make a disguise to not get special olympics launched on them.

I posted with my main once and got a wardec by someone just as butthurt as you. Not a problem for me, but alliance complained, so no more giving dishonesty special olympic teams a chance, alt it is.

P.S. My main is closing on 1T in destroyed ISK, just for reference, you know.


Thatā€™s right and just 3 iq score higher than yours


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Blocked for evasion of block - fine 1 billion isk.

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Do I really need to quote the Devā€™s for you? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Paid to Mike

No matter what the say itā€™s a wise plan

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Common, man. Itā€™s all about the subjective perception of reality and feelings. Objective truth has no place in such a forward thinking modern society.

Whoops! Thank you Uriel; edited.

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A gank is not always a guaranteed success. However well-prepared, there may be unexpected or challenging situations which manage to trip-up the would-be ganker. Some of these are:

Disconnects - not unknown to many players involved in critical activities.
The target suddenly deciding to move away from the warp-in - weā€™re not mind readers.
Being unable to scan the vesselā€™s fit - which can only be done uncloaked
Being caught by anti-gankers - a rare but possible outcome

We cannot second-guess the actions of others, neither can every ganker afford the number of Omega accounts required these days. Fleeting up is a better option, and even though these attacks are mostly successful, they too occasionally fall foul of unanticipated interventions. Thatā€™s the game.

No, miner. A normal (reasonable) person would presumably cite lack of skill or knowledge as the reason for failing what they regarded as a trivial task.

Skills and knowledge can be acquired through experience and education. Common sense, generally, can not.

I note that you have decided to impose your own definition of ā€˜stupidā€™ onto your argument. It is therefore unsupported opinion (not ā€˜onionā€™, thanks Uriel).

Please go back and re-examine your prejudices with greater rigour. I think you will find that gankers are, as a group, not at all stupid if they fail a gank. They may be unlucky, certainly, but ā€˜stupidā€™, they are not.

To help you, the Court suggests that you consider the difference between stupidity and ignorance.

Some folks, of course, are guilty of both.

For somebody who is not mad about 9 year old killmils, you do keep whining about it. That was 3 killmails, there are 52 of them,one of your members though managed to gangbang some poor sod 6v1 with your alliance which accoring to you is not PvP, hypocrite.

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The Court notes that, earlier, you told the Sub-Forum that, in 2014 (so, 10 years ago) you wiped the floor with unwanted intruders. Did your fortunes suddenly take a downturn?

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If ganking is ā€˜unavoidableā€™ then howcome Iā€™ve flown expensive and gankable ships all over Eve and not been ganked ? Only today Iā€™ve moved my 700m ISK Fleet Issue Typhoon 17 jumps right through Uedama. It would normally take 7 or 8 Catalysts to gank itā€¦but I changed the fitting, just for the move, to reduce align time to 6 seconds and increase EHP by another 30K. And I had a scout in Eudama and Sivala watching out for gankers.

And I avoided the ā€˜unavoidableā€™ gank.

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@Uriel_the_Flame frosty read your reply along with everyone elseā€™s replies.

We like what we had read so far though we are not going to click like :+1:t2: onour downvote request threadā€¦ :popcorn:

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Crazy, I just checked the zKillboard record of my Trader/Hauler Alt and guess what, despite being active since 2009 (yes Brainiac, thats 15 YEARS), it has exactly zero (0) losses in Highsec. That little beauty has moved trillions of ISK from Amarr to Jita, from Jita to Dodixie and back. In BlockadeRunners, DSTs, Freighters. Not ganked a single time. What kind of black magic is that?

Gankers should probably reporting me for exploiting, that canā€™t be right if ganking is ā€˜unavoidableā€™.

OR (attention: bold theory incoming!):

If you are ganked, you just witness the end of a long chain of mistakes. You die to a gank, itā€™s 100% your own fault, you had all chances in the world to not fall for the trap.