How do you define ganking, pvp and trolling

It’s only 2 things.
Trolling and PvP.
Ganking falls under the PvP umbrella so it doesn’t count as a separate playstyle.

-Trolling is when someone gets bored with everything he likes doing and takes some time to bother other players by whatever means at his disposal.
-PvP is player versus player in whatever setting or, as is the case in EVE, in whatever security space you find yourself into at the time of the attack.

See you at the party, Richter!



Get the ■■■■ out, and stay gone.

You crying, puling, craven little carebears being pandered to for 12+ years is what’s turned EVE into a joke that veteran players like me and a lot of others in this forum --That’d be the ones who’ve kept EVE going for 20 ■■■■■■■ years, because it sure as ■■■■ wasn’t CeeMeePee and their famed and storied competence and institutional integrity!-- really only bother with anymore out of habit and time already invested – a lot of time already invested.

You wanna know why there’s so much suicide-ganking in hisec?

Because your ilk finally convinced CCP to all-but-explicitly turn off all other forms of emergent game-play/PvP in hisec, not least of all and most especially solo/small-corp wardecs.

You’ve already got as close to perfect safety in EVE as you’ll ever have as long as you don’t get complacent and stop waiting for nanny-CCP to come save you.

You’ve got what you wanted, now shut up, enjoy it, and leave the rest of ours’ game alone, ■■■■■■■ finally.

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By the way anyone who’s paying attention can see if they keep complaining CCP will nerf things more and more, just as in the past, many times, until even ganking will be gone. So yeah if they have the persistence and numbers CCP will bend to their will.

Will see if they have what it takes to win the meta in the end. :thinking:

Some people (according to their midnset) define it as:

Of course their definition has nothing to do with reality or facts, but the question was not what is instead how (someone) define it. :slight_smile:

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Give a whiner an inch and they take a mile

@Uriel_the_Flame Labelling anyone you disagree with as a troll is a tactic to get their posts deleted or thread locked.

certain types of conduct are prohibited on the EVE Online forums. These are:

  • Trolling
  • Flaming
  • Ranting
  • Personal Attacks
  • Harassment
  • Doxxing
  • Racism & Discrimination
  • Hate Speech
  • Sexism
  • Spamming
  • Bumping
  • Off-Topic Posting
  • Pyramid Quoting
  • Rumor Mongering
  • New Player Bashing
  • Impersonation
  • Advertising

Good observation.

Though I think it is also a personal thing to them as well on top of what you mention. I think they need self-justification so labeling opposing information as troll creates a false impression of righteousness in their mind and being able to act as if what they say is factual if they simply label facts that contradict them as trolling. A form of self-delusion.

In a sense it is a less refined form of doublethink:

“the act of simultaneously accepting two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct. According to Winston Smith, the protagonist of 1984, doublethink is “To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself—that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word—doublethink—involved the use of doublethink.” Four examples of doublethink used throughout 1984 include the slogans: War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength, and 2 + 2 = 5.”

Though in this case he did not yet mastered the craft and can not live with the lies so have to convince himself that the fact others cite and which contradict him are just dismissable on a moral ground so the logical part of his brain doesn’t have to recognize him being wrong as he not yet can deal with it.

A true doublethinker could simply live with two truths at the same time even if they contradict eachother, and only act based on the chose one that suits their narrative at the current moment of discussion, and can shift as needed even within the same sentence.


Very good @Uriel_the_Flame .

You will be relieved to know its not just the 20 year old vets who have that view. There’s more than enough newer players such as myself ( a ‘mere’ 2.5 years ) who entirely agree.

I think a lot of players are simply scared to truly engage in the game. They make excuses…too much ganking, lowsec is scary, can’t afford to lose ships…or the ultimate one of ’ I just want to chill out and watch a mining laser’. They want Eve to be ‘safe’ because they don’t have the gumption or the skills to engage others in combat.

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I think that popup should exist only for Omega players who own a POS!

I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle.


You’re 2.5 months late for trying an April fool’s joke.

Wrong type of game.

I recommend Final Fantasy IV, you can be a bunny girl.

When raiding an ESS bank it will be forgotten if you mail a thank you note.

Very well put!

so what excatly do you want from these players cause it sounds like you want them to quit which is what a lot of them end doing why are you angry also 2.5 years is not that new

okay lets think what you just said peice by peice

You crying, puling, craven little carebears being pandered to for 12+ years is what’s turned EVE into a joke that veteran players like me and a lot of others in this forum
I could say the simalar thing about

your anger, saltyness and toxicty let to thrive for 20 years turend eve into a toxic envorment that a lot of new players like get discourged from joining cause you keep blowing them up.

That’d be the ones who’ve kept EVE going for 20 ■■■■■■■ years, because it sure as ■■■■ wasn’t CeeMeePee and their famed and storied competence and institutional integrity

when you say keep eve going what do you mean by that do you mean shootin non pvpers is shooting miners that integral to eve can you list your main cause i checked this guys killborad and this is defently a alt if you have been playing for 20 years lets see your mains kills cause if your defnation of keeping eve alive is shooting newbies in ventures then I do not think your arugment is really that great.

Because your ilk finally convinced CCP to all-but-explicitly turn off all other forms of emergent game-play/PvP in hisec, not least of all and most especially solo/small-corp wardecs.

so does that mean you support have war decs against highsec corps minding their own buisness who do not have the money or rescoures to defend themselvs

You’ve already got as close to perfect safety in EVE as you’ll ever have as long as you don’t get complacent and stop waiting for nanny-CCP to come save you.
You’ve got what you wanted, now shut up, enjoy it, and leave the rest of ours’ game alone, ■■■■■■■ finally.

what do you mean he got what he wanted

ps I am not defnding his idea I am just attacking yours

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depnding on where he lives your a day off

Yes, if they quit, that leaves more for the rest of us.

that means you have less miners mining

I’m fine with that.

It’s better for the other miners if I cull the herd.

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actully your right less miners equals less ore on the market and that equals more isk for ore but I still do not support it