How do you define ganking, pvp and trolling

Yes, I know, that’s why CCP encourages me to keep ganking.

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No I want players to realise their full potential rather than hiding away in an asteroid belt somewhere and pretending they joined the game solely to be a miner and stare at a mining laser 4 hours a day.

what if thats what they joined eve to do
some people llike doing that

Sadly, there are people like this everywhere. it’s a fact of life. I write ‘sadly’, because I’m certain that at least some of them are quite aware of their situation and would do something about it, if only they could conceive of what to do and how to do it.

There’s an example of such a person in a book, whose behaviour is likened to that of a dog. Whatever you say to him, he just lolls out his tongue, cocks his head and grins back at you.

I am compassionate in my treatment of those idle miners. It has been well said that:

‘Highsec miners may say they come for the ice and ore, but I give them what they really need: Purpose, dignity, structure, order, guidance, leadership. They ask what I am “saving” them from. I save the miners from themselves.’ (James 315: The Code)

Those that can’t be saved are doomed to stare at those mining lasers day after doleful day and, after consuming a quart of some high-energy drink, they come on the Forum and whine about lack of content or ‘Ebil Gwankers’.

I have some advice for them: Stay, fight, or leave. It’s really that simple.

You remember, Altara, how your view of such matters underwent a sea-change when you were able to take a moment to reflect on the behaviour and attitudes of the Highsec Sloth Population.

I have always respected your very public avowal that your first impressions were later revised, in the light of actual experience. That takes courage, so it’s unlikely to be the go-to response of the myopic malcontents we frequently encounter in C&P.


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You do like a good whine about PvP, don’t you troll?

Show me on the doll where Aiko ganked you

See what I did there?


Even better is that I truly know the mindset of the anti-gankers because I have been one. It is 100% risk aversion. The minute I started actually taking risks, the entire mindset flipped and I realised that risk was 1000 times more exciting than avoiding risk.

Your quote from James 315 is spot on.

No…I think people persuade themselves that they like it. If there had been an advert before they joined Eve that said ’ join Eve, and spend 4 hours a day staring at a mining laser’ they’d have thought ‘meh…how boring’. But once they are in, they don’t want to feel defeated by the game, so they convince themselves that mining was what they’ve been aching to do since they were born. Then they can tell all their friends ‘hey…I play that game with all the big space battles’.

When I first came to EvE, I wanted to PvP, so naturally I wanted to PvP against the mean bully griefers who were harassing the poor innocent freighters. However, after speaking to antigankers for a few minutes, I realized they are lazy, selfish, greedy, paranoid, and incredibly anti-social. All they did was whine and complain about how there was nothing that they could do, and certainly nothing a new player could do. They had no community, and just argued with each other in the Gank Intel channel. They failed to recruit me, and in hindsight, that was a big mistake!

Antiganking failed again…

Naturally, I wondered… Why should I, just a new player, waste my time to save someone else’s billion isk freighter, while they were AFK? Why? The antigankers said I should do it on principle, but I decided to just kill them on principle. It’s more profitable, more fun, and much better content. The gankers are fun to hang out with, cool people who laugh and are good at the game, teaching me things and exploring new possibilities. Sure, I could have been leader of the antigankers, but I found a different path, one that is open to every new player!


  • New players don’t have to be miners.

  • New players can kill miners instead.


And so, a legend was born.


No they don’t.

Mining is a massocistic, boring activity whereby you vegitate, siting and staring at rocks for hours like watching paint dry. Nobody could possibly enjoy this unless they are brain dead. If they say they enjoy this, they lie.

Addtionally miners have a secret desire to get ganked and looted ; the longer they mine, the greater the desire, and if they lucky, will be ganked, looted and tea bagged by the legendary Aiko Danuja herself…

Gankers actually do miners a favour as save them from the mindless, brain dead activity called mining.


Is this the thread where gankers forum gank @milkyway_miner? :thinking:


:smirk: :blush: :wink:

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Miners love it.

In his own thread?


They should have bought a posting permit if they wanted to be safe. Or confined themselves to the Fiction Portal which is a designated free speech zone and a “sister system” of Osmon.

At the very least they haven’t transgressed by trying to be a good poster and include relevant gifs in their responses as they have yet to purchase the supplemental multimedia posting permit.

That’s why they are AFK, watching Netflix instead.

No one enjoys it. It’s a passive activity that people see as an “easy” way to make isk while not playing the game. That’s why they get their panties in a bunch when someone ganks them. How dare they force the miner to pay attention to the game while playing it. But they want their cake and icecream, so they come running to the forums to cry and whine to CCP, while trying to justify their inattentive attitudes by blame shifting and creating strawman arguments about how gankers are RL sociopaths, and generally rotten people.




At this point in the game, gankers seem to be the 2nd most active and professional players other than those who don’t get ganked. :wink:

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